We All Friend

I Still Love U Even Many Years U Away

It was......... Boyfriend group....

"Yah! You walk too fast...I am tired pursue" Minwoo said...

"By the way can we all be your friend??" said Youngmin....you just  nod...

"Ouh...it seem your bag too heavy..." said the leader of Boyfriend group.... "can i hold it?" he continue back.... You just nod and give it....

You just don't know what too talk and just nod and answer what they question you...

But...you unnoticed what they do with your bag because you chat and laughing with Kwangmin and Youngmin.

Minwoo just take your phone and just do missed call at Kwangmin phone...Just then he do thumbs up to the leader... Then the leader carry back your bag...

After that...You suddenly stop...and said..."Here. We reach my home...Kamsamhamnida for walk with me...You all do nice to me....Kamsamhamnida again..." You also wave at them and they reply back..

When all Boyfriend group walking together....Minwoo just hi-5 with Kwangmin...And Kwangmin said thanks to Minwoo for helping him....

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Thanks for sharing.
wonwoojpeg #2
It's so good! ^o^
i really love your story.. your story are the best ever...!!
iLoveJoTwins #4
Thanks for all your comment....<br />
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And don't forget to read my new updating story...
thucthuc #5
I love your emotioncons, and wow thank you for the fast update
Woahh. youre really fast on updating.! :)) hehe <br />
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i wonder what happened long time ago when she doesnt have amnesia?? ^^ hmmm . oh well i love your updates. hihi update soon ^^
ForeverFive #7
I will ;D
iLoveJoTwins #8
NO....It just...<br />
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Just read my story....Hehe....support me....<br />
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Make lot comments yarh!!! kamsam....
ForeverFive #9
I wonder if kwangmin did something bad to her?
ForeverFive #10
;D so, kwangmin know what really happen to her. No wonder he didn't shocked when he met her in the last few chapters. You're faaast!