Chapter 1

I Still Love U Even Many Years U Away

I woke up early when I suddenly awakened. I rest at my bed. Suddenly I look at my necklace. And suddenly I remember when I at hospital past. ( At United Kingdom for treatment)


I wake up from my sleep... Suddenly someone come at me...It was ajumma..."new you wake up after years of my swoon" ajumma said. I was shock for what she said and ask him...."can I know who are you? " you said. Suddenly you see at her face have a tear that flow out from his eyes... " you don't know me?" ajumma said while sob... I shake my head to left and right... Then she shout called doctor... the doctor come and told ajumma to go out while the doctor want to check me.... After the doctor check me the doctor go out chat something with that ajumma... Suddenly I heard a scream voice..."maybe that ajumma again" I thought... that ajumma also sobbed.. I still don't understand why that ajumma sobbed and I just ignored it and feel asleep....

After I woke up again...I saw that ajumma beside me again when I woke up... "can i talk with you?" she ask... I just nod... "you really did't recognize me??? even a memories???" she asked... I was just shake my head to left and right... "actually i'm your omma...."she said. I was just to remember it...but I can't...."mianhae...I can't remember" you said. The ajumma was your omma... "it's okay my daughter...I just want to tell that you my daughter that accident and make you loss your memory..." my omma said while sob.... "I was just feel fault not recognised you....while you my omma.."you said... "it's okay...I know it's hard for just take a lot of rest.... you need enough rest...." your omma said... "okey..." you said...

After that your omma gone... Just then you feel like sleeping....

Suddenly you awakened when you heard a weird voice...that was nurse at that hospital packed your thing.... You weird and ask him... "urmmmm.....can I know...Why you packed my thing??" you ask..." the doctor said you can go back to your house since you healthy" said that nurse..."ouh yeah???? Kamsamhamnida!!!" you said...Suddenly your omma go into your room and said..." Yah...What that nurse said was true....Since you here for many years....almost 5 years you did't unconscious...." " are you serious omma?" you ask.. Your omma jus nod while she take out something from his bag and gave it to you..."this is your necklace that you wear when you accident" your omma said... You take that necklace form your mom and wear it... " kamsamhamnida...but I can't remember it...but i still want wear it....since i feel mean to me...''

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Thanks for sharing.
wonwoojpeg #2
It's so good! ^o^
i really love your story.. your story are the best ever...!!
iLoveJoTwins #4
Thanks for all your comment....<br />
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And don't forget to read my new updating story...
thucthuc #5
I love your emotioncons, and wow thank you for the fast update
Woahh. youre really fast on updating.! :)) hehe <br />
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i wonder what happened long time ago when she doesnt have amnesia?? ^^ hmmm . oh well i love your updates. hihi update soon ^^
ForeverFive #7
I will ;D
iLoveJoTwins #8
NO....It just...<br />
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Just read my me....<br />
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Make lot comments yarh!!! kamsam....
ForeverFive #9
I wonder if kwangmin did something bad to her?
ForeverFive #10
;D so, kwangmin know what really happen to her. No wonder he didn't shocked when he met her in the last few chapters. You're faaast!