At Korea

I Still Love U Even Many Years U Away

After pack my thing and omma.... we gone back to our home...(at Korea)...

At flight...I was just sleep along....

When we reached at Korea... I was just happy...and i was just feel that I have lot memories at here... We go to our house sat before...

~~~~BACK AT BED~~~~~

I was just awoke from dreams... And rush go to toilet take a bath... After I ready...I go to down for breakfast... I eat with my omma since only we two at that house...

After that..."after have a breakfast....let's go to mall to buy your new uniform since you start school tomorrow" my omma said... I was just nod since i focused while eaten...

~At the Mall~

My omma buy all thing for school...After finished...We return back to house....

After I store all the tools for schools... I have permit from my omma to go out take the wind...

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Thanks for sharing.
wonwoojpeg #2
It's so good! ^o^
i really love your story.. your story are the best ever...!!
iLoveJoTwins #4
Thanks for all your comment....<br />
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And don't forget to read my new updating story...
thucthuc #5
I love your emotioncons, and wow thank you for the fast update
Woahh. youre really fast on updating.! :)) hehe <br />
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i wonder what happened long time ago when she doesnt have amnesia?? ^^ hmmm . oh well i love your updates. hihi update soon ^^
ForeverFive #7
I will ;D
iLoveJoTwins #8
NO....It just...<br />
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Just read my me....<br />
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Make lot comments yarh!!! kamsam....
ForeverFive #9
I wonder if kwangmin did something bad to her?
ForeverFive #10
;D so, kwangmin know what really happen to her. No wonder he didn't shocked when he met her in the last few chapters. You're faaast!