At House

I Still Love U Even Many Years U Away

You and him go to your house since your omma will celebrate your birthday at your home....

When you about to go home you forgot about all your classmate.....and suddenly you receive a text....


Where both of you go? We thought you all at your house....

Ahhhhhhh....forget about it.....

Don't forgot come here...We all at here....


*did you two kiss???? caught.....*

= M I N W O O =


You laughed when you read the weird how he knows....*maybe he just puzzle* you thought....


~~~~AT YOUR HOME~~~~

When you and Kwangmin reached at your house......all your classmate shout when you two holding hands while smiling.... " woahhhhh......were you two couple back???'' you heared someone asking you....but you just want to ask....but suddenly Kwangmin cancel your intentions since he just want to mentions somethings.....

" From now....~~~ my girlfriend..Watch out who want to flirt him! '' Kwangmin joke

All your classmate congrates to you...

But you noticed that your omma were shock when she looking at Kwangmin....You see your omma like knew Kwangmin long time..... When you busy looking at your omma you did't notice that Kwangmin just do sign language to your omma to keep shut up.....

You just ignored your omma and busy chat with your classmate....

When your omma see you busy chatting with your classmate....she go to Kwangmin and take his hand and went outside your house...

" Yah!!! Why you here????!!!! your omma said....

" I just....just....." Kwangmin did't know what to talk....

" You did't enough suffer my daughter....." your omma said since he did't know what to talk...

He did't unpatient when your omma just accused of recklessly and said...." You did't know the real story...." when he about to continue back what he suddenly go out since you hear loud voice....

" Yah...I am looking at you anywhere...." you said while take his hand and took him inside your house....

Your omma just shocked.....and  went inside house with the move crippled....

When it was the ending of the party.... since you,Kwangmin and the other's boyfriend band only at your house.....Kwangmin and his friend ask your permit to return house since it was late....

After all of your friend return their house...

" Can i talk with you something....??" your omma asked...

"What..???''  you said..

"I did't like you couple with Kwangmin.... I want both of you ending this relationship....if you not hear what i'm said don't ever consider me as your omma..." you omma said and just leave you alone....

You were about to shock for what your omma said.....and without you knowing.....your fears flow from your eyes....

* why omma just said that to me....wheter she did't think my feeling.....but if she did't think my feeling....she should't consider me as his daughter before this..* you said while your tears speed out of your eyes....

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Thanks for sharing.
wonwoojpeg #2
It's so good! ^o^
i really love your story.. your story are the best ever...!!
iLoveJoTwins #4
Thanks for all your comment....<br />
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And don't forget to read my new updating story...
thucthuc #5
I love your emotioncons, and wow thank you for the fast update
Woahh. youre really fast on updating.! :)) hehe <br />
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i wonder what happened long time ago when she doesnt have amnesia?? ^^ hmmm . oh well i love your updates. hihi update soon ^^
ForeverFive #7
I will ;D
iLoveJoTwins #8
NO....It just...<br />
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Just read my me....<br />
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Make lot comments yarh!!! kamsam....
ForeverFive #9
I wonder if kwangmin did something bad to her?
ForeverFive #10
;D so, kwangmin know what really happen to her. No wonder he didn't shocked when he met her in the last few chapters. You're faaast!