
I Still Love U Even Many Years U Away

~~~Kwangmin POV~~~~

I just ignored what Minwoo said... I just go to my class since you are there....I see you at your sit looking at the window....I just go sit beside him and said..."Mianhae...I just did't mean it....." You look at Kwangmin "yes i know it....I know you good...." you said while give him your smile....


Kwangmin just feel fault to you...Just then his friend come in to the class....Kwangmin look at his friend and do the long face to help him.....All his friend understand and come at you and Kwangmin...

"Yah ~~~!!!! Did you sulk with Kwangmin???" said Minwoo....

You just wake up from your dream and...."Mwo!!!! I just arsenic" you said....

All of your friends said "OUH" together....Suddenly you laugh.....

"But what are you dreams???" Kwangmin said....

"I......I....I....just want to know all about my old memories..." you said.

Kwangmin just staring at you......*I want it to's seem hard to you...I did't want to do same mistake as before* Kwangmin said...but only him hear what his said....Kwangmin go to his place with sad face....

All his friends do not say anything and just swallow the saliva.....

After that the teacher come and start the lesson....

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Thanks for sharing.
wonwoojpeg #2
It's so good! ^o^
i really love your story.. your story are the best ever...!!
iLoveJoTwins #4
Thanks for all your comment....<br />
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And don't forget to read my new updating story...
thucthuc #5
I love your emotioncons, and wow thank you for the fast update
Woahh. youre really fast on updating.! :)) hehe <br />
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i wonder what happened long time ago when she doesnt have amnesia?? ^^ hmmm . oh well i love your updates. hihi update soon ^^
ForeverFive #7
I will ;D
iLoveJoTwins #8
NO....It just...<br />
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Just read my me....<br />
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Make lot comments yarh!!! kamsam....
ForeverFive #9
I wonder if kwangmin did something bad to her?
ForeverFive #10
;D so, kwangmin know what really happen to her. No wonder he didn't shocked when he met her in the last few chapters. You're faaast!