
[Puzzle p i e c e s. ] (Completed!)
Andrew, Andrew... His name ran through my mind as I tried to fall asleep on my memory foam mattress. I could feel myself sinking into the layer. My heart pounded from the night. After the discussion, Andrew talked to me the whole time, trying to comfort me though I was clearly already comforted. But yet the words I wanted to ask him couldn't come out of my mouth as I spoke with him. He invited me over to his place tomorrow so I could ask him there if I could find my courage. Stop being a coward, I told myself over and over. Just fourteen more hours...
I woke up late this morning, not being able to get much of a shut-eye because of all my hectic over-thinking. I should stop stressing while I try to sleep but sometimes-- or a lot of times, it never works. I sprinted off my mattress toward my bathroom, taking a quick shower. Midway out the door, I remembered that I still haven't brushed my teeth. I giggled and returned back into the steamy bathroom. After twenty minutes, I was ready. My father was at work again and so Jessica had to drive me. I told her along the way about my crazy night. When I spoke of Andrew, her eyes were always hard. "Don't you think he's too perfect?" Jessica finally spoke. "Uhh, or maybe he's my Prince. I bet he has a bad side and doesn't show it," I answered. "What if he was toying with you?" Jessica's voice was stern and her tone turned an octave higher. "Whaa--" "Just be EXTRA careful! This guy cannot be that perfect! He's no god! Keep your eyes open wide and watch his movements. Don't let him get too close to you." Jessica sped through, down the street toward 1456 Alpine Woods St. I didn't say anything else except a good-bye and rang the doorbell. Be careful? Maybe Jessica could be slightly right... I'll take her advice to look out. The house looked very stunning. It stood out from the dreary two-storey's near by. "Hello," a friendly voice answered. It must be Andrew's mother. "Welcome in! You must be Cera Jonah. Andrew's been talking about you lately." What a common and overly-welcoming phrase to say. I smiled politely at her and stepped into the spacious foyer, already in awe. "No wonder you guys are interior designers." I commented. "Aw, thanks!" Andrew's mother blushed. "Andrew told you that we were designers? He doesn't talk about us very often." "Well, I want to be a home designer too, except maybe extending out to gardens and exteriors," I heard myself babbled. "Really? That's marvelous! Unlike you, Andrew wants to be a technician or someone working with modern-day technologies, like for that company, N. O. Vative Technologies." His mother took a sip at her warm tea. "Well, actually, my father manages the place. The one who started the company is my grandfather." She nearly sputtered out the liquid in , nearly choking. "Wow. That would be perfect. You could marry one of my sons." She was amazed at the news and I heard her mutter, "Andrew never tells me these things." One of your sons? I wondered in my mind. He has a brother? He never told me that! "Where's Andrew by the way?" I asked. "Oh, he's downstairs in the basement. Told me not to bother him. His father is at work. Would you like my company's card?" She took out a classy looking business card and handed it to me. I thanked her and decided to explore the house. The most magnificent part of the house would probably be the pool room, or the theatre room. I couldn't choose. I admired the large, sparkling chandelier that hung above my head in the echoing library room. I finally decided to go up the stairs, towards the upper level. I heard some flushing noise and the bathroom door swinging open. I my right and-- "oof!" I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up, Andrew? "Andrew!" I exclaimed. I nearly ed my arms around him, but was stopped by the puzzling and confused look on his face. This happened again at the party. Maybe his flaw was his bad memory. I giggled, "Cera Jonah?" I reminded him. I looked at his overall appearance. He was exactly like Andrew! Until... I spotted a dragon tattoo near his shoulder and neck. I immediately flushed deep red. This wasn't Andrew. This was his twin brother... "Oops! Sorry, I thought you were Andrew," I mumbled. "No probs. You're pretty cute yourself. Looks like Andrew found another piece of gold." He said. I was then confused myself. Another piece of gold? What did that mean? "By the way, my name's Alan. I'm more hardcore than Drew." He winked and I could imagine some girl fainting. He was just as handsome, but maybe more smooth. See? Andrew's not that perfect! I made a note to tell Jessica that. My memory was like a clipboard. "What's Andrew doing?" I asked. I remembered that he was downstairs and immediately took the stairs down. "Uhh, wait! Andrew has to finish his uh, exam review. We shouldn't bother him. Major study geek." He took my arm and dragged me into the family room. This room was just as huge as the living room downstairs. I looked around. There was lots of gaming equipment, and other fun things to do in this room. "Want to challenge the Louise's family Master at ping pong?" He held up a fuzzy blue paddle, one already in his other hand. I agreed and took the paddle as the okay to the challenge and danced toward the large green table. He served the tiny white ball as I hit it back. "Hey, you're not bad for a amateur," he told me as we paddled the ball back and forth. I smashed the ball in his face. Point. His surprisement at my skill was amusing. "Amateur, eh?" I teased. His eyes seemed to burn up. "Oh, well I was going easy on you. Nice to know that I can find a good opponent to play against." The game was tied after his mother called us down for some lemonade. "What's taking Andrew so long?" I muttered. He heard me and answered, "study geek." I couldn't believe this. I was sure I was on time. I let Alan pass me as I couldn't contain my curiosity. I started down the stairs to the basement quietly and quickly. I heard moans and mutters. He sounded really tired, until I heard a girl's voice panted, "Andrew, that was great." Before I could step into the room for a closer look, Alan hurdled me against the wall, his hand firmly placed on my open mouth. He dragged me back up the stairs. I could finally understand why Andrew was 'too perfect' and why Jessica told me to be careful. She read the signs before I could fully understand. I could also tell why Alan had stalled me. I could feel tears trickling down my face. "Stupid . He sure is bad at playing this game," Alan cursed. I nodded my head, trying not to sob. A game? That meant Alan was part of this too. I ran off and away from him, slamming the front door behind me. I took out my cell phone and punched in the digits. I waited after the four beeps knowing that Jessica probably turned off the phone. After trying my home phone number, I knew I was stuck.
-- This is longer than the other one at least... Comment PWEASE! --
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
LoveYou12345678 #2
this was good and interesting!
Visiting old fics!
update soon~
seems interesting