Chapter EIGHT - 8

That Person | 그사람


Everyone seems hushed for a moment. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are fighting over the same girl. That is something that they never imagined before. Suho let Chanyeol sit next to him.


“What is this?” he asks with concern.


“Huu~” Chanyeol let out his bad breath that have been stuck in his body. “You heard what I said just now. It’s true.” This time, the members seem to be in mental breakdown once again.


“Chanyeol-ah,” Chen stops because he is totally speechless with him. “How did this happen? I never see this thing will happen before my eyes.” He added.


“You guys don’t understand and never will.” Chanyeol get up and try to enter the room that he shared with Baekhyun.


“We trust that you and Baekhyun will make up later. Leave him alone for awhile. Find a good time to discuss with each other. We are worried as well.” Lay assert. Chanyeol nods and enter in.


Their head manager comes up right after the two of them enter the room. Everyone choose to zip up their mouth and say nothing to their manager. They quickly move to their own room while another half of the members gets back to their own world.


Inside of the room, the atmosphere of Baekhyun and Chanyeol become so intense. Baekhyun keep himself facing the wall. Chanyeol keep his eyes on his unmoving body of his friend because he really wants to talk to him about it. Lay words have been forgotten not long ago.


With all the courage, Chanyeol began to talks first.


“Baekhyun-ah…” he starts off. Still, there’s no reply from his friend.

“I’m truly sorry about this. I should have… I should be careful about this. I’m selfish. I’m selfish to my own bestfriend. Please forgive me. You can hit me if you want to.” Chanyeol get himself near Baekhyun.


“Don’t you dare to get near me or else…” Baekhyun put a strong tone on his words as he can sense that Chanyeol is getting nearer to him.


“I don’t care. Y-you…” because of being stubborn, Chanyeol get a real quick punch on his face from Baekhyun.


“I warn earlier! I warn you TO.NOT.GET.NEAR.ME!” he shouts. Suho barge in when he heard the noise.


“What now, guys?! Thank god, the manager takes a leave for awhile. What happen? Chanyeol?” Suho try to calm the burning Baekhyun who is not yet to calm.


“I hate it when you are doing this to me. I put my trust on you, my bestfriend. Yeol, I might break up with her. The rumors are spreading around. There is nothing that I can do to stop it! Even if you confessed to me about your feeling towards her, I really--- can’t protect…it..” the tears now b down on Baekhyun’s cheeks. “I just want us to protect her! She’s one of fragile girl that I want to protect the most, Yeol.” He added, in the arms of leader Suho.


“Guys--- we need to put a full stop on this… to this extend, I think people is already find out about this. Chanyeol will be seeing by the manager and CEO tomorrow. What he needs to do is to clear things up. As long as he is not revealing _____ and your relationship.” Suho look up at Baekhyun.


“I will turn it back to the way it was. I promise you, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol grab his bag and get out from the room so that Baekhyun can have some alone time.


“You need to sleep. Chanyeol will be with the others room. Do you want me to accompany you?” Kyungsoo approaches from the outside.


“N-no. I want to be alone.” Baekhyun wipe his manly tears. Suho left with Kyungsoo and let Baekhyun clear up his mess mind.


“What a situation.” Kai sighed when the situation is back to normal.




It’s been a week already. Weeks surpass and change to be a month. That’s mean, it’s been a month ever since that traumatize drama happened. Chanyeol slowly try to persuade the bleeding heart of Baekhyun.


It does feel awkward but he doesn’t care at all. He doesn’t want to lose his bestfriend. Losing someone that he love is enough. For the sake of his bestfriend to smile again, he will do anything to get him back as usual.


During their off day from schedule, to fill it up with something good, Chanyeol offer an idea towards s.


“Guys, let’s go somewhere to eat! I’m hungry.” He said and dragging Chen next to him.


“I’m in!” said the magnae, Sehun.


“Me too.” Xiumin blurt out. One by one is agreeing to go eat but not Baekhyun.


Without his agreement, Chen just drags Baekhyun along with them. On their way to the restaurant, Baekhyun keep on drowning in his own world. The other members are talking with each other until they reach the destination.


“Oh!” Sehun gasp.


Baekhyun eyes are widening up, so does the other members. Chanyeol just smile at their reaction. They then enter the restaurant. He gets a room for them and makes an order. The silence is coming after them, once again.


“Remember that I promise to you that I will return what yours? I will make it to the way it supposed to be, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol break the silence. “She didn’t know anything especially my feeling towards her. I don’t have any chance to tell her about that. Baekhyun-ah, return to her and protect her like you want to.” He added.


“Of course he will, right Baekhyun?” Chen put forth to the quiet Baekhyun.


Because Chanyeol make a secret request of you, at any moment, you are appearing behind the door. You greet them one by one and sit on the empty spot next to Baekhyun. His eyes, it shows his sincerity of missing you, way too much. He holds your hand tightly under the table.


You make an awkward ‘why’ face towards him. However, he doesn’t care to tell you any words. Again, the tense of the silence is approaching once you enter the room. Chanyeol, the one who is responsible for that time, throw another topic to talk about.


“The foods are here b-but why are we so quiet? Come on.” Chanyeol try as hard as he possible in front of the clueless you.


You can feel that Baekhyun tighten the grip on your hand. Chanyeol keep his eyes on you. Probably, something is not right between these people. You are falling for a deadly curious situation.


“What’s wrong with the guys? Baekhyun-ah…” you said but quietly in your heart.


The other members are enjoying their foods. Seems like, no words can be said for a while. Baekhyun barely touch the foods. You decide to whisper on his ear.


“What’s wrong? Something happen between you guys?”


“Nope.” He replies shortly. “How are you lately?” he added.


“I’m fine… seriously, what’s wrong?” you tilt your hand and look straight into his eyes. It’s purely showing something is not right in his.


“We rarely meet because of my busy schedule. I missed you.” He finally let out the things he has bottled up for about a month. Some other members who heard the talks are cringing and some clearing their throat. Your face turns to be red. Chanyeol is smiling at it.


“Thanks to Yeol… everything went well after the scandal. I didn’t know what he said to your manager and CEO but after that, everything went to it places once again.” You smile. The words that everyone dying to know before is now will be revealed.


“He didn’t tell us anything. Chanyeol-ah, let us know this time.” Chen begs.

Baekhyun shows his interest in silence. Everyone is eyeing on Chanyeol who is rubbing his neck out of embarrassment. Then, he starts to put the words on it.


“Simple things. I just told them that she’s my relative. A relative that just moved in from overseas. Then they ask me which one because they never knew about it. I just told them off that she’s my relative that I’m very close with and…” he stops.


“What what? What happen next?” Tao said eagerly.


“And I said that was something that I should be responsible for as she, my cousin, which is ____, didn’t know that things like this might happen. She’s my relative; I just want to have my free time with her. That’s all. Then they let me go and ask me to be careful next time. That’s how they let it go.” Chanyeol sigh in relief.


“Ahh~ that’s how you do it? Brilliant. I can’t imagine how sincerely and cool your face at that time for telling the lies.” Chen tease that makes everyone laughs. Baekhyun looks like he turning to other way round. He laughs at it as well.


“Thank you.” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol smile brightly towards his friend.


“Not a big deal brother.” Reply Chanyeol in a soft tone.


"Excuse us please. I need to talk to her. Enjoy your foods. We will be back soon." Baekhyun stand up while holding your hands. The eyes just following Baekhyun and you out from the room.







Blehhh~ I don't want to make you guys waiting.
Seems like, this story will be end at anytime soon. Sad!
My brain is being sucha sometimes. It kills my ideas and never bring it back to me.
Sorry! I'm thinking of the ending now. 
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mauge92 #1
Chapter 19: Im a bit impressed, in a goood way, but still sad because of Chanyeol, he is my bias, dbsakfdkaf he is sooo hot and cute, i could eat him *--*. Dammnit, i got excited, thanks for making a different ending.
MyMistahByun #2
nanades #3
Chapter 17: She.. died. omg whyy ç_ç
mauge92 #4
Chapter 17: Well, its all over, at least the murderer was caught, was an exciting journey my dear writer, till the next story, see you girl.
Dont worry, your writing skills are fine, it just that it was very fast and unexpected, that confused me, but im an idiot so ignore me xDD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 16: Why the hell? Cant wait to read the epilogue!!!
ely_yeobos #6
Chapter 16: I seriously can't wait for the epilogue ^_^ But i need to cry now T____T
mauge92 #7
Chapter 15: You are soooooooo mean, you killed her T_T, i feel heartbroken, ii"ll go now, i need to cry
lougarithm #8
Chapter 15: It hurts, really. This chapter made my eye teary!
ely_yeobos #9
Chapter 15: She.............................dead T_______T
Waffle_Berry #10
Chapter 14: Please don't kill her cause then baekhyun will be so sad and the story ending will be aweful, update soon ^^