Chapter SEVEN - 7

That Person | 그사람


It’s almost the end of the year. The relationship between you and Baekhyun is getting better.


For sure, there is sometimes things doesn’t go well but things will always heal after the makeup. That's a sure thing in a relationship after all.


Besides that, the other members also already know your existence because of weird behavior of Baekhyun during their time together.  Out of curiosity, they ask everything to him and Baekhyun can’t find any excuses because someday, the members will be the people that will lend their help to him in the future if something might happen.


Just then, he reveals his relationship with you to them and makes it a deal to hide it from everyone.  Since then, Baekhyun somehow will bring some members with him when he is seeing you, so that the manager won't suspect anything.


The most common dating place is at your restaurant, the safest place to have a date or meeting with them. Whereas the outside world is still scary plus your world is now involving the well known people in the industry.


Furthermore, there's no doubt that you and EXO members become as close as a family already as they always treat you like one.


On the other hand, Chanyeol is still hiding his old feeling for you from everyone because he doesn't want to cause any chaos. It just felt so wrong to him for most of the time.


There is one night, Chanyeol suddenly send a text message to you. It’s pretty late but fortunately you are still awake, playing on the internet.



From: Happy Vi-Yeol


- Ermm... are you free tomorrow night? It's a New Year night. Do you wanna go out with me? I check our schedule just now; I'm completely free but not Baekhyun. So, let’s celebrate New Year together.


You read with the thought that he's such a nice brother but that is not what Chanyeol wanted you to see in him. You then reply to him.



To: Happy Vi-Yeol


- I understand it very well! I take nothing to heart about him being busy. It’s his dream though. How about the others? Do they want to come along with us? Or are they busy as well?



The text is now delivered to him. Baekhyun not yet text or call you at the moment. Maybe he does busy. You are not even bothered to disturb him as well. Few minutes later, another text notification comes in.



From: Happy Vi-Yeol


- I asked them to tag along but they said they want to do something else tomorrow. I decide to celebrate it with you. No problem, right?

Chanyeol replied.



To: Happy Vi-Yeol


- Okay! Just come at our usual place.


You said in response. Not long after that, another text showing up.


From: Happy Vi-Yeol


- Actually, can we meet up somewhere else? New places? I have an idea where to bring you tomorrow so that we can see the fireworks. Don’t worry; the place is safe for us.


“Not bad.” You smile while reading the text from Chanyeol.


To: Happy Vi-Yeol


- I put my trust on you, completely! See you tomorrow then. Use my car instead of yours. 



On the contrary, Chanyeol thinks that he is already reaching his goal of the life when you agreed to go out with him tomorrow. Just the two of you.

The moment that he’s been waiting for. There’s no guilty at the moment. Not even a bit.



To: 예쁜 여자 (You)


- Not a big deal! See you tomorrow.



And that is the end of the conversation between you and Chanyeol at that night. Now, you get back on the screen of your laptop. Reading something.


If possible, you really want to check out the rumors about them but there’s a bit of you doesn’t want be in trouble. At the end, you just shut the laptop and head to your bed.


Next day, the day of the New Year will be approaching. Too bad, you can’t celebrate it with the one that you love but thanks to Chanyeol, you can at least celebrate it with him. Even Hana, your bestie, can’t find a free time for you on that day because of her busy schedule as well.


Soon at night, a van can be seen stop right next to your car. You can see that Chanyeol is wearing a complete black for that night. Just for whatever reason, you know that he is doing what is right for the two of you. As sson as the van disappear from the sight, Chanyeol quickly run to your car.


“Where are we going now?” you ask.


“Ermm~~ Han River? We can stay in the car.” He said while you drive off to that place.


In the car, the situation becomes so weirdly awkward. Your feeling is not feeling good too. It’s like something bad will happen soon. Chanyeol break the silence out of nowhere.


“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Nobody can see us.” He bites his lips.


From there on, both of you drown in a complete silence.


“Why do I even agree to go out with him if this awkward thing happened?” You thought and sigh in another world.


At the Han River, quite a few people are there to celebrate the New Year. Your heart, again, pumping so hard like there is no tomorrow. A bad feeling is coming back.


Out of blue, a flash of something can be seen in a blink of your eyes that come out from the outside of your car window. Shocking. The fans are gathering around. Probably they are sasaeng fans.


“DAMN!” Chanyeol curse out. “Drive out now!” he said.


“B-but~ they are stuck behind the car, Yeol.” You said, scared. Your feet nor your hand can move properly at that moment.


“Ah! !” he curse and hit the seat. “MOVE TO THE BACK! I will drive you off.” He said while you jump off to the back seat then Chanyeol take over the car. He makes a signal to get off with a horn sound.


You are surely terrified at the back seat. The non-stop flash is like a lightning that is ready to strikes you. You cupped your face with both of your hands.


As Chanyeol is out from the place, he is looking for your situation through the mirror. He feels so guilty for that unexpected moment. Like a baby, your face shows the fearful expression.


“Are you okay?” he asks. You choose to be quiet. “I know you’re not! I’m sorry. I didn’t not that they will follow us.” Chanyeol apologize. “About Baek—“he stops and can’t finish his words when the image of you will be in trouble with Baekhyun come out.


“It’s okay— I can do this. Let’s go back now.” You tighten your sweaty fist.


“Alright.” Chanyeol answers shortly.


In the process of calming down, the phone calls unexpectedly coming in continuously. Chanyeol decide to ignore it while your phone is on silent mode. You pick up the phone once Hana’s name appears on it.


“Hana…” you answer.


“What happen?! I s-saw an…”


“Is it out already?” Your voice seems shaking for now.


“Yes! That why I’m calling you. Are you okay? Where are you? Where on earth are you? How come this thing can happen?” Hana asks in because she in a panic situation. Her mind is in negative path.


“I’m still with him. Sending him off--- Hana… I’m scared!” the tears start to roll down.


“I think they already send the photos to Baekhyun. Damn those sasaeng fans!” Hana sounds pissed. “I know Chanyeol can help you out. I trust him! You also need to trust him. Okay? See you soon. I will be coming to your house.” She added before put an end to the phone calls.


“Please don’t cry. I will be responsible for this. About Baekhyun,” again, he stops while breath in a deep air. “Baekhyun—- will listen to you. I will help you so that he won’t misunderstand this. Trust me.”


“Good job Chanyeol! You caused all of this mess. She is starting to get hurt. Damn it Yeol!” He is mad to himself.


Not to mention, Baekhyun is clenching his fist tightly once he received the rumors and photos as evidence. The members just watch him. None of them dare to say something to Baekhyun.


Then, he saw a tall figure coming in the dorm. Everyone make a way for Chanyeol to go to Baekhyun. He just stares blankly on Chanyeol.


“Say something!” he tightens his words.


“Baekhyun--, I-I can explain this,” Chanyeol try to find a good words to be said but Baekhyun starts to throw a tantrum on him.


“Damn it Yeol! You’re so stupid! What are you even thinking when you’re going out with her? YEOL! Just damn Yeol! Who are you to do this?” Baekhyun throw down all the things that he got on his hands. Everyone try to calming him down but he is very hot-headed for the time being.


“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it.” Chanyeol said.


“YEOL! You are ruining my relationship with her. Yeol! What you have done! Why are you doing this to us?” Baekhyun fall down in frustration.


“Because I want to have some free time with her-- just the two of us. I like her, Baekhyun. I like her ever since she comes to out fansigning event before.” Everyone jaws are dropping when they heard the sudden confession from Chanyeol. Baekhyun eyes are madly shock.


“WHAT THE ARE YOU SAYING NOW YEOL?!” Baekhyun throw his fist in the air but Kris manages to stop him from doing the next predictable steps.


“Come on. Don’t do this to him! He’s your bestfriend.” said Kris.


“I don’t have a friend that stabs my back hyung.” Baekhyun sobs.


“Baekhyun, I am really sorry.” This time, Chanyeol try to get near Baekhyun but got a punch instead.


“Oh God! Guys, calm down.” it's time for Luhan to in because of his uncontrollable dongsaengs. This is the most serious fight he ever seen between them.


“Who is that person? The one that stole two hearts at one time?” whispers the innocent heart.


“Just don’t talk to me anymore!!” Baekhyun take a leave and slam the door real hard.








Selfish Chanyeol! Hahahahaha. Kbye.
No no no! I didn't mean to make BaekYeol to fight like this. 
This is bad! I am bad. hing~ ㅠㅠ
BaekYeol is the best tho! mweeheee~ 
About the whispers from the innocent heart, who do you think though of this?
Mwahahahahah! i have no idea as well. Cant figure it out by myself. Silly me! Sorry.
Enjoy reading everyone. Dont forget to subscribe, friends and upvote my story if you like it :)
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mauge92 #1
Chapter 19: Im a bit impressed, in a goood way, but still sad because of Chanyeol, he is my bias, dbsakfdkaf he is sooo hot and cute, i could eat him *--*. Dammnit, i got excited, thanks for making a different ending.
MyMistahByun #2
nanades #3
Chapter 17: She.. died. omg whyy ç_ç
mauge92 #4
Chapter 17: Well, its all over, at least the murderer was caught, was an exciting journey my dear writer, till the next story, see you girl.
Dont worry, your writing skills are fine, it just that it was very fast and unexpected, that confused me, but im an idiot so ignore me xDD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 16: Why the hell? Cant wait to read the epilogue!!!
ely_yeobos #6
Chapter 16: I seriously can't wait for the epilogue ^_^ But i need to cry now T____T
mauge92 #7
Chapter 15: You are soooooooo mean, you killed her T_T, i feel heartbroken, ii"ll go now, i need to cry
lougarithm #8
Chapter 15: It hurts, really. This chapter made my eye teary!
ely_yeobos #9
Chapter 15: She.............................dead T_______T
Waffle_Berry #10
Chapter 14: Please don't kill her cause then baekhyun will be so sad and the story ending will be aweful, update soon ^^