EXOTIC First Day

EXOTIC Life with EXO
Chapter 2. EXOTIC first day.
"Jin-ah! will you help me carry this---"
"Sui Jin.. would you mind--"
"aegiyah.. i need your---"
"dongsaeng-ah can i borrow this---"
it's for 1 week only,  right?
but i feel like im doing THESE for almost a century!!!
arghh!! they are so like Sui Jin-ah~ *copying Suho's voice* can you blahblahblahblah?
why this first day have to be their free day?!??!?!?! i wish they have work! they can be more serious about me being their PA! i feel like im their MAID! wait.. i think its just the same. =_____=
"yah, Kai-ssi.. aaah!  pls put a shirt on! X__X" i covered both my eyes with my hand but he removed it and stared at me intently.
"call me oppa." then he smiled and walk away. that was scary. T^T
"who am i again?"
"uhh...... xiumin-ssi?"
"correct! ^^"
they actually asked me this question whenever they feel to ask. they know that i dont know them and i still get confused sometimes. 
"alright, let's do this one more time." the 12 guys gathered around. good thing their living room is big.
"hmm.. " i actually agreed. being their PA i need to know their faces and names. "TAO-ssi." i pointed at the chinese eyed guy.
"KAI-ss... oppa." i changed it after seeing him glaring at me again. scary. =____=
"yah! how come kai is an oppa while im ssi??"
"quiet tao! just call us all oppa, neh?" Sehun told me.
"uki. SEHUN oppa." Sehun nodded. "but.. should i really call Kai Oppa? i mean, we were born the same year."
"i was born first before you. call me Oppa."
nyehnyehnyeh. "fine. =__=" for the sake of respect. XD
"next. D.O. oppa."
"Should she really call us by our stage name?"
Sehun glared at D.O. that made the latter pout. I chuckled. HAHA. they can be cute sometimes. ^^
"hmm....CHANYEOL oppa." i pointed at the thick-haired guy. i'm amazed with Chanyeol though. he has this baby face yet his voice is so deep. COOL! *_____*
"XIUMIN oppa. ^^" i like xiumin's face. you wont get confuse that easily because he has this cat-like face. haha. :3
"Chen oppa!"
"Im SUHO. -__-"
"ohh.." my bad. >_<
"can i bite it too?" Kai asked.
"huh?" i wasn't aware that i actually bite my lower lip.
"AWW!" Sehun throws his book to Kai's face. HAHAHA. i wish i could to that someday. >:D
"BAEKHYUN oppa."
"that's me!" baekhyun is handsome. PERIOD.
"keke. ^^"
"CHEN oppa?" chen smiled. he's cute when he does that. ^^
after chen, my eyes landed to the last person at the right..
"luhan oppa..."
"yah! what about us???"
this is the hardest part. distinguing KRIS from LAY. seriously.. i sometimes forgot lay. =____=
Bedtime! my favorite time! hahaha! an escape from this cruel life!
"unnie! don't locked the door. im going up. ^^"
"make it fast okay?"
Rooftop is the nicest place for me. breathing fresh air before going to sleep or everytime i felt uneasy makes me calm.
"tired, aren't you?"
"who won't be? =____=" i turned to my left, it's Sehun oppa.
"haha. you'll get used to it."
"why are you so nice to me sehun oppa?"
"you reminded me of my sister.. she's willing to work hard, once she's given a task she doesnt even know."
"you could say that again.." i rolled my eyes.
"there you are. the guys is looking for you hyung."
"oh, hi there jagiya." (HunHan >__<)
"j-jagiya?? O____O"
"dont call me that in front of her. =____="
"ah, mian. i didn't mean to corrupt your mind. HAHA."
korean boys are sometimes wierd. -___- HAHA. but DooSeob (DooJoon and Yoseob of BEAST) is the best! XD
the following days, they had simultaneous photoshoot. it wasn't tiring like yesterday, because today it's not only me who will do the work. ^^ but the EXO K boys doesn't give me a damn break. TT^TT  i therefor transfer the title of being nice to EXO M. HAHA!
haloooo readers!! i'm sorry for adding another story while im not yet done with my Back To Korea story. >___>
but i promise to update it in OCTOBER! SEMBREAK! :)))
this story just came out of my mind. I actually dreamt about it that's why i didn't miss the chance of writing this. hope you will like it! ^^
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