Problem and Fun

Love Stuck Journey

“Hey! It’s rare to see you here. Something’s wrong?” The person tapped Kris’s shoulder.

“What? Can’t I be here?” Kris kinda irritated.

“Well, I didn’t say that.”

“And why are you here too?”

“I always take this way to get home. I say it’s rare to see you because I never see you here.”


“You know that I have two ears that able to listen right?” Kris turned to Luhan but he didn’t turn back.

“Huh?” Kris furrowed his eyebrows.

“Even stranger could tell if you’re having a problem.”

Kris was hesitating a bit.

“Come on! It’s not that hard to tell me.”

 “Alright. Hm.. Recently, I met a friend and we talked a bit. He told me that he has a childhood friend just like me. He knew that his friend fell for him. But he can’t love her back even thought he knows that he can’t deny it. What do you think?”

“Hm.. Why can’t he love her?”

“It’s because he feels he doesn’t deserve her.” Kris looked down sadly.


“Because he’s going to leave her. He thinks that he’s a useless man. He can’t keep his promise to stay by her side. He doesn’t want to hurt her but if the things keep going as what it is now, my friend is going to lose her.”

Luhan starred at Kris blankly.

“He is such a jerk right? He doesn’t want to love her but he doesn’t want to lose her either. But what do you think should he do?”

Instead of answering his question, he asked him again.

“Does he love her too?”

“Yeah. But he can’t, I guess?”

“Is it only because he’s going to leave her?”

Kris nodded.

“Then just talk to her.” Luhan suddenly said.

“What?” Kris blinked few times.

“Well, it’s better to just talk to each other. They love each other yet why they have to hold back?”

“But you know he can’t stay by her side right?”

“Being in love doesn’t mean that you have to stay by her side always. As long as you have feeling for each other, I don’t think it’ll be matter.”

“What if the girl feels hurt and crying again because of the boy?”

“Aish! Just talk to her first!” Luhan smacked Kris’s head.

“Yah! There’s no need to hit me.” Kris rubbed his head.

“Just see what’ll come next. But first you have talk to her. It’s easier that way than just hiding your problem by yourself. You and Suzy are best friend anyway. I think she’ll understand.”

“It’s not about me and Suzy.” Kris tried to avoid Luhan’s gaze.

Luhan scoffed. “Don’t you know that the story of your friend is 100% a story of yourself?”

The two of them laughed.

“Yah! I’m hungry. Let’s go get something to eat. Your treat?”

Kris widened his eyes.

“Why me?”

“Consultation fee.” Luhan smirked.

“If only you’re not my best friend.” Kris scoffed but smiled after that.

Both of them went to the restaurant, Kris’s treat.



Meanwhile, Suzy and the others were on the usual cafe.

“It’s been awhile since we’re here. Where are Kris and Luhan?” Chanyeol asked.

“Luhan went to play soccer with Xiumin and Kris, I don’t know about him.” Sehun said.

“That kid chooses soccer over us.” Tao scoffed.

“But seriously, why do we always go to this cafe? Let’s have fun today.” Jieun suddenly said.

“Nice idea shortie.” Chanyeol ruffled her hair.

“How many times I told you not to call me shortie!” Jieun hit him.

“Okay okay. That’s enough. Don’t start the fight now. Where are we going?” Suzy grinned.

“What about karaoke?”

Everybody turned their heads to Jongin and started to grin.

“Okay call!” Tao said.

“I’m in!” Suzy joined.

“Well, I go if Suzy go.” Chanyeol raised his hand.

“What kind of reason is that?” Jieun rolled her eyes. “I’m in too.” She smiled.

“Should I give an answer too?” Sehun smirked.

“Deal then! Shall we go now?” Jongin grinned.

All of them went to the karaoke place then.


They got in to the reserved room.

“Woah! I’m feeling excited already. Who’s gonna sing first?” Chanyeol couldn’t stop grinning.

“I’ll go first then.” Tao stood up to the middle.

Tao showed charismatic rap and all of them were in owed that they couldn’t close their mouth. Tao got a loud cheer after his bow.

Then all the four boys all sing together. Tao and Chanyeol did the rap, Jongin and Sehun did the dance. It’s the girls’ turn to cheer them up.

After their so-called performance, they were laughing happily.

“I think we should form a boy band.” Tao said proudly.

“Yeah, you’re wish!” Jieun shouted.

“Okay! Now the girls’ turn!” Chanyeol cheered them up.

Suzy and Jieun sang ballad.

“They have sweet voice. Don’t you think so?” Jongin said.

All they boys nodded and waved their hands along with the song. Then the girls continued with the y performance. They boys widened their eyes shocked to see that. But they couldn’t stop cheering either.

“Whoa. That was really hot.” Chanyeol fluttered.

“If Kris saw that, he might cut it in the middle.” Sehun smirked and all the boys laughed.

“Yah! Maybe you two should form a girl band too.” Jongin grinned.

“Of course. We are the best when it comes to perform.” Jieun said proudly.

“Yah! Don’t you remember you just mocking me? You should take that back.” Tao said.

Jieun only stuck her tongue out and Suzy chuckled.

“Yah Chanyeol! Did you see that? Your girl just stuck her tongue out at me!” Tao shouted at Chanyeol.

“Who’s my girl? My heart only belongs to Suzy.” Chanyeol tried to deny but fail. His face turned to bright pink. Same goes with Jieun.

“Who wants to be his girl? He.. He.. will call me shortie again.” Jieun was fluttering and looking down to hide her face.

“Oh ho! We’re gonna get a new couple soon.” Sehun smirked.

“Yah! Stop it!” Jieun hit Sehun nonstop.

“Aw aw! Arasso arasso! Stop hitting me.”

Meanwhile Jongin can’t stop grinning from ear to ear.

“You seem so happy Jongin-ah.” Suzy smiled.

“Yeah! You guys are so funny. It’s been a while since I had fun with my friends. We usually dance though.”

“Well, you have to use to it from now on. Cause we’re the kids that really like to have fun.” Tao suddenly said and all of them were laughing together.

One by one of them kept singing and enjoyed the day.






Hey!! It's me again. I have some difficult with this one and I know the karaoke part is not that good. So I hope you mind that :)))

It's going to be complicated but I'll try my best to make it as interesting as possible.

And I want to say thank you to all of you who commented and subscribed my story. I'm really happy that the subscribers reach more 50!!! XD

Hope you can enjoy this chap and have a great weekend!! Love you all <33333

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Gooine #1
Chapter 19: I know this seems Luke a long shot since you updated ages ago but could you please continue this story? I really love the friendship between the gang and kriszy is just overloading with cuteness. I'm really curious if they made it together and what their relationship is like after he comes back plus with changeo and ieun too <3 hawaiting authornim
colakey22 #2
Chapter 19: I cannot with krisyeol moment :3 I'm curious what will happen for 4years ahead with kriszy ..pls pls when will u update this story? O.o T_T
colakey22 #3
Chapter 18: I want a brother like jaejoong one pwease :3
colakey22 #4
Chapter 17: Hahaha jackson acting so nice and a calm boy in here? It jst don't suit him xD
colakey22 #5
Chapter 16: LoL chanyeol must be the one who brokenheart the most xD ah I rlly liked luhan personality ♥ he has those manly mind and being so concern with kriszy relationship
colakey22 #6
Chapter 15: They're so funny and playful lololol guess kris' being a possessive boyfriend now hahaha
colakey22 #7
Chapter 14: Jongin need to go to luhan and share a bear hug since both of them have the same broken heart hahaha
colakey22 #8
Chapter 13: Kris is being so cheesy. I laughed at Kris Ticket lololol its so childish xD I want it too
colakey22 #9
Chapter 10: Geez better u thanks to luhan and treat the deer nicely omg poor lulu,he's such a manly luhan here :3
colakey22 #10
Chapter 8: Geez I'm curious why the hell did kris couldn't love her back -_-\\ they both r so oblivious, they must be thank to jongin