
Love Stuck Journey

Jongin pov


Finally I arrived at this school. Hm.. It’s smaller than my old school, but it’s not that bad.

What should I do first? I questioned myself. Ah!! I have to go to the administration office to get my schedule right? No wonder, I’m so genius. Hahaha . So where’s the office?

As I walked in to the school, I saw girls were drooling over me. Hmph! Wherever I go, there’s always at least one girl who won’t stop looking at me. In my previous school, there were even girls who got nosebleed and fainted just because I said thank you to them or even slightly smiled at them. Seriously girls! I know I’m handsome but do you have to do those annoying actions?

I just ignored them and went straight to the main entrance. Luckily there was a school board which had school map pinned on it. I searched where the office and.. found it! Yeah!!

I went to the administration office and found middle-aged woman on her desk. I approached her and being a nice man I was, I greeted her first.

“Good morning ma’am.”

“Oh, good morning young boy, may I help you?”

“Um yeah. I’m new transferred student. My name is Kim Jongin, third year. I was wondering if I could get my schedule here.” I said nicely and smiled at her.

“You’re a transferred student? Hm.. Our school is lucky to have such a handsome boy moved to our school. Just wait a minute, I’ll search it.” The woman said.

Well, even this kind of woman know that i’m handsome. Hahaha .

“Here is your schedule Kim Jongin ssi. If you need any help, just come here okay. Oh, don’t forget. You should attend morning speech on the main hall right now. It’s on the third floor.”

“Okay. Thank you ma’am” as I smiled to her.

I walked out from the office and let’s see what I got in here.. Hm.. My homeroom teacher is a man? Nah.. So boring. Wait!  What that teacher said just now? There will be a morning speech soon? Let’s  just skip that! Hahaha.

As I walked around, I found nice spot to hide for a while. I took out my phone and played games without realizing the time.


End of Jongin pov __



Students started to make a crowd as they walked out from the hall and went to their class, except Jongin. He was so busy that he didn’t realize that it was the time to go to his class. Just ten minutes later, when he got game over on his phone screen, he looked what time it was.

“Damn!! I’m late. Why there’s nobody that reminds me!  Argh!!!” He shouted as he ran through the school hall. He didn’t even know where his class was.

“Oh! There it is.” ! The teacher already in! He mentally cursed.

Jongin walked in carefully and immediately apologized.

“I’m sorry teacher I’m late. I got lost and just found my class now.” He slightly bow.

“What is your name?” asked Mr. Park

“My name is Kim Jongin, Sir”

 “Well Kim Jongin ssi, you’re lucky cause this is your first day. You won’t be counted as late. So now go and find a seat!” The teacher ordered.

“Yes, Sir.” Jongin could only sigh in relieved as he walked to the empty seat in the back.


After class dismissed, Jongin felt someone tapped his shoulder.

“Jongin right? Hi! I’m Chanyeol... So you’re new here?” Asked Chanyeol.

“Yeah.” He answered shortly.

“Hm... You seem alone. Mind joining me and my friends?”

Before Jongin could answer, Chanyeol already gathered his friends.

“Let me introduce to you. This is Sehun, Luhan the pretty boy, Tao the panda, the annoying Jieun, and our princess Suzy.” Chanyeol smiled at Suzy before got smacked by Jieun.

 “Nice to meet you Jongin.” Suzy smiled at Jongin.

“Yeah! Nice to meet you too.” They’re not bad I guess. Jongin thought.

“Since we’re free, what if we go to the cafe and have fun?”  Luhan said.

“Great! We can chat and get closer to each other too since there’s Jongin.” Jieun said cheerfully.

“No one wants to get closer with you, you know.” Chanyeol smirked to Jieun.


“Alright alright.. Are you busy Jongin?” Asked Suzy.

“Well not really actually.” Jongin smiled.

“Okay!! Let’s go!!” Tao shouted.


The seven of them walked to the nearest cafe. As they walked in, there was someone who was waiting for them and waved at them. Suzy was the first one to approach that person and hugged him, followed by the other.

“Woah! Who’s we have here?” as ‘the person’ spotted Jongin.

“He is new student in our class, Jongin.” Suzy said.

“Oh.. New student huh? Hi, I’m Kris. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice too meet you too” as the two of them shake their hands.

“How do you know that we would go here?” asked Tao curious.

“Well, our little princess called me, woke me up and told me to go to this cafe.” Kris said as he ruffled Suzy’s hair.

“I just want to introduce you to our new friend.” Suzy pouted.

Hearing the word ‘friend’, Jongin could only smile to Suzy.

“Oww. You’re so cute Suzy. But can we just order first? I’m so hungry!” Chanyeol pleaded.

“Hmph. You always hungry. Are you a pig?” Jieun glared at him.

“What? Yah! How can you call someone so handsome like this a pig?”

“Handsome!? Don’t you have mirror in your house? How can you...”

“That’s enough guys! You already had a fight this morning. Could you please stop for a while?” Sehun sighed.

The two of them stop arguing but glared at each other. The rest of them only smiled seeing their friends like that. Then they talked about many things. Asking about school, family and mostly about Jongin, while Chanyeol  was busy ordering food.

“Oh, I forgot! My favorite drama will start soon. I have to go now.” Suzy suddenly said.

“But we haven’t been here long enough Suzy.” Tao pleaded.

“Still. I have to go Panda.” Suzy said while patting Tao’s head.

“Then I’ll drive you home.” Kris said.

“Okay. See you guys. Bye Jongin. I hope you had enough fun with us.” Suzy smiled at Jongin.

“Of course.” Jongin smiled back.


“Are they dating?” Jongin asked as Suzy and Kris left from the cafe.

“Nope. But they are childhood friend. So it’s usual for them like that.” Luhan said.


So they’re not dating huh? Interesting. Jongin smirked.





I'm back!!!! Finally I can update new chapter.. Hahahaaha. 

I give you slight  Beginning of Jongin version. Hope you like that.

I’m so sorry I can't update earlier because I was so busy with exams and homeworks. 

As usual, please comment and do subscribe if you don't mind. hahahaha.

and thanks for those who read my story, subscribing, and voting my story!!

Love you all <3333

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Gooine #1
Chapter 19: I know this seems Luke a long shot since you updated ages ago but could you please continue this story? I really love the friendship between the gang and kriszy is just overloading with cuteness. I'm really curious if they made it together and what their relationship is like after he comes back plus with changeo and ieun too <3 hawaiting authornim
colakey22 #2
Chapter 19: I cannot with krisyeol moment :3 I'm curious what will happen for 4years ahead with kriszy ..pls pls when will u update this story? O.o T_T
colakey22 #3
Chapter 18: I want a brother like jaejoong one pwease :3
colakey22 #4
Chapter 17: Hahaha jackson acting so nice and a calm boy in here? It jst don't suit him xD
colakey22 #5
Chapter 16: LoL chanyeol must be the one who brokenheart the most xD ah I rlly liked luhan personality ♥ he has those manly mind and being so concern with kriszy relationship
colakey22 #6
Chapter 15: They're so funny and playful lololol guess kris' being a possessive boyfriend now hahaha
colakey22 #7
Chapter 14: Jongin need to go to luhan and share a bear hug since both of them have the same broken heart hahaha
colakey22 #8
Chapter 13: Kris is being so cheesy. I laughed at Kris Ticket lololol its so childish xD I want it too
colakey22 #9
Chapter 10: Geez better u thanks to luhan and treat the deer nicely omg poor lulu,he's such a manly luhan here :3
colakey22 #10
Chapter 8: Geez I'm curious why the hell did kris couldn't love her back -_-\\ they both r so oblivious, they must be thank to jongin