
Love Stuck Journey

Jackson kept stealing glance toward Suzy who was sitting in the corner beside the window. She was sipping her coffee while looking outside. He was so curious about her. About why she cried in the middle of the street and why she doesn’t even want to go home. He kept looking at her until he felt a hit on his head.

“Ouch!” Jackson rubbed his head and glared at the man behind him.

“You didn’t get paid just to look at that girl you know.” Jb said.

“And you’re not the one who pays me so why do you care?”

“Because I kept calling you just now!” Jb glared back at him.

“Oh really? Mian.” Jackson gave him cheeky smile.

“And what’s with that girl? I heard you brought her here.”

“I don’t know too hyung. But, which one do you think better? Choco cake or strawberry cake? Or this lemon cake?”

Jb rolled his eyes.

“Choose it yourself.” With that Jb left Jackson behind who was busy observing the cake.


Suzy kept looking outside with blank gaze. Her mind drifted to nowhere but to people outside. Her attention was brought back when she heard a sound in front of her. She looked at it to find Jackson grinned at her.

“Here’s a strawberry cake for you. You haven’t eaten anything so hope this will do.”

“Thanks. You’re so nice Jack.” Suzy smiled.

“Sooo.. You really don’t want to go home? I didn’t mean to kick you out.” Jackson added quickly.

Suzy’s smile fade and she looked down.

Jackson sighed.

“Then, do you want to wait until my shift is over? It will end at ten. I think it’s late enough already. You can avoid anything that waits for you, if that what you’re trying to do.”

Suzy gave him small smile and nodded her head.

“Alright then. Eat the cake first.” Jackson moved the cake closer to her. After gave her smile, he turned his back to go back to his work.

It’s really weird for Suzy actually to be so close to a stranger like this. Never once in her life she becomes so close with stranger this fast. She doesn’t even know if she could trust Jackson or not. But since he already did so much for her, maybe it’s alright for him to walk her home.

She looked at Jackson who was busy in the counter. He would sometimes give his customers a cheeky smile. He tried to flirt here and there just to earn a smack from his co worker who glared at him mercilessly and Jackson gave him failed aegyo in return. His co worker only stared and Jackson immediately went away after felt embarrassing. Suzy let out small chuckle while looked at him. She then realized that the entire workers are boys and not to mention, they’re good looking too. No wonder there’re many female customers who were giggling.

Suzy felt her phone vibrate once again. She sighed and got her phone. There were many messages and missed call from Jaejoong oppa and her friends. As she scrolled down the screen, she saw the most missed call were from Kris. Kris. Just by saw his name made her wanted to cry again.

She locked down her phone and tried to eat the cake. It was delicious and she was actually hungry. She decided to get up to the counter which display various cakes.

“Jackson!” Suzy called for his attention.

Jackson looked up to see Suzy standing in front of the counter.

“What’s wrong?” he saw Suzy was a bit hesitating.

“Uhm.. Do you think I could have that choco cake?” Suzy gave him puppy eyes.

Jackson couldn’t help but burst in laughter. He was laughing so hard that made Suzy wonder what’s so funny.

“You actually hungry?” Jackson still laughed a bit.

Hearing that, Suzy blushed and was about to go back again.

“Hey wait! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to laugh like that. But you’re just too cute. To think that you were so gloomy and all, but actually hungry.”

“Of course. I’m human too.” Suzy tried so hard to make excuse.

“Of course you are.” Jackson grinned and went to take the cake and handed to her.

“If you have anything else to ask, don’t hesitate. Everything is on me and I’ll try my best to help you.” Jackson showed her smile that can make she feels that she can rely in him.

“Thanks. But you’ve done so much for me already.” Suzy gave him a smile.



After Jackson’s shift was done, Jackson walked Suzy home. It was not that near but they decided to just walk. Jackson tried his best to cheer Suzy up. He told her things about himself and stories that made her chuckle. He was glad that she was finally cheer up but he couldn’t help but feel curious about why she cried in the first place.

“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I really want to know why you cried.”

They became silence and Jackson kept looking at Suzy. Suzy gave a deep sigh as she began to talk.

“Today I just discovered that my boyfriend will go to USA to continue his study. He love basketball and he got a scholarship. I don’t really know about it since he hasn’t told me anything about it. I felt betrayed and angry about it. I didn’t want to meet him and that’s why I ran away.” Suzy felt her tears were about to fall out from her eyes.

Jackson didn’t say anything and Suzy continued,

“Is it selfish for me to act that way?” Suzy turned to look at Jackson with her tears already fell out.

Jackson gave her sad smile and he her hair gently.

“Of course it’s not. You just don’t know how to face such shocking news. If suddenly I heard the same news from my girlfriend, I would act the same too, broken and betrayed.”

“You have a girlfriend?” Suzy asked.

“No! I was just saying. But I think you have to face him sooner or later. He is your boyfriend and you love him, right? Just give him a chance.”

Suzy nodded but still crying.

“Hey stop crying. I’m sorry I bring back this topic.” Jackson looked at Suzy and he got an idea.

“Hey how about this, you can keep my jacket as my substitute.”

Hearing that, Suzy stopped and looked at him. Jackson smiled and wiped her tears.

“Look, I know it’s hard and you’re afraid to face what happen next. I really want to stay by your side and be your strength but I can’t so use this jacket as me so you’ll know that I’ll stay by your side and always support you. You can always return this jacket later or you can keep it. You can always find me at that cafe. I work on the same time, Friday till Sunday. I know you have a boyfriend so I don’t want to cross the line.”

“Thank you Jack. You’re the first stranger that I can rely on.”

“I think we can already change ‘stranger’ into ‘friend’.” Jackson winked and made Suzy chuckle.

“Why did you help me in first place? Have you always this nice?” Suzy asked.

“Do you want an honest answer?”

Suzy nodded.

“At first it’s because you looked really miserable and you sat exactly in the middle of the street. So I decided to help you out. But then..”

“Then what?”

“Then I realized that you actually pretty cute so I thought I can’t leave you just like that.”

“So if I was ugly, you would already leave me there?” Suzy raised her eyebrows.

“Of course not! I was just saying you’re cute!” Jackson said a bit frustrated.

That made Suzy thin a bit. Jackson actually such an honest person that he doesn’t hesitate to say anything in his mind. They kept talking until arrived at Suzy’s house.

“I’m sorry that I make you have to walk with me. Does your house far from here?”

“Not really. Don’t worry about me. I’m a man. No one would kidnap me.” Jackson grinned.

“Still! Be careful on your way home. Thank you for today Jack. If you didn’t help me, I don’t know what I would do.”

“Anytime. And don’t forget about my Jacket. Remember that I would always support you. Good night, Suzy. I hope we can meet again soon.”

“Good night, Jackson.”

Suzy watched Jackson left. Suzy took a deep breath and faced her front door. She took a step inside and already regrets it.

“Suzy! You’re finally home. Where were you? I tried to call you many times but you didn’t answer even once.” Kris was going to approach her.

“Stop right there! Where’s Jaejoong oppa?” Suzy was about to cry.

“Jaejoong hyung had to go somewhere so he asked me to stay here in case you’re home. What’s wrong? My mom said you left in hurry. Did something happen?”

“It’s none of your business!” Kris shocked by her sudden change of attitude. Suzy was about to run upstairs but Kris held her hand.

“Really Suzy, what’s wrong with you? Wait. Whose jacket is that? Why are you wearing boy’s jacket? Were you seeing someone?”

“Yes! I was seeing someone just now! He was an honest man, unlike you!”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Stop pretending Kris! When will you ever tell me that you’re going to leave me?” Suzy was crying now.

Hearing that, Kris was speechless and his heart beat faster than ever. Suzy could see his panic face.

“Suzy.. I.. I have to explain that.”

“Right now I don’t want to hear anything as well as see your face. So just go away!” Suzy managed to let go of her hand from Kris’s grip. She ran upstairs, got in to her room and locked the door.

She kept crying again with still wearing Jackson’s jacket.




Jaejoong finally home. He found Kris sat on the couch with his face buried in his palm. He hurriedly checked the clock and it was pass midnight.

“Suzy hasn’t arrived yet?” Jaejoong asked full of worry. Kris looked up and he was completely frustrated.

“She is upstairs.”

“Then what’s with your face?”

“She found out hyung. She found out that I’m going to USA.”

“What? How?”

“I don’t know too. Maybe she found out when she was in my room.”

“That’s why she hurriedly went out?” Jaejoong conclude.

“This is all my fault. She was crying and she doesn’t want to see me now.” Kris buried his face in his palm again.

“Of course this is all your fault! I knew something like this would happen. There’s nothing you can do right now. Just go home first now.”

“But hyung..” Kris looked up.

“Just go home first. It’s too late and I’ll try to talk to her tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry hyung. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Yeah! I know.” Jaejoong tapped Kris’s shoulder. Then Kris went home.




The next morning, Suzy was awakening by knock sound on her door.

“Suzy-ah. Open the door please. You already locked the door for entire night. At least let me know that you’re not trying to suicide, please. And it’s 10 am. You sleep enough already.”

Suicide? Very funny. Suzy thought.

“I’m up. Wait.” With a headache on her head, she tried to balance herself and walked to the door.

She opened and saw his brother holding a tray of food for her.

“Gosh! Suzy, you might don’t want to see your face on the mirror right now.”

“Oppa. I bet you know what happen already so don’t try to cheer me up because it’s not even near funny.” Suzy sat on her bed.

Jaejoong sighed. He put the tray on the table and sat beside Suzy. He hugged his little sister and moment later he could feel his sister was crying already. He her hair gently.

“You know he loves you so much, right?” Jaejoong started.

“I know.” Suzy answer shortly.

“Won’t try to understand about his scholarship?”

“Oppa, I love him so much that I’m happy for his happiness. I already expected that he won’t attend same college with me. But, America? Seriously? And the most problem here is that he didn’t tell me! He told everyone that he hadn’t decided yet. It means he’s lying, oppa! And what about our relationship?” Suzy didn’t know how she felt. She was angry yet she wanted to cry so bad.

Jaejoong let her cry for a moment. It’s hurt for him to see her lovely sister had to become like this. But he can’t do anything since it’s not his relationship. He has no right to decide what’s best for her. After feels like decade, Suzy finally calmed down. Jaejoong patted her head and gave her his best smile.  

“Just give him a chance to talk alright. Whatever you choose later, I’ll always support you.”

“Thank you, oppa.”

Jackson will too. Suzy thought while looking at the jacket she wore.

“Right, whose jacket is this? Did you wear it all night?”

It’s Jackson’s. He’s the one who help me yesterday. She found me crying in the middle of the street and helped me. He even took care of me.” Suzy smiled little.

“What? In the middle of the street?” Jaejoong widened his eyes.

“Yeah! That’s what he said.”

Damn that little dragon! I’ll surely kill you later for making my sister crying in the middle of the street! Jaejoong took mental note.

“Is that breakfast for me?” Suzy asked.

Jaejoong snapped from his killing thought and grabbed the tray.

“Yeah! This is special breakfast. I made all your favorite to cheer you up.”

“Thanks oppa.” She began to eat slowly.






I’m not in a proper condition when I write this chap and It feels like I can’t get the feeling right. But I tried my best to write this chap. I hope you guys can still enjoy this chap. And mind the title, I always at making a title. Hehe

Anyway, last time I made a one shot so I hope you guys can check it and subscribe too. It’s not that long and it’s my first time too!! ;)))

If Only Love is Easy to Forget

Hope you can wait for the next update XD

Don’t forget to comment, subscribe and upvote for you who haven’t done it..

You know I always appreciate anything you do for me :)

See you next time~~ <333

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Gooine #1
Chapter 19: I know this seems Luke a long shot since you updated ages ago but could you please continue this story? I really love the friendship between the gang and kriszy is just overloading with cuteness. I'm really curious if they made it together and what their relationship is like after he comes back plus with changeo and ieun too <3 hawaiting authornim
colakey22 #2
Chapter 19: I cannot with krisyeol moment :3 I'm curious what will happen for 4years ahead with kriszy ..pls pls when will u update this story? O.o T_T
colakey22 #3
Chapter 18: I want a brother like jaejoong one pwease :3
colakey22 #4
Chapter 17: Hahaha jackson acting so nice and a calm boy in here? It jst don't suit him xD
colakey22 #5
Chapter 16: LoL chanyeol must be the one who brokenheart the most xD ah I rlly liked luhan personality ♥ he has those manly mind and being so concern with kriszy relationship
colakey22 #6
Chapter 15: They're so funny and playful lololol guess kris' being a possessive boyfriend now hahaha
colakey22 #7
Chapter 14: Jongin need to go to luhan and share a bear hug since both of them have the same broken heart hahaha
colakey22 #8
Chapter 13: Kris is being so cheesy. I laughed at Kris Ticket lololol its so childish xD I want it too
colakey22 #9
Chapter 10: Geez better u thanks to luhan and treat the deer nicely omg poor lulu,he's such a manly luhan here :3
colakey22 #10
Chapter 8: Geez I'm curious why the hell did kris couldn't love her back -_-\\ they both r so oblivious, they must be thank to jongin