Realization No. 2

Love Stuck Journey

Kris kept thinking if he was really jealous. Each day, he never forgets about what Baekhyun told him and every day when Kris and Suzy got into the school, there’s always Jongin who already waited for them.

“Morning!” Jongin greeted them with his usual smile.

“Morning Jongin-ah!” Suzy smiled back but Kris only nodded his head.

“So, let’s go?” Jongin offered his hand toward Suzy.

Once again, Kris felt uneasy. As Suzy was going to take Jongin’s hand, Kris suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. The three of them all shocked and Kris widened his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Jongin asked him while Suzy only blinked her eyes.

“Um..I.. I.. I want Suzy to see my practice today.” Kris made an excuse.

“You want me what?”

“Well, you never saw me practice so I thought that you can accompany me or just watching today. But never mind. I was just thinking. I’ll see you around then.” Kris hid his red face and quickly left them.

Jongin and Suzy were left dumbfounded by Kris.

“He can just say it if he wants me to come. Why did he stuttering like that? Moreover, he said never mind after that. Just what’s wrong with him today?”

Jongin smirked. “It’s almost the time. Don’t you think so Suzy?”

“Huh? Time for what?” Suzy furrowed her eyebrows.

“Never mind then.” Jongin mimicked Kris.

“Yah!” Suzy smacked his head but Jongin managed to dodge her.

“You’ll know soon.” Jongin patted her head.


Meanwhile, Kris couldn’t stop cursing himself because of what he did earlier.

“What’s wrong with me? Why did I do that? They must think I’m weird today!” Kris ruffled his hair, frustrated.

 Kris kept mumbling to himself until he reached the indoor court. Seeing his friend so funny like that, Baekhyun can’t help but to have evil grin on his face.

“So what did happen just now?” Baekhyun asked teasingly.

“Huh? Nothing.” Kris avoided Baekhyun’s stare.

“Really? Then do you still remember what I told you the other day?”

“Yeah right. Because of that, I think I’m going crazy. I can’t even stop thinking about it.”

‘Serve you right’ Baekhyun smirked.


Morning practice ended earlier on that day. Kris couldn’t concentrate anyway. But when he went to his class, he didn’t find Suzy and Jongin. Without any second thought, Kris went to the rooftop and found Suzy and Jongin talked seriously about something. Kris tried his best to hide his curiosity and stood coolly on the door.

“What are you doing?” Kris asked.

“We just talk.” Jongin answered him.

“Did your practice ended early?” Suzy approached Kris.


“Let’s go back..”

“Kris!” Jongin called him. “Don’t you think we should talk now?”

Both Suzy and Kris turned their head toward Jongin.

“Talk about what?”

“Well, you know..”

Kris furrowed his eyebrows. ‘I don’t think I have things to talk with him’

“Suzy ah.. Just go back to the class first. We’ll come soon.” Kris patted Suzy’s head. With one final look, Suzy left them.


“So what do you want to talk about?”

“Suzy is a person who likes to talk to her friends right? Still, compare to you, I still don’t know anything about her. But I think the person who doesn’t know anything is you.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I know you’re jealous over her. You don’t like her around me right? Like what happen earlier this morning.”

“Am I really that visible? Baekhyun told me the same thing.” Kris said in low voice but Jongin still able to catch it.

“You’re so stupid or you just don’t want to admit it?”

“Admit what?”

“That you like Suzy?”

“I.. I.. I don’t think so.” Kris tried to avoid Jongin’s stare.

Jongin scoffed. “After all these years, even just once, don’t you ever felt something different toward Suzy?”

Jongin sighed as he received no response from Kris.

“Aish! This guy. Don’t you ever felt your heart beat faster than usual or you really miss her when she’s not around or you can’t stop staring at her?” Jongin kept making weird movement.

Kris suddenly burst out laughing seeing Jongin so funny.

“Yah! I am serious here. Why are you laughing?”

“I’m so sorry. It’s just you’re so funny.” Kris mimicked Jongin’s movement and started to laugh again.

“Don’t you think it’s enough already?” Jongin glared at Kris.

“Yeah alright. There’s no need to put on that face.”

“So?” Jongin kept staring at Kris.

Kris sighed and his face softened.

“Even if I admit that I love her, it won’t change anything.”

“What? Why?”

“I have reason Jongin.”

“What kind of reason is that?”

“Something that you don’t need to know. Anyway, I’m going back now.”

Kris turned away and was going to leave.

“What if Suzy loves you too?” Kris froze on his spot.

“It won’t happen.” He managed to say.

“Oh really? But That’s the fact dude. Just think about it.” Jongin patted Kris’s shoulder and this time it’s Jongin who left.

‘I’m such a good friend, right? But what’s his reason?’ Jongin thought.


Jongin came back to class alone. Suzy hurriedly approached him.

“Where’s Kris? What did you two talk about?”

“It’s not for you to know. Just let it be okay.”

Suzy didn’t argue back but she still worried about Kris. Kris got into the class late and got detention after school. He got so many things in his mind that he might going crazy soon. ‘I’m going to get bald if things keep running through my mind’, Kris thought.

Suzy kept looking at Kris who looked really frustrated. As their eyes met, none of them try to break the stares. Suzy tried to smile at him but Kris only look at her with no emotion. Later, he broke the stare and looked outside. When it was break time, Suzy was going to approach Kris but Kris already walked outside. Suzy sighed again. Suzy turned her head to Jongin who was busy eating on his table. Upon realizing Suzy’s intense glare, he chocked and looked away nervously. He knew that Suzy was going to blame him about Kris.

“You!” Suzy pointed her finger to Jongin’s face. “Come with me!”

Suzy dragged Jongin to the rooftop but then they saw Kris there.

“Hey Kris. What are you..” Suzy was smiled to him but Kris only stared blankly at her and started to leave.

Seeing Kris was going to leave her, Suzy eyes started to get watery. She tried to wipe it off but tears kept flowing through her eyes. Jongin who saw her, panicked immediately.

“Yah! What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Jongin was going to hug her but Kris pulled her toward him first. He patted her head gently and eyeing Jongin who stood in front of them like statue. Jongin who didn’t know what to do, left them alone on the rooftop.

“Hey, why are you crying? Is it because of me again?” Kris talked softly.

Getting no response from Suzy, Kris took it as a yes. Kris then sat on the floor and pulled Suzy toward him to sit on his lap. Suzy rested her head on Kris’s chest while Kris hugged her waist tightly.

“Suzy ah, do you love me?”

Suzy was a bit shocked hearing Kris's question.

“Ye..Yes of course. Why are you asking me that?” Suzy looked up to met Kris eyes but only sadness that shown from his eyes.

‘The way she said she loves me is different from the old times. Usually she will say it with confident. But now she would blush a little. I guess she really loves me now. Please Suzy.. I don’t want to hurt you.’

Kris rested his head on top of Suzy’s and he closed his eyes




Hey!! t's me again. I hope you can enjoy this chapter. I wrote it in such hot weather so I hope it doesn't effect the story. Hahahaha.

It was kinda late because I want to update it this morning.

Anyway, please leave some comments because I'm so happy if you do that. Maybe the reply was kinda lame but still I want to show my gratitude for  your comments XD

I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll see you soon!! Love you all <333333

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Gooine #1
Chapter 19: I know this seems Luke a long shot since you updated ages ago but could you please continue this story? I really love the friendship between the gang and kriszy is just overloading with cuteness. I'm really curious if they made it together and what their relationship is like after he comes back plus with changeo and ieun too <3 hawaiting authornim
colakey22 #2
Chapter 19: I cannot with krisyeol moment :3 I'm curious what will happen for 4years ahead with kriszy ..pls pls when will u update this story? O.o T_T
colakey22 #3
Chapter 18: I want a brother like jaejoong one pwease :3
colakey22 #4
Chapter 17: Hahaha jackson acting so nice and a calm boy in here? It jst don't suit him xD
colakey22 #5
Chapter 16: LoL chanyeol must be the one who brokenheart the most xD ah I rlly liked luhan personality ♥ he has those manly mind and being so concern with kriszy relationship
colakey22 #6
Chapter 15: They're so funny and playful lololol guess kris' being a possessive boyfriend now hahaha
colakey22 #7
Chapter 14: Jongin need to go to luhan and share a bear hug since both of them have the same broken heart hahaha
colakey22 #8
Chapter 13: Kris is being so cheesy. I laughed at Kris Ticket lololol its so childish xD I want it too
colakey22 #9
Chapter 10: Geez better u thanks to luhan and treat the deer nicely omg poor lulu,he's such a manly luhan here :3
colakey22 #10
Chapter 8: Geez I'm curious why the hell did kris couldn't love her back -_-\\ they both r so oblivious, they must be thank to jongin