Sweet and Coincidental

Love Stuck Journey


“So you still don’t want to tell me what is it on Saturday?” Suzy asked.

School was already end, Suzy and Kris walked home and arrived at Suzy’s house already.

“Nope. I’ll tell you when I get the thing.” Kris grinned.

“Oh c’mon. Don’t be like that. I won’t be able to sleep if you don’t tell me.” Suzy showed her most cute puppy eyes.

Kris gulped. “Ehm.. I’ll tell you after I bring it. I’ll come back after this.” Kris awkwardly rubbed behind his neck.

“Okay then hurry back here. Don’t go anywhere. Just get the thing and run back here. Arasseo?”

“Okay.” Kris smiled and patted her head. “Now go inside first.”

“Be careful, even if I tell you to run.”

“Hahaha. Alright.” Kris waved his hand and Suzy got into her house.


5 minutes later..


Suzy almost chocked on her drink when Kris called her.

“You really run?” Suzy widened her eyes seeing Kris a bit run out of breath.

“Of course. Anyway, I’m the captain of our basketball club. It was nothing to me.” Kris approached Suzy and reached out his pocket.


“What is it?” Suzy took the paper and read it.

“It’s Kris’s one day ticket.” Kris grinned.

“I can read it okay. But what is it for?”

“Well, if you use that ticket, you can spend one day all, 24 hours with me. The ticket including spend the morning with Kris, go to the amusement park with Kris, go shopping with Kris, and have a romantic dinner with Kris. You can use it all and the ticket only available on Saturday.” Kris explained.

“Wait. What is it all about? Why are you suddenly giving me this? And what’s with romantic dinner?”

“Hm.. I just want to give you that so.. You don’t want it?”

“Of course not. It’s just..” Suzy turned to look at Kris. “You didn’t plan something weird right?” Suzy stared sharply.

“You can trust me. It just one day ticket anyway.”

“Okay then.” Suzy smiled.

“Ah! Don’t forget to wear something nice. I want us to look like the hottest couple.” Kris smirked.

 “You gave the ticket to me but it feels like you’re the one who become the boss.” Suzy murmured.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Suzy left Kris on the kitchen and couldn’t help but smiled from ear to ear when Kris didn’t see her.



Friday night..

“Oppa! Jaejoong oppa!” Suzy yelled.

Jaejoong hurriedly went upstairs to Suzy’s room.

“What is it? Is something happen? Did you hit on something?” Jaejoong said panicky.

“Aniyo. Can you help me choose what should I wear tomorrow?”

Jaejoong smirked “I thought you were cool about this.”

Suzy blushed immediately. “Well, I know it just hang out like always but.. but.. He invite me to romantic dinner too so..” 

“So..” jaejoong .

“I.. I.. just want to look nice. And this is the first time he asked me.” Suzy said shyly.

“Aigoo. My little Suzy is grown up now.” Jaejoong ruffled Suzy’s hair.


“Okay. Okay. Let see what you have.”

Both of them started to choose what to wear and Suzy almost took out all of her cloths from her closet. Maybe this is first time Kris invite her to this kind of dinner but it’s surely this is not Suzy’s first time to be panic like this. She always asked Jaejoong to help to pick something nice on her and since Jaejoong has a taste.

“I guess this is the best. It’s not too much but it’s enough.” Jaejoong looked satisfied.

“Thanks oppa. You’re the best.” Suzy hugged Jaejoong.

“Of course I am. Now get some sleep. You have to look fresh tomorrow.”

“Yes sir! Goodnight oppa.”

“Goodnight Suzy.” Jaejoong closed the door.




It was a beautiful morning and a special day, the day when Suzy can used Kris Ticket. Unlike always, Suzy could feel herself wake from her sleep. She doesn’t need to be woken up. But, why is the bed felt so narrow? Suzy slowly opened her eyes and greeted by another pair of eyes.

“What is he doing here? Am I still sleeping?” She blinked and rubbed her eyes. Then she poked the person’s face.

“Haven’t fully wake up? Do you want me to wake you up?” Kris smirked and started to tickle Suzy.

“Yah! Stop it! Jaejoong oppa!!” Suzy screamed for help between her laugh.

Hearing Suzy’s voice, Jaejoong immediately went upstairs to Suzy’s room.

“What is it?” Jaejoong said in panic.

“Kris won’t stop tickling me.” Suzy said while laughing.

Jaejoong glared at Kris and Kris immediately stopped.

“Seriously Suzy. You’re going to make me get a heart attack if you scream like that.”

“Mian oppa.” Suzy gave him her puppy eyes.

Jaejoong sigh. “Now shouldn’t you be ready already. Kris has already waiting for you since half an hour ago.”

“What? You’ve been looking at me for half an hour? Why didn’t you wake me up?” Suzy widened her eyes.

“Well..” Kris rubbed behind his neck.

“Just hurry up and get ready Suzy!” Jaejoong said.

“Arraseo.” Suzy went to bathroom and took a shower.

Jaejoong turned to Kris. “You really fall for her, huh?” Jaejoong smirked.

Kris blushed madly. “Hyung!”

Jaejoong laughed and leave him on Suzy’s room.

Kris decided to wait at the living room. After Suzy’s ready, she went down and met Kris there.

*Woah.. She’s really pretty. Well, she’s always pretty but..* Kris thought while looked at Suzy from head to toe.

*Why is he staring at me like that? He never stares at me like that. Is this cloth look weird on me or what?* Suzy looked down on her cloth, to Kris and back again to her cloth.

“Ehm..  You guys already stand awkwardly like that since minutes ago. You’re not going?” Jaejoong watched the two amusingly.  

“Yeah! Of course. Let’s go Kris. Bye oppa.” Suzy put on her wedges.

“We’re going hyung.”

“Good luck for you.” Jaejoong gave meaningful smile to Kris.

“Thanks hyung.” Kris smiled back.

Then the two of them walked out toward Kris’s car. Being gentleman, he opened the door for Suzy.


“So.. We haven’t have breakfast yet.” Suzy said looking at Kris.

“Because I was planning to go to the cafe.. again. So we could have breakfast together.”

“We could just have it in my house.”

“The ticket said to spend morning with me, not with Jaejoong hyung.” Kris said with straight face.

“Oh.. right.” Suzy nodded her head.

“So let’s spend time together for today.” Kris grinned happily.

“Alright! All your treat.” Suzy grinned too.

“Fine. But promise me you won’t ordered as much as last time.”

Suzy could only laugh.


They arrived at the cafe and ordered some food. After some sweet talk they decided to go to the amusement park. Seeing that it was Saturday and there were so many people, Suzy could only hope that the line for ticket wouldn’t be too long.

Kris parked his car then the two of them got out. Suzy already sighed when she saw the crowd.

“What’s wrong?” Kris looked at her.

Suzy shook her head and grabbed Kris’s hand so she wouldn’t get lost. Suzy furrowed her eyebrows when Kris led her to the gate, not to the counter.

“Why don’t we get into the line? We have to buy ticket first right?”

“No. Since this is a special day, I already took care of that.”

Kris took out some a piece of paper then gave it to the guard. The guard gave them a stamp.

“You two look good together! Have a nice day on this amusement park! Don’t forget to try some special corners for couples.” The guard smiled and let the two got in.

“What’s with the guard?” Suzy stared back at the guard behind them.

“Why? You don’t like being called as a couple with me?”

“It’s not like that. It’s just we’re not couple so..”

“Why not? We’re on a date now.” Kris leaned his head near Suzy’s. “And you look so beautiful today.” Kris whispered on Suzy’s ear with his deep voice.

Suzy couldn’t help but blushed madly and her face became all red because of that. Kris chuckled when Suzy tried to cover her red face.

Kris offered his hand in front of Suzy. “Which ride should we play first, princess?”

“Anything.” Suzy couldn’t look Kris in the eye but took his hand. Kris interlock their finger and they started walking.

“You know what, you look so adorable today with your tomato face.” Kris chuckled.

“You have to pay for this Wu Yi Fan.”

“Anything you want, my Princess.” Kris grinned happily and led her to the rides.






Same day, Saturday..

 “I don’t have dance practice today. What should I do?” Jongin said while lying on the couch.

Suddenly his phone rang.



“Oh Lay hyung! What’s up?”

“Are you free today?”

“Yeah! We don’t have practice today, right?”

“Then, do you want to join us? We’ll go to the amusement park today.”

“Why? Whose idea is that? I bet it’s Chen hyung.”

“No. We just decide it together. It’s been awhile anyway. We should have fun sometimes.”

Jongin sighed. “Okay. What time?”

“At 10. Can you make it?”

Jongin looked at the clock. 20 minutes.


“Just bring your motorbike cause we won’t pick you up. Meet you there. Good luck Kai ssi.. Hahahaha.” With that Lay hung up.

“These hyungs really.” Jongin shook his head and got ready.


After arrived at the amusement park, Jongin parked his motor and called Lay.

“Hyung, where are you now? I’m arrived already.”

“Oh. We’re on the gate. Just go straight here. I bought your ticket already.”

“Okay.” Jongin hung up the phone and walked to the gate.

He spotted his hyungs and waved to them. There were Xiumin, Lay, and Chen.

“Xiumin hyung! It’s been awhile. You didn’t come to practice quite often, did you?”

“Yeah! I’m kinda busy with my project on college.”

“So when will we get in?” Chen interrupted them.

“Shall we?” Lay looked at them and started to walk to the gate and they entered the amusement park.

“Woah.. It’s been awhile since I went here.” Chen said.

*Well I just got here another day with Suzy* Jongin thought

Suddenly he spotted a beautiful girl stand near the rides. While the hyungs looked on what ride should they choose first, Jongin kept looking at the girl. Suddenly the girl turned a bit so Jongin could clearly saw her face.

*I knew it! It was Suzy.* Jongin thought.

Feeling happy, he was going to approach her but suddenly Kris appeared holding two ice creams in his hands and gave it to Suzy.

*Ah... So they were on a date. Nice move Kris!* Jongin smiled on his thought.

Little he knows, he felt his heart beat little faster than usual. He kept thinking that it was good for them but his heart felt empty a bit, just a bit. He decided to congratulate her later and paid his attention back to his hyungs.  






So here's another update again. It seems like I will take awhile to update from now on. I'm sorry!!! X(

And I know you can't wait to see when Kris confess to Suzy right? I'm sorry for that too. Hahhaahahaha

Anyway, don't forget to leave some comments. Just tell me what you think about this chap. Andddd I'm so thankful for you, you, and you who subscribed my story despite of my late update.  I love you so much!! <3333

I hope you can wait for my next update. So see you later!!! 

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Gooine #1
Chapter 19: I know this seems Luke a long shot since you updated ages ago but could you please continue this story? I really love the friendship between the gang and kriszy is just overloading with cuteness. I'm really curious if they made it together and what their relationship is like after he comes back plus with changeo and ieun too <3 hawaiting authornim
colakey22 #2
Chapter 19: I cannot with krisyeol moment :3 I'm curious what will happen for 4years ahead with kriszy ..pls pls when will u update this story? O.o T_T
colakey22 #3
Chapter 18: I want a brother like jaejoong one pwease :3
colakey22 #4
Chapter 17: Hahaha jackson acting so nice and a calm boy in here? It jst don't suit him xD
colakey22 #5
Chapter 16: LoL chanyeol must be the one who brokenheart the most xD ah I rlly liked luhan personality ♥ he has those manly mind and being so concern with kriszy relationship
colakey22 #6
Chapter 15: They're so funny and playful lololol guess kris' being a possessive boyfriend now hahaha
colakey22 #7
Chapter 14: Jongin need to go to luhan and share a bear hug since both of them have the same broken heart hahaha
colakey22 #8
Chapter 13: Kris is being so cheesy. I laughed at Kris Ticket lololol its so childish xD I want it too
colakey22 #9
Chapter 10: Geez better u thanks to luhan and treat the deer nicely omg poor lulu,he's such a manly luhan here :3
colakey22 #10
Chapter 8: Geez I'm curious why the hell did kris couldn't love her back -_-\\ they both r so oblivious, they must be thank to jongin