See me later?

You deserve a dream-like reality ^^ (hiatus)

Annyeong :)


Eunhee's POV

Here I am. At the kitchen making lunch for us. I normally cooked little cause me and Yoona doesn't eat much, but today's an exception cause there's this person, behind me. I can feel his presence even if I didn't know he's there.

"Neh Eunhee, you girls go to the same school together?" ask Taemin cheerfully while looking at my cooking like this 0_0.

"Neh, Taemin-ah. And why're you're face like that? Is my cooking smells?" I ask curiously with his expression.

"Aniyo! It smells so good.... Pity me I can't try it... Kekeke ^^" he looked down, then smiles at me. I froze for a sec, then force myself to act normal. Eunhee what's wrong with you? He's Yoona's crush! His definitely way out of my line. Focus....

"Why can't you try? It's a normal food." I ask.

"I can only eat  food done by our chef, myself, or my hyungs." he said comfortably. See? Celeb much. "Oh yeah, where do you girls go to school?" he asks.

"In Kyunggi High School, why? You're unoften to go to school, right?" I ask still cooking.

"Omoo, that's near my school! Neh, but if I don't have schedule, I go to school, but now I go there with my costume due to my tight schedule kekeke" he said shyly. I felt my heart racing, but I forcely ignored it. For Yoona's sake.

"Oh yeah! Yoona's birthday is in 2 days right? She said it earlier." he said cheerfuly, as always.

"Neh, bwo?" I ask.

"We should prepare her a suprise party! What do you think, Eunhee?" he asks more cheerful. Like a kid begging a mom to buy him a candy.

"That sounds terrific! How do we do that?" I ask him while getting some plates, forks, and spoons.

"Um.... Meet me tomorrow afternoon at the restaurant that night we met after prom.' he said.

"Neh, of course! You don't have schedule tomorrow?" I ask sitting in the dinner table as he sits in front of me.

"No, I'm free! ^^" okay. He's too cute. I can't help myself but froze myself, but he didn't noticed it.

Taemin's POV

Ah aniyo! Eunhee's food is so tempting! I want it so bad!!! >< Why can't I be a normal person, God? Otokeee? Okay, breath.... Where's Yoona anyway? The laundry is taking her so long.

Yoona's POV

Ah finally! Home sweet home! This laundry's so heavy!! I wonder if Taemin's still at my house? I better run fast!!

"Annyeong!" as I arrived. Then a person quickly got my laundry and smiled at me. It's Taemin. :') "Annyeong, oppa! You're still here!" I smiled.

"Annyeong ^^ Of course I'm still here, where else could I be?" he cutely said. Whoa.

"Neh, Yoona! What's taking you so long?" I heard Eunhee said from the dinner table.

"Mrs. Hwon told me that your dress is too ruffled so she complained that it's difficult to ironed it kekeke" I said. "Neh oppa, let me help you." as I opened the closet and place the laundry there. As I took the last clothes still looking at the closet, I unconsciously held Taemin's hand, and I blushed. He blushed too! So I looked down nervously and don't know what to do.

"Hey you two! The food's gonna be cold" Eunhee said, consciously waken me from our blushing and took the clothes to the closet and closed it. "There we go! Should we eat? Come on." I said leading him to the dinner table.

"You're not eating, oppa? Have you eaten before?" I said while eating.

"He said that he doesn't eat unless it's prepared by his chef and stuff." Eunhee said.

"Oh, I see."

As me and Eunhee eating, Taemin's just looking at me and just can't stop smiling. I can't help but smiled at him for the rest of our lunch time.

"Neh, I have to go. My Hyung are probably waiting for me." Taemin said smiling to Yoona and he raised from the table.

"Oh, okay. Will I ever see you again?" Yoona asked sadly.

Taemin's POV

She doesn't have any idea what's on my mind about her. That's very good.

"Of course! You have no idea..." that I will need you for the rest of my life. Then I looked at Eunhee, giving her that don't-forget-tomorrow look, and she understands.

Yoona's POV

"Bye oppa, be careful....." I waved at him.

"I will if you will ^^ Bye! See you later!" he waved and walked away.

"EUNHEE!!!!!!! Am I dreaming? Is that really Taemin? Lee Taemin? Taemin oppa....." I said hysterically.

"Calm down, girl. This is a reality. Congratulations. Keep fighting!" she said.

Eunhee's POV

But, will I fight for Taemin or Mr. Hyo?


That's all for today. Keep reading, viewers! There'll be no ridicilous cat fight ^^ and sorry if this's a short update. Tune in for exciting chapters

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please update sooon <3
update asap! so intersting :O
youknowthegirls #3
i'll support you ^^
thank you ^^ I've been having this writer's block for so long but I want to finish it very bad!! Support me?
Silver9311 #5
not gonna finish the story? :(
youknowthegirls #6
taemin and yoona so sweet.. hope they will be together..<br />
youknowthegirls #7
pls update soon ;D
thanku for reading & subcribing ^^!
Silver9311 #9
waaa its nice :} pls update soon ^^
thank u ^^ u've read it till the end?