Chapter 28

Jumping into an Alternate World
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**Semi-long chappie up ahead guys~ ^^ Thanks for all the support until now~ <3 I love you all~~

~*Chaemin's POV*~


Suho waited until Kris came to get me from the border line and left when Kris arrived. "Decided to spend the rest of the day with us I see" Kris grinned lightly as I shook my head, "Er, not exactly" I rubbed the back of my neck, "What's wrong?" Kris asked stopping in his tracks and that made me stop walking too. (A/N: Kris is in his wolf form, just saying xD)


"Well you see..." I started to walk again alongside Kris and told him about my dream and he listened intently.

"That's odd.." muttered Kris, "What is?" "Lay told me he had a dream about you" Kris said as I felt my cheeks heat up, what's weird was I get butterflies when I think about Lay, which was odd since I didn't feel this way back home.

"What about his dream?" I asked looking down to hide my heated cheeks. "He said he saw you glowing while you had some sparkling crystal orb in your hands" I abruptly stopped and looked at Kris, "What? I was glowing??" Kris let out a chuckle, "I know it sounds pretty weird but after hearing what you said, it somehow makes sense now." Kris said glancing at me, I looked at him  blinking.

"Don't tell me you actually think that, me, someone who comes from an oh-so normal world, would have powers! It's... it's just ridiculous" I stated as I heard Kris snort, "What you just told me says otherwise" Kris said as I sighed, "I guess... but I still think its impossible." I mumbled and continued to walk.


We arrived at the eating grounds and I got tackled by Hayoung hugging me, "Welcome back again~" She beamed happily as I returned the greeting. I chatted with her for a while as I watched her prepare food for dinner, I was wondering when I could go and check out the tree I saw though I would have to wait for one of the other pack members. As if right on cue one of the members came, and it happened to be that one p

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Chapter 41: Aww! Cute!!
Vk00kie #2
Chapter 40: wAHHH DAEBAK
shinee3112 #3
Chapter 41: Awww~~~ So sweet... Even the Yixing from the other world present her an exact dog that looks like him... Thank you author-nim for the amazing story!! Really love it!!! =DDD
Demilee_16 #5
Chapter 41: That was so cute but I feel so bad for lay in the other world!!!
Chapter 41: Amazing story indeed! I enjoyed every bit! Thanks a lot!
reenashi #7
Chapter 41: Awww this was such an amazing story!
Justmaili #8
Ohh authornim i loved this story! Its so creative and cute!!! Ahh my lay feels… anyway *thumbs up*!!
margiegarcia #9
Chapter 41: Love the story but I'm sad for both Lay and Chanyeol because they both lost Chaemin in their own way. On the other hand I really like the ending. =) thanks for a wonderful story.
Chapter 41: waaah~ I love this ♥♥♥♥ but I'm sad for yixing in the other world~ I'm just wondering if what will happen to him ... if he will find another girl? or another chaemin xD lol.