
Love Again

"And thats how I suspected that manager hyung was going out with that lady!" Key announced proudly to you and Jonghyun. Jonghyun looked at Key with a bored face, "Kibum, just because you saw them laughing together near a shop, doesn't mean they're dating."

The three of you were having some coffee at your favourite café, and Key was getting excited about seeing SHINee's manager with a lady. "Ya," Key looked at Jonghyun, "its so obvious. I don't usually see manager hyung with another lady. Whats more, they were laughing. It means something." Jonghyun rolled his eyes. 

"Oppa, Jonghyun oppa is right." You said to Key. "Maybe it was a coincidence that your manager met a friend near the store and decided to talk to her." 

Key had an unsatisfied face on and huffed. "Maybe. But I'm gonna watch him. Its just that he doesn't have a girlfriend or anything. He's gonna age. He should at least try to get a girlfriend. Doesn't he want to get married? I worry sometimes, thinking how he would live without a family...." And Key went on and on, nagging as usual. Jonghyun and you looked at eachother, trying to hold back your smiles. "Thats why I'm always saying stuffs like that." Key finished and looked at the both of you. You turned back to look at Key who was pouting a little like a child.

"Well, you should probably try to think about yourself too you know." You said to him with a grin. Key looked at you curiously, "What do you mean?" 

You thinly smiled at him. "What I mean is that you should try looking for a girlfriend too." 

Key's face turned from curious to uninterested. He leaned back at his chair and looked in another direction away from you. Somehow you felt that what you said might have shot him, unintentionally. You looked at Jonghyun for assurance, but he just looked down at his half empty coffee cup. You felt guilty suddenly, hoping that you didn't hurt his feelings. 

After just a short moment of silence, Key looked up at you and smiled. He probably noticed the awkwardness of the situation and didn't want to be all emotional. Then he scoffed, "Heh, me get a girlfriend? Nah, I don't have time for that." 

You didn't know what to say. Afraid that you might say something wrong again, you just kept quiet.

"And by the way, I already have you don't I?" Key said to you cheekily and laughed. At that moment Jonghyun perked up his head and squinted his eyes at Key.

"Ya" Jonghyun said jokingly, "she's mine." Key held up both his hands in defeat and laughed.

You laughed at both of them. You knew that it was all a joke, but you couldn't help feeling butterflies in you stomach when Jonghyun said that. After that, the three of you started talking about other topics and jokes.

On the way back to the SM building, the three of you were silent. Even the king of gossips, Key, wasn't saying anything. All of you were just thinking quietly.

The first thing that you started thinking about was Jonghyun. You both had been so close for two years, doesn't he know what you truly felt towards him? Sometimes you just wanted tell him the truth, but you were always too afraid to. Though this time, something was really pushing you to tell him how you felt. You really wanted him to know, and you felt ready to tell him. After waiting for more than two years, maybe it was finally time to let him know the truth.

You glanced at him beside you. His eyes were looking down, like he was deep in thought. What is he thinking about? Your eyes drifted down to his smooth side cheeks, and then to his jawline. Such perfect features he had, too perfect to be human. Suddenly you noticed his lips. Everytime he smiled, they looked so sweet and made him look so happy. But now, on his serious face, they looked so soft, so tempting, so....

"Something on my face?" Jonghyun asked looking at you worriedly.

"A...ani.. Its nothing." You quickly looked down nervously. Your face started to get red when you realized that Jonghyun noticed you staring at him. You couldn't see Jonghyun's face since you were looking down, but you sensed him still looking at you. After a moment, he looked infront again. You hoped he didn't see you blush.

When the three of you reached the SM building, you saw Taemin and Minho waiting for you all. It was almost 2.30 pm, the time for SHINee to start work again. This was it. You didn't want to lose this chance, the chance to tell Jonghyun that you love him. You turned around to look at him, but then, you saw Taemin and Key talking to him. You needed more privacy.

"Um... Jonghyun oppa.." You hesitated. All four boys looked at you at the same time, making you even more nervous. "I need to talk to you.." You managed to say carefully, making sure you don't sound suspicious. Jonghyun came nearer to you so that the other boys can't hear and whispered, "What is it?" He looked concered, like as if he would protect you from anything in the world. As though as he was ready to hear out any problem that you have and help as much as he can. No wonder you liked him so much.

"Its better if we talk somewhere else." You whispered back calmly. "Its quite personal."

Jonghyun looked at his watch, then at s, then at you. "Okay, but now I've got a little thing to do. So, meet me in the upstairs dance room in five minutes." He said. You nodded your head and watched him quickly walk outside with Key and Taemin.

Minho looked at you and excused himself to go see Onew. You were alone. So, you headed upstairs, as what Jonghyun told you to do, and walked to the dance room. There was nobody inside. You went in conveniently and sat down on the chair at the corner of the room, waiting. You didn't know what to feel. Excited because you were going to confess to your crush? Scared because he might not be the same anymore after this? Worried because he might reject you? Or sad, because he kept you waiting?

You looked at your watch, ten minutes had passed but no sign of Jonghyun. You were getting impatient, almost at the brink of tears. Suddenly the door opened. You looked up hopefully at the door, getting ready to scold Jonghyun. 

But instead of Jonghyun, someone else came in. He looked just as surprised as you to see you sitting alone.

"Minho oppa?" You asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that question." Minho replied.

You didn't say anything. Minho came to sit beside you. "Manager hyung hasn't arrived yet, so I came here to get something." He told you. "But strangely, I have forgotten what is it I wanted to get." 

Minho smiled at you, but you just kept silent. You didn't feel so good. Maybe because you were too nervous.

"So what are you doing here?" He asked again, this time expecting an answer. 

"Nothing actually, I'm just waiting for someone." You replied without looking at him. His face expression changed. 

"Jonghyun hyung?" He asked you. You nodded. He just kept quiet with you, making things a little bit awkward. 

"So, how is your vocal training going on so far?" He finally tried to break the silence. You just shrugged.

"I see.." He mumbled. "How about dance training? I heard that you are doing quite well." He asked again with a hopeful smile. Again you just nodded your head without a word coming out of your mouth. You felt bad treating Minho this way, but you couldn't help it. You just didn't feel like talking. Your mind was too busy thinking about Jonghyun.

"Listen, _____-ah.." Suddenly Minho's voice went low and soft, "If you have a problem, you can tell me." 

You finally looked at him and smiled. "Thanks oppa, but I'm just tired now." You lied. Minho's face expression changed again. He looked like he was defeated, but didn't want to give up. You looked down again to avoid looking at him because you felt guilty. But suddenly he put his hand on yours. You looked at him, not sure how to react. He smiled at you.

You were about to smile back when in all of a sudden, he crashed his lips onto yours. Your eyes grew wide. You felt his lips on yours, you knew what he was doing, and yet you were so blank at the same time. You wanted to push away, but his hands were holding yours tight, preventing you to move. Just at that moment, you both heard the door open.

Minho let go of your hands and you quickly pulled yourself away, both of you looking towards Jonghyun. Jonghyun stood there, shocked for a moment. You were speechless. This was not what you had planned. You didn't want Jonghyun to see this. You looked at him helplessly, not knowing what to say. 

Then Minho started. "Hyung, what are you doing here?" 

Jonghyun looked at you. "She wanted to talk to me."

"Oppa..." You tried to say something but Jonghyun stopped you. "_____-ah, how could you?"

Your eyes started to tear. What did he mean by that? Did he think that you lied or cheated him? Is he angry because he saw what just happened? Jonghyun just looked at you. Then his mouth started to form a smile. 

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" He cried happily. You and Minho looked at each other, confused. 

"Minho-ah, since when did you both start dating?" Jonghyun asked cheerfully. You kept silent and looked down, not knowing what to say. Minho also didn't say anything at first. But then he looked at you and suddenly smiled. 

"Since just now actually." He answered, looking back to Jonghyun. "I never told you this, but I've always had a crush on _____." 

Your eyes grew wide. You almost coudn't believe the words Minho just said. You wanted to disagree and tell Jonghyun the truth, but suddenly fear took over you. Silence was the only thing you could think of.

Slowly you raised your head to see the look on Jonghyun's face. You expected him to look happy and excited, like how he sounded. But instead, you noticed something else about his expression. Like he was holding back sadness, trying to hide it from you and Minho.

"Oppa.." You softly muttered, seeing his gloomy and reddening eyes. He wasn't happy? All his pain was carefully hidden behind his fake smile. But you knew him all too well. You wanted to go to him and hug him so badly. But then you felt someone hold your hand from behind. Minho.

He gazed at you with his hopefull eyes and smiling lips. He gently pushed back a strand of your hair behind your ear and pulled you closer. Your mind told you to push him off and run to Jonghyun as fast as you can, but your body betrayed you. You just froze, not sure what to do. 

"Well, congrats to both of you." Jonghyun said and left the room, leaving you alone with Minho again.

You saw Jonghyun leave and wanted to call after him, but Minho pulled you even closer. You tried to push him off, but he was too strong. At last you gave up, and glared at him. He chuckled.

"Let me go oppa!" You said sternly. He smiled sinisterly and shook his head. "You must give me a payment if you want me to let go." 

At first you didn't understand, but then you realised what he wanted, and you were not going to give him that. You shook your head and started to push him again. He just continued smiling at you, seeing how helpless you were. Suddenly he let you go, causing you to stumble backwards. You were about to fall, when he quickly caught you and you gripped his shirt for balance. You glared at him again. 

But instead of chuckling, he planted a soft kiss on your forehead and let go of you. You straightened yourself and sighed, looking at him gaze at you. You felt your cheeks turn red. Why is this guy so charming? You didn't want to fall for him. In fact, you were supposed to be mad at him. What is wrong with you?!

"Why did you say that?!" You raised your voice at him. 

"Say what?" He casually asked back.

"That we were dating!"

"Did I say that?" He said sacarsticly. You felt like punching his nose at that moment. He was being so annoying. You just growled at him and walked out of the room, hoping to find Jonghyun.

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Awwhh! :D thanks everyone for the sweet comments. XD im so glad you guys enjoyed the story! Jeongmal kamsahaeyo~ saranghae!


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AA18072410 #1
Chapter 19: Wow!!! This story is wonderful!!! ^-^ I'm excited about the sequel!! >_<
Chapter 18: aww.. this story is cute. :)
blxck_ #3
Chapter 18: Awww :') I love the ending :'3 idk y i feel like crying YwY
Chapter 18: Wow i love this story..
It's so natural happened in teenagers life nowadays..
So normal and natural and of course daebak :)
Aishia #5
Chapter 18: Omg I love this story! I love everything about it! <3 Great ending *Q* Thank you for this amazing story x3 Saranghae <3
Chapter 18: Ahh~ I loved this story from beginning to end! ^-^ It's sad that it has to end... But this is a great ending to an awesome story! Kamsahamnida for writing!
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 18: Awww....great story! Great ending! Anyways done reading this one ^^
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 18: Awww....great story! Grear ending! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 18: Its over! Oh no! :( ahah Im glad it had a happy ending, a really great story hehe thankyou for sharing it with us :')
lee_in #10
thanks for the update author nim ^^