Love Again

Love Again

The lights were glaring on your face as you walked towards your dressing room. Staffs ran here and there like little ants hurrying around. They always looked so busy, you thought.

"Careful." Key said while tugging your hand to the side, avoiding you from crashing into one of the busy staffs. "Sorry." You mumbled. The two of you zipped through the busy cramped walkway towards a room door that had yours and Taemin's name on it.

Entering the room, you found Taemin sitting at the corner talking casually with the other three members before all eyes were on you and Key. "Annyeong!"

"Ppali! You need to get dressed, like, right now." Key nagged, ignoring your attempt to greet everyone. He pushed you into the bathroom and handed your clothes before shutting the door. "Ppali!"

"Alright, alright. Jeez." You sneered from inside and turned around to change.

"Hyung, don't be so harsh." You heard Taemin complain. "Even I'm not ready yet."

"You're used to this. She's new. I don't want anything wrong to happen on her debut." Key answered in a nagging tone. "Look. She's not done yet. How long does she need to change?"

"Oppa! I just came in!" You shouted from inside the bathroom. "PPALI!" He shouted back making you grunt. "Fine!"

A moment later, you were out all dressed. "There. How do I look?" You asked the five boys. They all nodded with faint sounds coming from their mouths as compliments, except Key, who started adjusting some parts of your dress. "There. Now you look better."

Suddenly a knock came from the door followed by the sound of the door opening and a staff popped his head through. "Number 18, your performance will be in exactly 20 minutes."

"I should go get dressed now." Taemin said and hurried into the bathroom with his costume set. You nodded to the staff and sat down at the dressing table as ordered by the diva. A second later, two girls came and started applying layers of make-up on your face.

Thats when it suddenly hit you. You were going to debut. A rush of cold air brushed up your skin at the thought. You were nervous.

"Nervous?" As in cue, Jonghyun asked while standing beside you, looking at you through the mirrors reflection. You smiled at him. "Yeah.."

He placed his hand on yours assuringly, giving it a light squeeze. "Don't worry. It's fun up there on stage. You'll love it."

"I guess." You hesitated. "Just, stay with me for a while." Jonghyun smiled. "Of course."

Just then Taemin came out from the bathroom and sat down at the dressing table beside you to be attended by another two make-up artists. He looked at you and smiled sweetly. "You look nervous."

"Yah. I just talked to her about that. Don't make her nervous again." Jonghyun nagged making the maknae pout. "Really? Sorry." Then he looked at you again. "Don't be nervous."

You laughed. "It's alright you two. I'm fine."

"Ten minutes, number 18!" A staff shouted from the door again, making you jump. Your make-up artist squinted her eyes and frowned before re-touching your cheeks. "Sorry.." You mumbled.

Moments later you were done with the make-up and up ready to be sent to the waiting room. You turned to Taemin who was almost done with his make-up, and then to the other guys who were sitting down at the other side of the room except Jonghyun who was beside you. 

"Ready?" Jonghyun asked as he held your hand. You turned to him and nodded doubtfully. "That doesn't look convincing." He said again with a grin.

"I can't say that I'm not nervous."

"That's a normal thing. I still get nervous even until now before going on stage. But as long as you're prepared, nothing can go wrong." He comforted you. You nodded and smiled thankfully before giving him a hug. "Thanks oppa."

"No problem. Just have fun okay?" He said while looking into your eyes. You nodded again happily. Then he leaned in for a gentle kiss. "Love you jagiya. Good luck."

"Love you too."

"Ahem." Taemin cleared his throat with a cheeky grin. "Shall we go now ____?"

"Uh, yeah." You blurted as your face reddened rapidly. You turned to the other members who were cheering.

"Do your best!" Onew cried. "Make the crowd go wild!" Minho fisted. "Remember to have fun!" Key informed. The room sounded as if it was full of football fans screaming when someone scored a goal. You only managed to laugh a thank you before hurrying out the door with Taemin.

You both walked down the busy hallway again. The noises and the music that were getting louder made you realise that you were getting closer to the performance stage. Taemin walked fast, holding on to your hand protectively to lead the way. Then he opened a door and both of you walked in. Peaceful.

"This is the waiting room?" You asked while looking around. The room was cooling and looked very sophisticated, unlike the dressing room that was in a mess.

"Yup." Taemin nodded with a grin at how amazed you were with the room. You saw a few bottles of water and decided to gulp down one, to drown your nervousness. 

"So, this is it." You spoke while leaning on the wall next to Taemin. "My debut."

"Don't scare yourself." He chuckled. "You're just going to be doing the same routines we've practised for months on a fancy stage."

"With a whole crowd." You scoffed. He laughed. "Trust me. It's not that bad." Then suddenly he turned to you and pulled you in for a hug.

"Calm down." He whispered. "If anything goes wrong, remember that I'll be there to take care of it." He pushed you with his hands on your shoulders and smiled warmly. "Okay?"


"Number 18!" The staff called with his head popped through the door crack. "Your turn."

You and SHINee's maknae walked to until the side of the stage, just below the stair steps. You listened as the crowd cheered loudly for the last group that had just performed and turned to Taemin. He smiled assuringly at you and you smiled back before turning infront again.

The hosts of the show were talking, but it seemed like only seconds before your name was mentioned. A conversation was going on between the three hosts.

"I heard that she was from America."

"Ohh. Wow she must be really hardworking to come all the way here from there."

"Yes. And she's very pretty too."

"Aigoo. Prettier than me?" 

"Prettier than you! I can't wait to see her preform."

"Yes. I want to see."

"Lets give it up for.." The three of them choruses. "______!"

The crowd goes wild and the lights start to dim. That was your cue to go up on stage. You turn around one more time to look at Taemin, who was clapping for you, before walking up the steps. Your walked all the way to the centre of the stage as the crowd slowly slowed down their cheers to hear your song. 

The music starts. Slow ballad piano notes flying in the air. You inhale a deep amount of air and let go slowly, before placing the microphone on your lips. At the cue of the piano, the spotlight beams on you.

You begin to sing your debut song, Love Again.

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Awwhh! :D thanks everyone for the sweet comments. XD im so glad you guys enjoyed the story! Jeongmal kamsahaeyo~ saranghae!


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AA18072410 #1
Chapter 19: Wow!!! This story is wonderful!!! ^-^ I'm excited about the sequel!! >_<
Chapter 18: aww.. this story is cute. :)
blxck_ #3
Chapter 18: Awww :') I love the ending :'3 idk y i feel like crying YwY
Chapter 18: Wow i love this story..
It's so natural happened in teenagers life nowadays..
So normal and natural and of course daebak :)
Aishia #5
Chapter 18: Omg I love this story! I love everything about it! <3 Great ending *Q* Thank you for this amazing story x3 Saranghae <3
Chapter 18: Ahh~ I loved this story from beginning to end! ^-^ It's sad that it has to end... But this is a great ending to an awesome story! Kamsahamnida for writing!
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 18: Awww....great story! Great ending! Anyways done reading this one ^^
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 18: Awww....great story! Grear ending! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 18: Its over! Oh no! :( ahah Im glad it had a happy ending, a really great story hehe thankyou for sharing it with us :')
lee_in #10
thanks for the update author nim ^^