
Love Again

Your practise days got easier. You could focus more, express more and sing better. Everything around you seemed so much lighter and you smiled more often.

"You look happy."

You turned to look at Taemin who was leaning at the white wall beside you. He must have caught you smiling in your daydream. Your face turned red. "Oh, oppa. I didn't see you there."

"You sure didn't." He chuckled. "I think there's something haven't been telling me. Something about.. Jonghyun hyung probably." He grinned making you blush again. Then he placed his hand on his chin, making him look as if he was thinking. "Come to think of it, hyung has been in a pretty good mood recently too."

"Okay, okay. You caught me." You surrenderd, giggling coyly. "I'm officially Jonghyun oppa's girlfriend. There, happy?" Taemin laughed and gave you a little hug, squeezing you tightly. "Finally!" He said. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks oppa." You hugged back happily. The he let go and smiled amusingly at you. "No wonder hyung hasn't been at the dorm for the past two nights." He said, winking at you. Your face turned red and you went speechless. Is the whole group going to find out this way?

"Hey, Taemin-ah! There's another recording at 3.30 later." Suddenly Jonghyun appeared through the door, looking Taemin with a look as if he were saying 'understand?'. Taemin's eyebrows raised. "I thought it was going to be at 5?"

"Apparently, our manager has other plans. What time does this finish?" He asked us this time looking at me. "At 5." I stated, then turned to Taemin. "You can go out early, you know. Since you don't need much practise." You shrugged, but he shook his head. "You can't practise alone."

"I'm fine. It's supposed to be my solo debut anyway." I responded. Taemin shook his head again. "You'll need me. It's easier if I teach you. You're still having some problems with some steps."

"I can accompany her." Jonghyun offered, making Taemin squint at him. "Do you know the steps?" Jonghyun shook his head innocently before the maknae sighed and you quietly giggled seeing Jong's face. "But I can still accompany her. I wont be busy." He insisted.

"But we have a recording to take. How are you not busy?" Taemin asked.

"YOU have recording. Ours is done." The dino smirked.

"Taemin-ah, manager hyung wants to see you now." Suddenly Minho entered the room from behind, pausing to notice Jonghyun infront of him. The three of you turned to look at him and Taemins eyebrows furrowed. "Now?"

"Yeah, now.." He's words trailed of slowly still trying to figure out what was his hyung doing in your practise room. "He wanted to talk to you about some recording."

"I dont get this!" Taemin cried while placing his hands on his head. "Okay, I'm gonna go talk to him and make him let me stay till 5." He said determined while walking out the door in fast steps. He was obviously in a state of confusion. You, Jonghyun and Minho just stood there and watched him leave. 

"I think we should get back to what we were doing. I'm gonna practise now." You muttered, unsure to who you meant saying that to. It felt a little awkward since Minho was there. You walked back towards the mirrored wall and started to count your dance steps. Jonghyun shrugged and turned around to walk out of the door, passing by Minho, who was right beside the entrance. They didn't give eachother a single glance, you saw that through the mirror.

"I could stay here to accompany you for a while." Minho suddenly suggested making you sigh. "No, thank you. I'm fine on my own."

"No, just for a while. I'll just keep you company till Taemin gets back." He urged. You turned around fiercely at him and glared. "I'm fine alone Minho. I dont want your company."

"She said she doesn't want you here. So just leave." You saw Jonghyun standing behind Minho, warning him with a threatening tone. "Just go."

The taller walked up towards the shorter, trying to show off his obvious height, glaring unforgivingly down towards him. "I will leave when I want to."

Both pair of eyes shot laser beams, glaring holes into each other's faces. Thats what it looked like, at least. Finally Jonghyun spoke. "Just go, Minho. I dont want to fight with you. Not now."

"Because you're too scared?" Minho provoked, but Jonghyun shook his head and stepped back. "Don't. Just don't."

"Maybe cause you just know that I'm going to win the fight. Or is it cause you're too afraid to lose infront of her." Minho kept taunting, gesturing his head towards me at the last word. "Just go, Minho." Jonghyun kept repeating, his fists already clenching.

"Stop this Minho. I want you to leave. Don't create problems now." You tried to sound from the side, but Minho was being stubborn again. He wasn't going to let this go without a fight.

"You're so full of yourself now since she picked you over me, huh? You think you're so great, hyung?"

"Minho, stop it." You warned again while Jonghyun just kept quiet, clenching his fists harder.

"You know I'm always better no matter what you do. It's amazing how your own body knows it too. You can't even grow taller than me."

Lesson number one. Never, NEVER insult Jonghyun's height.

His fist came flying from out of no where, hitting excactly at Minho's left cheeckbone, causing him to stumble. You swore you saw a little bit of blood in the scene and started shouting. "Oppa NO!" You ran towards him just in time before Minho could repond the hit. Jonghyun struggled to get you off him so that he could keep bashing up the younger guy, but you held him tight. 

"Get off me. This guy needs a good lesson!" He shouted, still struggling and glaring furiously at Minho. "No, stop it oppa. It's no use. Please!" You yelled pleadingly, calming him down a little. Minho glared back at his elder, wiping of the blood that was trailing down his lower lip.

"Get the hell out of here!" You shouted angrily at Minho, still holding Jonghyun's arm scared that he might do something again. Minho's eyes never left the both of you as he walked out the door silently, only turning his head around after he'd gone out. 

You let out a heavy sigh and placed you fingers on your eyes, frowning. Things were getting worse.

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Awwhh! :D thanks everyone for the sweet comments. XD im so glad you guys enjoyed the story! Jeongmal kamsahaeyo~ saranghae!


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AA18072410 #1
Chapter 19: Wow!!! This story is wonderful!!! ^-^ I'm excited about the sequel!! >_<
Chapter 18: aww.. this story is cute. :)
blxck_ #3
Chapter 18: Awww :') I love the ending :'3 idk y i feel like crying YwY
Chapter 18: Wow i love this story..
It's so natural happened in teenagers life nowadays..
So normal and natural and of course daebak :)
Aishia #5
Chapter 18: Omg I love this story! I love everything about it! <3 Great ending *Q* Thank you for this amazing story x3 Saranghae <3
Chapter 18: Ahh~ I loved this story from beginning to end! ^-^ It's sad that it has to end... But this is a great ending to an awesome story! Kamsahamnida for writing!
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 18: Awww....great story! Great ending! Anyways done reading this one ^^
claribelmiranda #8
Chapter 18: Awww....great story! Grear ending! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 18: Its over! Oh no! :( ahah Im glad it had a happy ending, a really great story hehe thankyou for sharing it with us :')
lee_in #10
thanks for the update author nim ^^