MCW - Unfinished Business

My Cheating Wife





Yuri's POV



"finally you're awake, good morning sleepyhead"  she greeted. 'thank God I'm alive'


"aish seriously? what am I doing here?" I groaned in annoyance.


"just say thank you, idiot" she knocked me on my head.


I rolled my eyes on her, "where's my shirt and pants?"


"oh you mean the rug?" she pointed at my favorite shirt that her maid is using for cleaning

the picture frames. 





"YAH! I'm not a witch, babo!" she knocked me on my head.


"ouch!....... what happened last night?" I asked rubbing my head.


"I should be the one asking that, what happened last night? why are you in the bar drowning

yourself in alcohol?" she crossed her arms.


"aish....its wife" I sighed after remembering what happened last night,

with her singing with a guy.


"who?" she furrowed her eyebrows.


"Jessica, you babo!" I rolled my eyes on her.


"YOU'RE TOGETHER AGAIN?!" she yelled.


"calm down! geez, why girls so loud?" I rolled my eyes again. "yes, we're together, but I think

we're going to separate again" I lowered my head.


"why? are you alright?" she put her hand on my shoulder.


"I can't take it anymore!!!! aaaaiiishh!!! I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't cheat, why do I

need to deserve this?" I shouted as I punched the pillow.


"calm down Yuri-ah, tell me what really happen, but before that" she throws the clothes to my

face  "go bath first, you really smell bad" she said as she covers her nose.


"you're so mean, is this Taecyeon's clothes?" I asked. She nodded. "where's my pants?"


"I burned them" she said making me widen my eyes.


"what the...." 


"what? you puke on your pants, what do you want me to do? wash it? you gotta be ting

me" she shook her head.



"aish, I'm really weak at alcohols eh?" I stand up and walk to the bathroom.


"yes you are, by the way, don't show yourself to Taec" she warned me.


"why?" I asked


"he has a lot of hard time taking off your clothes last night because you were punching him"


"really?" I asked in disbelief, she nodded 'gross! this is embarrassing'


"that's why you're only wearing your boxer shorts, because he can't take it anymore putting

clothes on you" she shook her head while smiling. 


"aish! I'm sorry, thanks for your help Gyuri, I thought I made a mistake that I'll regret for the

rest of my life" I smiled at her.


"I'm always here for you, like you always do for me" she returned the smile.




Gyuri's POV



After Yuri explained everything.



"If I was on her place, it would also be my reaction, for example I'm preparing for Taecyeon's 

lunch and he didn't help at all, then I will saw him on top of a girl? what do you expect me to do?

give you a thumbs up and say keep it up?'' I raised an eyebrow at him.


''I understand, but I already explained my side'' he groaned in annoyance.


''she can't still be able to forgive you, you know why?'' 


''why?'' he looked at me with his whole focus.


''because she's hurt, you know what's the meaning of hurt?''


''of course!'' he gave me a disgusted look.


''no you don't'' I shook my head.


''what do you mean I don't? I already experienced it, and I'm still experiencing it now'' he crossed

his arms.


''be thankful that she gets mad when she saw you with another girl, that means she's hurt

because she loves you'' 


''but why did she left me? and why is she talking with another guy'' he asked furrowing his 



''she left you, because she's hurt eveytime she saw you, maybe the picture of you on top of a girl

keeps crossing through her mind eveytime she sees you, she's talking with another guy and so?

did you saw them kiss? did you saw that guy on top of her?'' I said, then I saw him nodded.


''I guess, you're right'' he agreed.


''I'm always right'' I smiled boastfully.


''thanks Gyuri!'' he hugged me, and I hugged him back.


''hey, I'm late for my flight, I should be at the airport  in 10:00am, I'll come back  here after one

week to fix this'' he smiled and began to walk to where his car is.


''you're going to LA? time travel to get there is 12 hours how can you make it on time? you said

the meeting will start at 3:00pm?'' I asked confuse.


''yes it is, but since I'm riding a jet aircraft, it would only took me 4 hours, so bye, I still

need to return on our mansion to get some documents'' 


''take care handsome'' I waved at him.


''you too, say sorry to Taec for me'' he then waved before entering his car.


I was about to go to Taecyeon's room when I saw Yuri's phone on the table. 


'I'm sorry to invade your privacy Yuri'



1 message received


From: Sica-baby <3


    Baby, please take care of yourself. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused. I love you so

    much... I love you again seobang... <3



'I admit that I really hate you Jessica for hurting my dear Yuri, but I have to accept the fact that

you're the only one who can make him happy' I decided to message her using my phone.



To: Jessica


    let's meet up at XXXX restaurant, its about Yuri.



.....After 15 minutes.....



1 message received


From: Jessica


    I'm on my way.



'woah! she's faster than I think' I began to prepare myself, and walk to our room.


''babe, wake up!'' I nudged my husband on the bed.


''what? you have a another mission from the agent?'' he rubbed his eyes.


''yes and no, c'mon I'll explain it to you at the car''


.....At the car.....



''so what's the meaning of yes and no?'' he asked as we put the seatbelts on.


''yes I have a mission, no its not from soshi agent'' I started the engine.


''what?!'' he yelled.


''calm down, you're so loud to be a guy'' I said focusing on the road.


''what do you mean mission but not from soshi agent?'' he scratched his head. 'hahaha!'


''this is my unfinished business before, remember Jessica?'' I asked, he nodded.


''I'll make Jessica and Yuri get back together and you'll help me'' I smirked.





''hahahaha! you know we need to switch places, you'll be the wife and I'll be the husband, you're

like a machine gun, so loud and fast hahahaha'' 


''yah, don't make fun of me'' he pouted.


''don't use that kind of aegyo, I might stop the car and you'' I smiled, he then pouted even

more followed by a smirk.


'' me now'' he pouted.


''later! we're already here, find Jessica, I'll park the car'' I ordered.


''Mr and Mrs. Ok mission entitled: The Unfinished Business, begins!'' he then walk out of the car

and wear his sunglasses.




Jessica's POV



I was fidgeting like crazy on my chair, waiting for the unknown sender to arrived.


''Jessica?'' I tall guy asked wearing his sunglasses.


''yes? are you the one who send me this message?'' I showed him the message.


''no, I'm just her driver'' he smiled. 'her?'


''where is she?'' I asked confuse.


''she's parking the car'' he smiled again. 'the heck is wrong with this guy? he said he's the

driver and then his boss is the one who's parking the car?'


''are you playing games with me?'' I stand up and ready to leave.


''Jessica'' a familiar voice called behind me. 'I swear I heard that voice again' I slowly turned

around to face her.


''its nice to see you again Jessie'' she smiled and hugged me. 'what?! do I have to be careful

with this girl?' I was frozen at my spot.



''what is it about Yuri?'' I asked straight to the point. We're already sitting.


''as expected, you're not going to waste any time'' she then sip her coffee. I raised an eyebrow

at her for an answer.


''he's going at the states'' she said making me widen my eyes.


''HE'S WHAT??!!'' I almost broke the table when I smash my hands on the table.


''hey Taec? I think you and Jessica might look good together, you're both loud'' she asked her

driver not answering my question.


''hahaha, I think so'' her driver answered and laughed.


''Gyuri, I don't have time, please tell me what time is his flight, I need to tell him something very

important'' I pleaded.


''oh yeah, his flight is at 10:00am, still have 30 minutes to go to the airport'' she said

looking at her wrist watch with her aegyo. 'is she teasing me?'


''thank you, I'll go now'' I bowed at them and turned around.


''Jessie, it'll took you 25 minutes if you take a bus'' she said.


''that's why I'm leaving now, thank you again'' I bowed and began to run.


''but it'll take you only 10 minutes if you ride on us, you see my driver here is so fast when it

comes to driving'' she said making me stop. 'is she offering me a ride?' I turned around to face

her and was shocked when I saw her already at my back. 'she's so fast, how did she get at my

back without a sound? is she a tiger or what?' 


''c'mon, we don't have time for chitchatting'' she dragged me at her car. I gasped, seeing her

McLaren F1 sportscar. 'woah, this looks fast, but I think my Yuri's Venom GT is more faster than



''get in, you can admire my car later after saying what you need to say to my dear Yuri'' she said,

I felt somehow pain in my heart after hearing her say  'my dear Yuri'


''put on your seatbelts'' she ordered.


''I don't have too, I'm used at Yuri when he's driving his car so fast'' I said.


''have I told you already that my husband is ten times faster than your husband is?'' she said


''I thought he's your driver?'' I point at the guy who started now the car engine.


''why? what's wrong with my husband being my driver too? its not like Yuri isn't drving for you?''


''I-I just thought.......tha-''


''I love Yuri?'' she asked, I nodded shyly. 'I love my little brother'' she smiled, I can't

help but smile at her too. Now I know that I can trust her.


''thank you Gyuri'' 


''don't thank me, you didn't say what you need to say to Yuri yet, oops, I warned you already

about the seatbelt thing eh?'' she said, I just gave her a confuse look. Just then the car

dashed up on the road.



.....after 10 minutes.....



'DAMN! I feel like vomiting, aisshhh why does this guy have to drive that fast' I massage my

temples as I saw my world is spinning around.


''you okay Jessie?'' Gyuri assist me for standing. I nodded and smiled awkwardly.




''yes?.......WHAT?!......damn!.....okay thank you, I owe you one'' I heard Gyuri said on the phone.


''QUICK JESSICA! YURI IS CHECKING IN! PALI!!'' she dragged me inside the airport. After

realizing what she said I automatically run with her.


''how are we able to enter? security guards will block us'' I said while running.


''leave it to me'' she smirked. I nodded confusedly.


We were both running when I saw the guard.


''plane ticket please?'' The guard asked.


''I'm Agent Park Gyuri from Soshi Agent'' Gyri then showed her badge and ID. I was shocked.

'she's an agent? I thought she's Yul's secretary? oh hell, she's so cool'


''yes ma'am'' the guard make an salute pose to Gyuri and said ''how can I help you?''


''it happens that I'm chasing the criminal who stole something important, we need to get in''

she ordered. The security guard let's us pass.


''woah! I didn't know you're an agent'' I said admiring her.


''you can admire me later'' she smirked. ''focus on searching for Yuri first'' she said looking

around. I obeyed her and look for Yuri.


''there! my Yuri is over there!'' I point at the tan guy's back who are about to enter the waiting 



''you have a good eye sight, how did you know its Yuri?'' she asked as we run to where Yuri was.


''I know Yuri from head to toe, even if its only his back, I can determine if its him or not'' I said

she smiled and nodded.


''you ready? save your voice, at the count of three give it all okay?'' she ordered, I nodded.


''1, 2 ,3''


''SEOBANG-AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' I shouted on top of my lungs.





.... I really admire sportscar that's why I put some names here.. btw,. will our sica-baby get the chance to explain? or will the same scene 5 years ago

will  happen again.. To Be Continue.


No To Smoking. . . .%"£$!"$!@#£"

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Mae062408 #1
where i can have copy this story please reply
omg why is this not available....
qwan91 #3
What happened to this story? why isn't it available any more?
Chapter 57: woww finally I've finished in 1 day
I don't getting tired because Daebak story
Chapter 57: this is so daebak!
can u make a pdf of this? :)
ilovesicachuyuri #6
Chapter 57: i keep on reading this over and over again. this is really good. one of my fave
Sonetic #7
I cry a lot reading this but it's soooo good
Heres my email [email protected] ..please ?thnks in advance authornim ^^
Author~ssi can i have a copy of this story ??all chapters juseyo ??? ( -/\- )
Laland #10
Kyaa~ so much flufff