MCW - Plan

My Cheating Wife



Yuri's POV




I entered Sunny's restaurant to look for Jessica.




'Aish! I can't go on vacation without my wife and son, I really need to do something, even if it

means I have to kneel in front of her' I was cut off with my thoughts when I heard their voice. I

hide at the wall.




''It's okay Sunny. Yoogeun and Yuri will join'' I heard my wife's voice. 'Are they talking about the





''Let's have a deal, if we earn 500,000 won this day, you'll go with us in vacation''




''Sunny, you don't need to--''




''That's a deal okay, I don't want to leave you here'' 




''Aish! You're making it hard for me Sunny. I accepted the fact that I can't join that vacation, why

are you giving me hope, aish seriously!'' I heard my wife sigh.




'So, you just need to earn 500,000 won right? Don't worry baby, I got this' I said to myself.




''I'll make it obvious if I just buy all the foods in your menus, hmmmmm.....what to do? Think

Yuri, think handsome Yuri'' I massage my temples.




*TING!* I think there's a light bulb above my head when an idea came through my mind.




''Time to show off your charms, Kwon Yul'' I said to myself and smirk.




I dialed my friends number, I need their help.




To: Tiffany


     Hi Fany! you know how to rap right?




*1 message received*    'Wow so fast'




From: Tiffany


    Hi Yul! sort of, why ask handsome? (^_<)




To: Tiffany


    I need your husky voice, meet you at XXXXX restaurant




From: Tiffany


    Right away, pretty boy! >:3




I smiled at her reply, Taeng sure is lucky to have this mushroom. After Tiffany, I dialed my friends





To: Yoon, Soo, Taeng, Seobaby


   Guys! I need your help, please meet me at XXXXX restaurant




From: Yoon


  Okay dude, Seobaby and I will go




From: Soo


  No problem buddy!




From : Taeng


  Yeah! I'm on my way Kkab! (*3*)




''Alright!'' I said as my hands form in a fist.




.....At XXXXX restaurant.....


Normal POV




''What can I do for you, Kkab?'' asked Taeng




''Yeah! Are you going to treat us here?'' asked Soo. 




All of them gave Soo a poker face.




''What? I'm hungry'' Soo pouted.




''You're always hungry'' Yoon teased.




''You too!'' Soo mocked.




''But I'm not like you!'' Yoon mocked.




''Yeah because I'm more handsome than you''




''Pfft! Excuse me? You're just taller that's all''




''Oh! Are you challenging me, alligator mouth?''




''Of course not giant! I'm just stating the fact!'' said Yoon then smirk.




''You're stating the !'' Soo yelled




''You !'' said Yoon followed by a wide grin.




''Why you!'' Soo was about to attack Yoon when Taeng cut them off.




''Yah! Giant and alligator mouth, stop it will ya?''




''Midget!'' said Soo


''Midget!'' said Yoon




''You two are @#$"%&/@#@!! BRING IT ON!'' said Taeng while rolling his sleeve. The three

men began to fight.




''YAH! %!!@#&$&"%!"$%/@#''




''Screw your long legs giants, I can't reach your head! @#@€&%$/U$&/£"




''HELL YEAH!! HAHAHAHAHAHA'' said Soo with his evil laugh, Taeng pinch Soo's stomach.




''Aw!!!!! You midget!'' Soo yelled, then pinch Yoon's right ear.




''OUCH! Giant I thought you're fighting with Taeng? Why'd you pinch me?!'' Yoon yelled.




''You're involve here alligator! Punch Yuri so he can join us here'' Soo said.




Tiffany and Seohyun just facepalm due to the embarrassment. Their husband's are getting

all the customers attention. They looked at the customers who were looking at their table.




''We don't know them'' Tiffany and Seohyun said and smiled awkwardly at the people who

were looking at them. They both rush to the washroom to escape from embarrassment.




''Guys, please I need your help not your lives, if you're going to fight here until you die, please help

me first with my problem'' said Yuri with his poker face.




*Throwing punches with each other* 




''Guys please?'' Yuri pleaded




*Pinching each other* 








*Kicking each other*




''If my plan works! I'll treat you better than this one'' 




''Really?'' both of them replied in unison. Yuri nodded and smiled at them.




''I want Hiyashi chuka!'' Taeng said while jumping in front of Yuri.




''No! Yul I want Gyutan!'' Soo said pushing Taeng away.




''Back off monkeys! Yul I want Sukiyaki please!'' Yoon pleaded.
















The three men began to fight again.




''ARGHHHH!! @#%£%£"%!@#!!!!!!!''








''I CAN'T REACH YOUR HEAD GIANT!!!!@#%"£$%"£$"@##!!!!!''




''Who wants Hanjeongsik?'' Yul asked.




''YAY!!!! I WANT THAT!''












''I'll buy you Hanjeongsik if my plan succeed, but first I need your help, and COOPERATION

gosh! This is for Jessica, okay'' Yul said while massaging his temples.




''I agree!" his friends agreed in unison.




''Daebak!'' Yul said while grinning.




''Here's the plan............'' they form a circle while Yul is saying his idea.




After the conversation.....




''It'll work!!!! Yeah its been a long time since I last perform HAHAHAHAHAHA'' Taeng said.




''Yeah me too!!'' Soo agreed. Yoon just nodded.




''Okay guys! STAY here and KEEP quiet, I'll talk with the girls'' Yul glare at his friends before

heading to the washroom.




When Yul is out of their sight.




''Where were we?'' Yoon asked.




''Oh yeah! MIDGET! How dare you bite my legs!!!!!!'' Soo yelled.




They began to fight again. (O_O)







Outside the washroom.....




''Tiff, can you rap this song?'' asked Yul, giving the lyrics of the song to Tiffany.




''Yeah! This sounds great. It's my favorite song back when I was still college'' Tiffany answered

showing her famous eye smile.




''Great!'' Yul said and return the smile to Tiffany.




''Seobaby, can you sing this song?'' Yul asked turning his gaze to SeoHyun.




''Ne oppa!''




''Yay! Thanks guys'' Yul said then hug the girls.




''Wait oppa, why do we need to do this?'' Seohyun asked.




''This is for Jessica, I want her to join us in vacation tomorrow'' 




''Oh! okay oppa''




"Alright!" Yul form his hand in a fist.


go yul!........ and good luck to your plan......... to be continue..



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Mae062408 #1
where i can have copy this story please reply
omg why is this not available....
qwan91 #3
What happened to this story? why isn't it available any more?
Chapter 57: woww finally I've finished in 1 day
I don't getting tired because Daebak story
Chapter 57: this is so daebak!
can u make a pdf of this? :)
ilovesicachuyuri #6
Chapter 57: i keep on reading this over and over again. this is really good. one of my fave
Sonetic #7
I cry a lot reading this but it's soooo good
Heres my email [email protected] ..please ?thnks in advance authornim ^^
Author~ssi can i have a copy of this story ??all chapters juseyo ??? ( -/\- )
Laland #10
Kyaa~ so much flufff