MCW - Gift

My Cheating Wife




Jessica's POV




''Girls! I need a perfect gift for my seobang, can you help me pick?'' I asked my three best friend

 whom I drag at the Mall.




''Unnie, whatever your gift are. Yul oppa would definitely like it, because it comes from you'' said

our maknae.




''Yeah, yeah....Seobaby is right'' Sunny added.




''You can just give him a pair of socks'' Fany added making our face look like ''(-_-)''




''What? You said any gift coming from Jessie will do'' Fany asked innocently. 'Seriously?'




''I'm serious here girls. Can you suggest a better gift aside from ''? I asked annoyingly.




''But I'm serio--'' Fany added but before she can continue I give her my icy glare. She gulped.




''Ooookkkaaayyyy......How about a shirt?'' Fany suggest nervously.




''No, he's not a kid anymore'' I disapproved.




''Bag?'' Sunny suggests.




''No, he's not a student anymore''




''Wrist watch?'' maknae said.




''He still have one''




''Ow ow! How about an alarm clock? You told us before that he broke his own alarm clock 

because of yo--'' Fany was cut off again by my icy glare. I don't want to remember that damn

alarm clock again.




''I mean.....uhh....errr.....There! Let's go there.....maybe we could.....uhm....saw a gift there'' she

said pointing at the men's underwear. 'SERIOUSLY?' I just glared at her again and again. 




''Aish Fany! here, I'll call my Soo to help us find a gift for your husband'' Sunny said. 'thank God

 you're here Sunny'




''Uhm, I'll call Yoon too, to help us unnie'' Seohyun said. 




''Hey! I'm going to call Taeng too''  Fany pouted.  'Seriously? What is she pouting for?'




After 20 mins..... The boys arrived........




''What took you so long?'' Sunny asked Yoon.




''Better ask your boyfriend noona, he's so....uhh'' said Yoon as he rolled his eyes on Soo.




''What?! I'm hungry! I can't think properly when I'm hungry'' Soo pouted.




''Aish! stop that will you! You're not cute'' Taeng said looking at Soo annoyingly.




''But.....but.....YAH! You alligator ate too'' Soo said pointing his index finger at Yoon.




''But not like almost eat the bowl.....Gosh! where's your breeding?'' Yoon teased looking

at Soo like he's one of those dirty people.




''Why you!!!!!'' Soo was about to attack Yoon.




''Oookkkkaaaaaaayyy......enough for that, we're here to help Jessica find gift for Yul not to proclaim

world war II'' Sunny stopped them. 




''Err....yeah... Hey Jessie.... Yul's favorite is mickey mouse'' Soo suggest.




''His favorite color is blue'' Yoon suggest.




''Hey...hey... he also likes y body'' Taeng said, making our eyes wide open.




''Uhmm.....I'm just saying that.....uhh....if you can't find him a gift.....then..... give  yourself..... 

hahahahahahahahha'' said Taeng, I don't know if he's joking or what.  'Seriously, this guy is

ERT! I don't know what Fany likes about him'




''Seriously?'' I said then glared at him.




''Uhmmm....just kiddin.....hey! Fany want to watch movie with me?'' asked Taeng.




''YES!'' Fany accepted immediately.




''Yah! I thought you're going to help me, Fany-ah?'' I pouted.




''Uhm....sorry Jessie....its been a while since Taeng and I watched yeah....good luck

I hope you find a perfect gift for your Yuri'' said Fany while dragging Taeng away from us.




''Aish! that mushroom'' I said annoyingly.




''Errrr.....Jessie.....Soo and I are going too.....he-he-he'' Sunny said making me glare at them.




''Oh....Seohyun and Yoon will help you, bye'' Soo said then dragged Sunny away. I just looked at

their direction.




''U-unnie?'' Seohyun asked nervously.




''You're going too?'' I asked. They nodded. I just sighed.




''Just listen to your heart unnie. Yul oppa is not a materialistic person, whatever your gift are I

know he would gladly accept it'' Seohyun said holding my hands, I just smiled and nodded. 




When they're out of my sight. Only one suggestion popped to my mind.




''uhmm.....I'm just saying that.....uhh....if you can't find him a gift.....then..... give yourself.....





''Aish! Why do I have a feeling that his suggestion was the best among the rest'' I talked to myself

then sighed.




''Tomorrow is his birthday yet I can't still think what gift will I give''




I head to the lingerie shop and buy something.







Yuri's POV




'Where is she? Its already 8pm and she's not yet here' I thought to myself as I wait for my wife

in our room. She said she's just going to the mall with her friends for a while. I can't help but to

worry. 8:00pm is already late in the evening for me. She didn't even bother to reply to my texts or

answer my calls.  'Aish!'




Just then the door of our room open revealing my wife, but I can't see her since the lights are off.

I know its her just by the height.




''Baby! Why are you not answering my calls, and why are you not replying to m-y  t-e-x-t?'' asked,

just then my jaw dropped at the last words I say when she the light. There I saw her

dressed up in a color blue lingerie, my eyes almost popped out and my mouth slightly agape

due to amazement. She's so damn y. 




''Seobaaang~'' she said in a seductive voice. 'Oh God! am I in heaven now?'




''Y-y-y-yes bab-b-by?'' I replied nervously.




''Are you mad that I didn't answer your phone calls?'' she asked still in the same tone. 'God





''E-e-err.......n-n-n-n-ot  really.....I-I-I-I mean......uhm......nevermind''




''Seobaaang... ahh....I'm cold....can you give me a hug?'' she asked hugging herself. 'Kyaa! so

cuuute (>.<)'




''O-o-of course'' I said as I come near her. ''here'' I hugged her. 




''B-b-baby?.....Why a-are you d-dressed like t-t-t-that?'' I asked stuttering, 'Oh God her skin

are so soft, give me some patience to control this feeling'




''Uhm...don't you like it?'' she asked seductively. Giving shivers down my spine.




''I liked it.....I're so.....AAAH!!!! nevermind!'' I shouted as my heart beats loudly.




''Feel free to touch it, seobang~'' she said cupping my face. 'Holy Mother Father! Not the face'




''I-I-I...ahh....I think......uhm......can I?'' 






Jessica's POV




''I-I-I...ahh....I think......uhm.....can I?'' I heard him said. Making me smile. He's so gentle that even

if I dressed up like this he still asked permission.




''Feel free, seobang~'' I said then smile.




Just then he carry my to our bed and........................ there! hahaha you know what happens next. 








''Advance Happy Birthday seobang'' I said breathing heavily, tired from the last activity that

we did.




''Thank you baby, I love you'' he said then kissed me on my forehead.




''I love you too'' I said then pecked him on the lips. We both exchange smile before drifting to




taeng so ...... be thankful to taeng yul! this is his idea..... To be continue.....

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Mae062408 #1
where i can have copy this story please reply
omg why is this not available....
qwan91 #3
What happened to this story? why isn't it available any more?
Chapter 57: woww finally I've finished in 1 day
I don't getting tired because Daebak story
Chapter 57: this is so daebak!
can u make a pdf of this? :)
ilovesicachuyuri #6
Chapter 57: i keep on reading this over and over again. this is really good. one of my fave
Sonetic #7
I cry a lot reading this but it's soooo good
Heres my email [email protected] ..please ?thnks in advance authornim ^^
Author~ssi can i have a copy of this story ??all chapters juseyo ??? ( -/\- )
Laland #10
Kyaa~ so much flufff