MCW - Chance

My Cheating Wife




Normal POV




"So they didn't fight or argue?" a girl asked on the other line.




"Yeah. They are happily playing at the playground" the boy answered while hiding on the trees, 

while watching the couple chase each other under the rain.




"Okay. Thanks for the info, Taecyeon" the girl replied.




"No problem, babe. What will I do now?" the boy named Taecyeon asked.




"For now, keep your eye on DongHae" the girl commanded.




"Okay, Gyuri" said Taecyeon then hang up the phone.






Gyuri's POV




"Yuri sure has a lot of patience, huh?" I said in no one. Then a smile formed in my face at the 

thought that came to my mind.




"I can't wait for your birthday, Yuri-ah. You'll thank me as soon as I give my gift for you or should

I say that you'll thank me as soon as I take her away from you"






Flashback..... (at Pomona California)


Gyuri's POV




"Victoria, can you look over to Yuri for me?" I asked my co-agent we were eating at the restaurant.




"And why?"




"He's a good friend, and there's a rumor that he's gonna get marry. I just need to know if that

girl deserves my friend"




"Your friend? And you really going to pay me a lot of money just to monitor your 'friend'?"  she

asked in disbelief.




"He's a good friend" I said not wanting to prolong the conversation.




"How good is he? That you're willing to pay a high class agent like me just to babysit your

 friend'?" she asked eyeing me.  




"He makes me laugh in times of sadness. He helped me when no one dares to help, he's

there when no one seems to care. You can say that he changed half of my life. He's the reason

why I'm here in my position right now. He make me believed that everyone exists with a

reason, that's when I learn to treasure myself" I said staring at her blankly.




"O-okay! that Yuri sure is a good friend huh?"




"Yeah. Here's the plan, I want you to apply in his company as a secretary to investigate his





"Copy that"






Flashback.... (1 month ago.. phone call)


Gyuri's POV



"Gyuri, I have known that Jessica and her ex-boyfriend DongHae are still seeing each other

secretly" Victoria said on the other line making me clenched my teeth.




"Thanks Victoria, I'll be coming back to Seoul to end her stupidity"




"Hahaha, you really care for this guy huh? if I don't know you, I'll think that you feel something

about this guy"




"No, I'm just a friend who's willing to protect her best friend" I said in serious tone.




"Okay fine, goodbye Gyuri, I'll call you if there's a new info"




"Bye, Vic. Thank you" I said then hanged up.




"Babe, I think Yuri might be needing your help too" I said looking at my boyfriend who was sitting

on my bed.




"Sure babe. I'll come with you" he said smiling at me.




"Thanks, Taecyeon"





Flashback.....(at Incheon Airport).....




"Baby, here's what you're going to do. Make friends with Donghae and dig everything whatever

his dirty secrets are, okay?"




"Roger that, Agent Park" he mocked.




"Yah! I'm serious here"




"So am I, c'mon!" he said smirking at me.




"Bring it on, partner" I said giving the same expression like him.








Gyuri's POV




''Hello, babe?'' 




''Babe, I have known to DongHae that Jessica only marry Yuri because she wants to get

Yuri's money. When I say money, I meant all of his property, DongHae and Jessica planned

it. They're still together even if Jessica is married to Yuri'' Taecyeon said making me clenched

my teeth.




''WHAT THE HELL!'' I shouted at the phone.




''I'm sorry babe, I was just mad about that girl'' I said apolegetically.




''Its alright babe, so what's our plan now?''




''No matter what, I'll destroy her!'' I said making a promise to myself that I'll destroy that girl.




''Relax babe, good bye now. DongHae is here, I'll call you later'' he said then hang up the





''If you think you're smart to fool Yuri, then I'll make you regret it'' I said as I clenched the

phone that I'm holding.






Present Time....


Gyuri's POV




My phone rings.




"Hello, Taecyeon. Why did you call again?"




"I just miss you, hehe"




"Yah! I'm serious here"




"Relax, you haven't change at all, babe. Here's another info, Jessica and DongHae have a

shared account in the bank"




"That was absolutely a perfect information. Now let's just wait for Yuri's birthday to celebrate

her last chance to be with him" I said then hanged up the phone.




"Now.. .now... Jessie..... how are you going to escape from your own trap?" I said in no one as

smile form to my face.




"I said it before, hold your husband's hand while you still have a chance"



why soooooo.......urgh....Gyuri..... to be continue. :3



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Mae062408 #1
where i can have copy this story please reply
omg why is this not available....
qwan91 #3
What happened to this story? why isn't it available any more?
Chapter 57: woww finally I've finished in 1 day
I don't getting tired because Daebak story
Chapter 57: this is so daebak!
can u make a pdf of this? :)
ilovesicachuyuri #6
Chapter 57: i keep on reading this over and over again. this is really good. one of my fave
Sonetic #7
I cry a lot reading this but it's soooo good
Heres my email [email protected] ..please ?thnks in advance authornim ^^
Author~ssi can i have a copy of this story ??all chapters juseyo ??? ( -/\- )
Laland #10
Kyaa~ so much flufff