MCW - Afraid

My Cheating Wife


Jessica's POV



''Baby, look at that. Ooh! How cute!'' I said pointing at the fishes that swimming inside the

aquarium. We were at the pet shop near my husbands hotel.




''Oh no its not! More like creepy'' he said while shivering.




''Yah! You're like Tiffany, are you gay?'' I asked eyeing him.




''Is it obvious already?'' he replied making my eyes wide open. 'Oh God please! I need to tell

him first that I love him before you turned him into a girl in heart'




''Hahahaha I was just kidding, you should've see your face baby!'' he said holding his laughter.




''You'd better not be one of them, Kwon Yuri!'' I said giving him my deadly glare.




''Why? Do me already?'' he asked holding my hands and looking straight to my eyes.




'Okay this is it, Jessica! Fighting!' I inhale then exhale first then say.




''Seobang, I-I-I lov-''




''Good morning, Mr and Mrs. Kwon'' that Gyuri cut me off my confession 'Okay! Next time I won't

do that inhale exhale thing before confessing, grrr'




''Oh hey! good morning, nerdy girl'' my husband greet her with a big smile on his face. 'Nerdy





''Yah! don't call me like that'' she replied annoyingly.




''Mianhe! hahaha I can't imagine that you really transformed into a beautiful woman now'' my

husband said




''Tsch! Didn't you told me before that I'm beautiful when I'm smiling?''




''And you really believed me that time? Hahahaha'' my husband mocked. Then the girl playfully

hit her. 'Beautiful when smiling? BEFORE?'




After a moment of smacking and hitting at my husband's arms.......






''E-errm....Sica-baby....I forgot to tell you that Gyuri is my old friend when I'm still living in the

states'' he finally said after the awkward silence. I just nodded still processing what he just

said. 'So that's why you feel so comfortable with her, huh?'




''Uhmm, I'm sorry to disturb you Jessica and Yuri. I'm going now, bye'' she said looking at my

husband sadly. 




''No no no, we were just looking for a dog. Its been 9 yrs when Ginger left me''




''I'm sorry to hear that, you and Ginger were really cute that time. You're like partners in crime.

How'd you teach your dog like that?'' she asked.  




''I guess, she's really smart, like me hahahaha'' he said with an evil laugh. 'You're not like this,

so happy when we're alone Yuri-ah'




''Pfft! you wish! Ginger is smarter than you hahahaha'' she mocked Yuri and laugh loudly.




''No, I'm smarter!''




''She's smarter''




''I'm smartest''




''No, Ginger is!''  The girl merong him.  'Now I'm ignored again'




''I'm her boss, so I'm smarter''




''But you're just riding on her, she's stronger''




''No, I'm smarte-- huh? what's the connect of being smarter to stronger?''




''I was just saying that Ginger is more capable of anything than you'' she said then she stuck her

tongue out.




''What the--''




''Excuse me, seobang. I'll just go to the wash room'' I cut them off from their 'FRIENDLY'





''No wait baby, I'll go with you'' he holds my hand making me blush  'Go with me inside the

washroom?' (*O*)




''Gyuri, we'll be going now. Visit me sometimes okay? Bye''




''Okay, bye'' she waved her hands and smiled at me, but its weird because her smile doesn't

look like I can trust her.  'There's something about her'




Gyuri's POV




''I guess, she's really smart, like me hahahaha'' he said with an evil laugh. 




''Pfft! You wish! Ginger is smarter than you hahahaha'' I mocked Yuri and laugh loudly.




''No, I'm smarter!''




''She's smarter''




''I'm smartest''




''No, Ginger is!''




''I'm her boss, so I'm smarter'' I can see Jessica is loosing up her temper, so I continue. 'Haha!

What's wrong, honey?'




''But you're just riding on her, she's stronger''




''No, I'm smarte-- huh? What's the connect of being smarter to stronger?''




''I was just saying that Ginger is more capable of anything than you'' I said then stuck my tongue





''What the--''




''Excuse me seobang, I'll just go to the wash room'' Jessica cut her husband,  'Bingo!'




''No wait baby, I'll go with you'' Yuri said then hold her hand.




''Gyuri we'll be going now, visit me sometimes okay? Bye'' he said.




''Okay, bye'' I said and smiled to Jessica.




When they're out of my sight.




''I haven't done anything yet Jessica, but I can see that you're afraid, Tsch. hold your husband's

hand while you still have a chance'' 







Yuri's POV




We were walking silently going to washroom, and I can feel the awkwardness. 'Okay, Yuri you'll

just going to explain! You didn't do anything, Fighting!'




''E-eermm.... babe? I-I uhmm.... I m-mean.... Gyuri and I a-are... really good friends w-when

we were still young..... I-I mean she--''




''Good friends?'' she cut me off and faced me with her scary eyebrows rasing up.




''Uhm... ya know.... back then... she was uhm...nerdy many american boys bullied her

....and I saved her from being bullied.....Plus uhmm...we're both koreans so we have a lot of

similarities..... ya know. Ha-ha-ha'' I smiled nervously.




''So, was she a good friend to you?'' she asked her face is blank.




''Yes she is, you know when I have an assignment? She's the one who's doing it, and when

I have horror dvd's we watched it together and scared each other hahahaha and.....and when--''




''So, that's why you're comfortable with her?'' she asked pretending that she's alright, but I

know that she's not, for 4 months I've known her already. This reaction that she's showing to

me is like her reaction when she misses DongHae or when she's sad. 'Why are you like this?

are you jealous?'




''Oh no no! uhm....We w-were just friends ya know....he-he-he...nothing more....'' I said,  'Damn

why am I stuttering?'




''Okay'' she said and enter the washroom. Leaving me dumbfounded.




''What did I do this time?'' I asked myself thinking of what did I do wrong to make her mad.




''I guess you only recognize me when I'm doing wrong, huh?''



to be continue ..

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Mae062408 #1
where i can have copy this story please reply
omg why is this not available....
qwan91 #3
What happened to this story? why isn't it available any more?
Chapter 57: woww finally I've finished in 1 day
I don't getting tired because Daebak story
Chapter 57: this is so daebak!
can u make a pdf of this? :)
ilovesicachuyuri #6
Chapter 57: i keep on reading this over and over again. this is really good. one of my fave
Sonetic #7
I cry a lot reading this but it's soooo good
Heres my email [email protected] ..please ?thnks in advance authornim ^^
Author~ssi can i have a copy of this story ??all chapters juseyo ??? ( -/\- )
Laland #10
Kyaa~ so much flufff