When HAN comforts HUN..

Confessions, Heartbroken and...

'Life is tough..'

Sehun is in a low spirit since yesterday and so does Kai. Both of them didn't take their dinner last night. When D.O or anyone talks to them, they'll ignore them or they would be nodding or shaking their heads. The rest knows that something is wrong between them.

EXO has to practice today and they're at their practice room. The choreographer and manager looks angry. It's because of Kai and Sehun. Both of them often makes mistake during practicing. The others couldn't do something since the manager and choreographer are having a serious talk with the youngest.

Luhan and D.O are having a discussion.

"Hyung, I think there's something is going on between them. By any chance, do you know what's wrong with them?"
D.O asked Luhan.
Luhan shrugs and shakes his head, "I don't know either. Have you talk to Kai?" Luhan replied.
"Nope, I didn't manage to ask him because he keeps ignoring me last night." D.O answered and stole a glance at Kai and Sehun.
"Well, I'll try. I think Sehun will tell me if I ask him about it. I hope there's nothing serious going on between them." Luhan stated and he sighed.
"Yeah, let's get back to practice."

All day long, the boys are practicing. Sehun and Kai still make mistakes but not as often as before.

After having a tough day, the boys go back to their dorm to have a nice rest.

Along their way back to their dorm, as expected, Sehun and Kai don't talk much. Luhan decides to have a talk with Sehun once they arrive.


As soon as they arrive, Sehun and Kai are the first one to enter the house without saying a word. The others are confused with the youngest. Sehun and Kai never act like this before, this is the first time seeing them behaving like this.

Luhan, Sehun and D.O share the same room so, it's easier for Luhan to have a talk with Sehun.

When Luhan enters the room, he saw Sehun is lying on his bed. Luhan carefully closed the door and go towards Sehun's bed.

He gently poked Sehun's shoulder twice and Sehun slowly turns around. Luhan's shocked when he saw Sehun's red puffy eyes.

"Were you crying?" Luhan said.
Sehun shakes his head and looks away.

Luhan sighs and starts a conversation,
"I know that something's wrong going on between you and Kai. If you're willing to tell me, I'm ready to hear anything from you."

Sehun faces Luhan. He hangs his head down. He's hesitating whether to tell Luhan about what happened yesterday or not.
He opens his mouth but the words won't come out.

Luhan is curious but he waits patiently for Sehun's reply because he knows that Sehun is hesitating to tell him.

"Actually.. It's not about Kai fully but there's something about him also. Little Lu.. I confessed to _____ yesterday after she confessed and got rejected by Kai hyung."
Finally, Sehun managed to speak the truth. He still hangs his head down, he doesn't dare to have an eye-contact with Luhan.

Luhan is surprised when he heard those words coming out from Sehun's mouth.
"What?! You confessed but why?? And, what's it about her confessing to Kai?" Luhan asked.

Sehun nods and replied,
"Actually, she likes Kai hyung from the start. I know that too because I can see it by the way she looks at him, the way she smiles at him. It's a total different when she smiles and looks at me. That's why I decided to keep my feelings as a secret but I changed my mind yesterday. I heard her confessions to Kai hyung and she got rejected because Kai hyung is in a relationship with Krystal. Kai hyung has made the worst decision, why is he dating with Krystal when he doesn't have those feelings towards her?"
Sehun sighed heavily.

Luhan couldn't say anything, he is speechless. He knows from the start that Sehun admires Gu _____. Luhan doesn't know how to react. He feels sad seeing his best friend like this. Luhan pats Sehun's shoulder and says,
"Sehun.. Don't give up. I'm here for you, I'm here to support you. Don't worry about anything.  It's just the part of living. You deserve a better one. Maybe it's not your fate to be with her. Just don't give up, you need to move on. Think positively. Okay?"

Somehow Luhan's words makes Sehun feels even more better than previously. Luhan is right, he need to move on. It's not the end.

Sehun hugs Luhan tighly and says,
"Thanks a lot hyung. Thanks a lot!"

Luhan is happy to see the old Sehun is back. Sehun gains his confidence again, thanks to Luhan.


UPDATED!!! Yo!! Wassup..? Miss me? LOL..
Well, I decided to update since today is the last day of the exams and yeah!! FREEDOM is near~!

So, how's this chapter? It's about HunHan. I fall in love with them recently. Oh, I have something to share. -->

When Luhan was celebrating his birthday, the K members all recorded a birthday wishes for him. After the recording, Sehun went back and kept on recording alone. He said, "Little Lu, happy birthday. Sehun misses you."
When Luhan saw this, he started to cry, then Sehun got his hankerchief and put it near the camera while saying,
"Little Lu, don't cry. Sehun has grown up."

Awww~ That's sweet. My eyes got teary when I read those. HunHan~~

Anyway, please comment and subscribe. BYE~

XOXO from freakgeegee

(Wish me luck for the last day, PEACE~)^^

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Chapter 23: I really want OC to be with Kai~
So good! I enjoyed reading!
chodenlovekaixoxo #3
Chapter 23: OC wid KAI ♥
chodenlovekaixoxo #4
Chapter 20: Kai wid OC.....jebalyo ♥
kwon_dania #5
Chapter 22: nononono,nananana...between kai and sehun,it her choice so i can only said,its her choice...
papapipame #6
Chapter 22: sehuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunn please !!!!! apology accepted^^
Chapter 22: I'm rooting for Kai all the way!
chodenlovekaixoxo #8
Chapter 22: kai kai kai kai oppa...jebal...plz say dat u luv her...!!

update soon :)
chodenlovekaixoxo #9
Chapter 22: kai kai kai kai oppa...jebal...plz say dat u luv her...!!

update soon :)
Chapter 22: Is that sehun?