Chapter 2

Age Doesn't Matter

Taeyeon P.O.V

"WHAT!?" we answered almost shouting, I am very shock to hear this.

"Yah!guys don't shout and please calm down" answered uncle Kwon while rubbing his hears.

"how can you asks us to calm down if your parents just told you that your getting married!?" I answered frustratedly.

"yeah Taeyeon hyung is right appa,I told you before appa that there are many more things to do than getting married and besides we are getting busier with the company" sooyoung answered to uncle Choi.

"yeah appa their are many documents that we have to finish in the company" answered Yuri while shaking he's head in disapproval.

"we know that you guys are getting busier by the moment but we aren't getting any younger guys so please just agree with the marriage" answered my umma.

"but auntie we don't even know who they are?" answered Yuri who is still refusing.

"Yuri they are our business partner's daughters, so no need to worry" answered auntie Kwon 

"so do you guys agree now?" asked auntie Choi

"no" I answered still not agreeing

"oh comeon Taeyeon-ah just agree" appa said, I glance at SooRi and they are just looking at the ground *sigh* I think this decision is on me.

"what are they're names appa?" I asked curiosly

"who?" Asked appa curiosly and I just facepalmed myself  so much for being the former CEO of Kim Enterprise and then I saw my umma hit the back of appa's head and he groan in pain. well that must have hurt


"the names of their future wifes, you pabo!" answered umma after hitting appa on the head.

"oww sorry honey I thought he was referring to someone else mianhe" my appa said while flashing his dorky smile.

"*sigh* why did I marry a dork and a pabo?" my mother asked while holding her head and shaking her head from disapproval.

"but that's why you love me, right?" My father asked while flashing his dorky smile and I just laugh. maybe I got my dorkiness from my father hahaha

"of course dork!" umma answered cheerfully and hug appa.


Uncle Kwon hit both my parents head and scold them and I & SooRi just laugh seeing how childish our parents could  be.

 "YAH! KIMS stop being all lovey-dovey we are here to talk about the marriage of our children" uncle Kwon said to my parents who are rabbing the spot were they were hit.

"YAH! KWON" appa shouted at uncle who is sticking out his tounge and hiding behind auntie Kwon's back.

"AISHHHH!!!!!" my father yelled feeling frustrated.


uncle Choi hit both the heads of appa and uncle.

"YAH! CHOI" appa and uncle kwon yelled in sync.

"both of you stop acting childish, you two are more childish than your sons here!" scold uncle Choi to appa and uncle Kwon.

"LIKE YOUR ANY BETTER CHOI!" father and uncle Kwon yelled back.

"WHATEVER!" answered uncle Choi who just scoffed.

"anyway do guys agree now?" asked auntie Choi so I look at SooRi who just *sigh*

"but auntie we just can't" I said looking through there eyes.

"why?" asked appa with a sad face.

"appa there too young and look at us were old" I said while lifting my hands and pointing at myself and SooRi.

"my son, age is not the problem here" said umma.

"but umma there are still in school and what will people say? that were e's?" I said with a sad smile.

"Taeyeon don't think of what will people think of you guys and it wouldn't even be a problem if they got married, it won't even affect there education" said auntie Choi reassuring me.

"but....." I couldn't continue my sentence as I was cut off.

"please?, this is for your sake guys?" said uncle Kwon almost begging.

"and how is this for our sake!?" asked Yuri while shaking his head in disapproval.

"Yuri were not growing any younger and Taeyeon you said it with your own mouth that you guys are old, we want someone to take care of you guys before we even close our eyes, we just want to see our son's married and having kids" said umma with a sad tone of voice. *sigh* what can I do?

"please Taeyeon do this for us" said umma looking at me almost tearing up. I look at SooRi and they are just looking directly at my eyes.

we were communicating with our eyes......

"hyung, what do we do?" asked Sooyoung.

"I don't know" I said.

"hyung I think we should accept it we have no other choice *sigh*" said Yuri.

"but Yuri what if our wifes don't accept it?" said Sooyoung.

"we can't do anything with there decision but our parents are almost begging" said Yuri.

"and besides what do we have to lose if we marry them, right?" said Yuri reassuring us and I just nod in approval.

"but I can't go through marriage without love Yuri, yes you are right we can't lose anything if we marry them but what if those girls can't accept us.Time will come they will divorce us they will leave us" said Sooyoung having a point.

"Yuri, Sooyoung has a point here" I said smiling sadly.

"hyung you are right but you said it "Time", time can only be the solution" said Yuri and we just look at him confusely.

"what do you mean dongsaeng?" I ask to him curiosly.

"what I mean is as time passes by there maybe a chance that we could love them and maybe I mean maybe they could love us back" said Yuri who hit the dot.

Yuri's right maybe we could love them and they could love us back, time is only  the solution here, we have years to be with them and to know them, right?.

"but what if they can't love us back Yuri?" I ask as that question pops up in my mind.

"if they can't love us back then we will let them go" said Yuri emotionless.

"but what if we love them?" asked Sooyoung who is curious.

"we still have to let them go, we can't tie them in a marriage that they don't want and we can't let them be with the person's they don't love if they find the person they love and they can't be with them because they are married to us we will have to let them go even if it hurts we have to give them to the person they truly love cause there happiness is the most important thing" said Yuri sadly.

"*sigh* alright" I said.

"what?" ask Sooyoung.

"i'll marry one of them, Yuri has a point here" I said smiling.

"thanks hyung" said Yuri returning my smile.

"okay i'm fine getting married" I said.

"what about you Yuri? ready to leave the single life?" I asked joking.

"ready hyung" he said.

"what about you Sooyoung?" I ask to him.

"*sigh* I can't do anything about it, right?" he ask and we only nod.

"fine, i'm ready to get married" he said smiling.

"so that settles it, we all agree, right?" I said and they nod.

"I hope this is a good idea hyung" said Sooyoung worriedly.

"I hope so too *sigh*" I said.

we broke eye cotact and face our parents.......

"*sigh* fine we'll get married" I said sighing.

"thank you my son" said umma smiling brightly at me.

"it's nothing umma" I said with a small smile.

"thank you Taeyeon-ah, Sooyoung and my son, you wouldn't even regret this" said uncle Kwon.

We just gave a small smile to them......

Then a question pop out in my head.

"umma, appa & auntie, uncle will you tell us who they are?" I said and they smile before nodding.

Sooyoung P.O.V

Here we are with my parents,Taeyeon hyung's parents, and Yuri's parent's telling us who are our future wifes as Taeyeon hyung asked.Me and YulTae hyung and dongsaeng are listening to our parents quitely.

"Taeyeon,Yuri and Sooyoung your future wifes is younger than you guys alot" answered umma and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"how old are them?" I asked curiosly. they already told us they were young but why are they getting nervous and worried?

"they are 16 years old" I widened my eyes and we yelled in sync before standing up.

"WHAT!?" we were very much shock, I didn't expect that they were this young.

"appa they are very young to get married to us and isn't it against the law of korea?" Taeyeon hyung asked to uncle Kim.

"no Taeyeon it isn't" answered uncle Kim.

"I thought they were young but I didn't imagine that they are this young" I shouted.

"lower your voice down Sooyoung and I know but we need your help in this" said auntie Kim.

"*sigh* what can we do to help?" I said bitterly.

"but uncle they are very young and they are still studying, what if they are not ready yet to get married?" I asked getting worried

"I know that they are very young" appa answered calmly.

"but why are you making us marry them?" I asked curiosly.

"wae? don't you guys wan't to marry them?" asked auntie kim.

"it's not that we don't want to marry them umma, it's just they are young and we are worried that we may ruin there education" said Taeyeon hyung worriedly to auntie Kim.

"auntie, Taeyeon hyung is right" said Yuri agreeing with hyung.

"Yuri and Taeyeon we already discuss this, I told you guys that you guys won't ruin it so there is nothing for you guys to get worried about" said umma.

"but why do we still have to marry them?" said Yuri repeating my question earlier.

"because we want you guys to lead them" said uncle Kwon and we just gave them a confused face.

"lead them to what?" I asked curios on what to lead them about.

"lead them on how to handle the company, since you guys have been handling your parent's company for years now and its been a success, we want you guys to teach our daughters on how to lead the company to success" said uncle Kim.

"they are going to be soon handling the Jungs Corp., Hwang Enterprise & Im Constructions and we think you guys are the key to success" said appa.

"they are the daughters of Jungs Corp. , Hwang Enterprise & Im Constructions!?" I asked shock at the news I heard.

"yeah,they are" said auntie Kim smiling.

"and what part of marriage helps in this.......????" asked Taeyeon hyung confusely.

"marriage is the most important help in this" said appa seriously.

"because if they got married to you guys you'll be able to help them, when they graduate you guys will teach them about the company" said umma looking at the three of us.

"but we don't even know anything about the Jungs Corp. Hwang Enterprise & Im Constructions" said Sooyoung almost shouting.

"lower your voice down Sooyoung and you guys know all about it" said auntie Kwon we just stare blankly at them.

"how?" I asked on how on earth will we know anything about it?.

"don't you guys remember? we used to take you to our friends company and tell you all about it when you guys were about 10 years old" said uncle Kim laughing at our confuse face.

"really?" asked the three of us in sync while scratching the back of our heads.

"yeah" said our parents while chuckiling.

*chuckle* *chuckle* *chuckle*

Then I remembered that part of my memory. hehehe silly me.......

"we remembered" said the three of us.

Since the three of us are the only persons that can help those girls, we'll agree on this for the sake of uncle's & auntie's company *sigh* I hope this is the right thing to do.

I thought before smiling at my parents then spoke.

"we'll help them" I said and my parent's look at me smiling.

"us too" said my dongsaeng & hyung and I just smiled at them.

"were proud of you guys" said our parent's smiling proudly at us.

"thanks appa" I said.

Then they continued to talk about them and we smiled hearing our future wife's names.Jessica jung Sooyeon I'll help you with all my might and try to be the best husband you could ever have. *smile*

Yuri P.O.V

It was late when we leave the house because we were too engrosed listening to our parent's about our wife's we didn't see the time and now i'm driving along the streets of seoul, smiling, probably you guys are going to ask about my hyungs, right? well they are sleeping at the back seat because they are pretty tired from all the talking and the work we've done in the company.I'm so tired now but I can't sleep then Yoona's image pop up in my mind, Yoona Im Yoona she is my future wife.I saw her picture cause my parent's showed me anyway if you can see me right now you guys will think i'm crazy smiling while driving but atleast it help me not to fall asleep and Yoona's name sounds so familiar but I can't remember even if I just saw her in her picture she still feels familiar I think I have met her before but I can't remember, shrugging the thought away I continued to drive to my house.When I arrived to my house it's dark as I expected since no one is there letting a heavy *sigh* I leave the car and go inside the house first opening the lights then I go to my car, opening the door of the backseat, waking up my hyungs.

"hyungs" I said shaking the two of them.

"hyungs were here wake up" I said but they didn't budge.

"Taeyeon hyung, Sooyoung hyung wake up" I said then and they both wake up.

"where are we?" asked Taeyeon hyung sleepily.

"where here at my house hyung *chuckle" I said chuckiling at Taeyeon hyung.

"your house? what are we doing here?" asked Sooyoung hyung while rubbing his eyes.

"uncle & auntie told me to bring you both to my house" I said telling them.

"why?" said Taeyeon hyung going outside the car.

"they said they'll be doing something to your house's so they asked me to let you guys sleep in my house *sigh*" I said sighing in frustration.

"okay" said Sooyoung hyung before going outside the car.

"well we better get inside since it's cold out here" I said smiling and they both nod before we enter the house.

Inside the house......

When we got inside, we said our goodbyes since we are all tired from today but not without saying goodbye.

"goodnight dongsaeng-ah" my hyungs both said walking through the stairs.

"goodnight hyungs, you guys both know where your rooms are, right hyung and dongsaeng?" I asked and they both nod before heading to there rooms. I go to my room and doze of immediately.

This is a very long day *sigh*............















well this is chapter 2 if you guys are getting bored tell me, arasso? Thank you and enjoy my story.

P.S I may not update for the upcoming 1 week because my exam is coming up but i'll try and thank you to my subscribers and my readers bye :) :) :)









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embongtaar #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon
tazkia16 #2
Chapter 15: Updattt pleasseeee
Surong223 #3
Chapter 15: more yoonyul plss~! I love Your story~! <3
Chapter 15: please update soon
smtownjjiang #5
Chapter 15: Awesome story I'm loving the 3 couples so much. I wonder what will be JeTiYoon's reaction when they found out that TaeRiSoo is the one they're looking for.
I'm gonna wait for your update author nim. Fighting! :)
Chapter 15: Hi there author. I start to love your story. Keep it up. FIGHTING!!!!
1132 streak #7
Chapter 15: where is the update authorssi bcauz it says update??
Chapter 15: Lets all fate work hehe
Chapter 15: Like finally an update!!! Its quite frustrating to know that theyre just right beaide each other but they dont have any slightest idea about it
silvanaph #10
Chapter 15: actualización de pronto por favor..... esta emocionante... gracias