Chapter 14

Age Doesn't Matter

Yoona P.O.V

Me, my unnie's and SooRi oppa's are in Taeyeon oppa's car since Sooyoung oppa told us that Sica unnie was hungry and invited us in, we were heading to the restaurant were we first met our husbands, Anatology-Craper Restaurant.Everyone was chatting happily even Sica unnie who is suprisingly talking warmly but coldly to Sooyoung oppa and  Fany unnie whose smiling warmly to Taeyeon oppa even her eye's are smiling along with her, Everyone except me whose been quiet and ignoring the world ever since we step foot in oppa's car and a cold aura that's been lingering around me, the only thing that's taking my interest is the window, The view of Seoul is the only thing i've been paying attention too.I've been admiring the scenery infront of me as it's making me peaceful to my surrounding's and it help's me think my thought's that's been bothering me, today i've been ignoring Yuri oppa as I have my reason's why and we all know what it is.I've been cold to him ever since we were at the park, I grew warm at him on the mall but at the park I grew cold because of the park's peacefulness I started to remember about the marriage I have with him and that's what drive me to ignore him, it made me remember the hate and anger I have within him, I might have warm up a little but that doesn't mean I have already accept him I still hate him like literally and i'm not planning on changing it.Maybe you guys will reason out that I showed affection to him when we were at the mall well that's because I just notice the amount of girl's whose trying to flirt with him and it's making me angry for no reason, I just hate the fact that other girl's are trying to flirt with something that's MINE yeah you hear me HIS MINE AND MINE ONLY, were getting married and I don't want anyone else to get closer to my HUSBAND except me even if I see just one girl trying her best to have his sweet smile given to her, I will literally make that girl's life like hell but what drove my anger away is HIM oppa is like no other guy's out there, he's different from them, he doesn't flirt with every girl he see's, he's loyal and doesn't show off what he has and that's what's making my anger away but I can't be nice to him and if you guys are gonna ask why? just don't as I don't know the reason either I still have this hateful feeling whenever his around and I can't prevent myself to be angry or cold to him.

I look at my unnie's whose happy looking face's can be seen, I think the oppa's finally succesfully melted the ice that's been covering unnie's heart's especially Fany unnie ever since the oppa's save us from the 3 guys who tries to flirt with us, unnie has been showing so much affection to Taeyeon oppa even Sica unnie whose heart is the most coldest and hardest ice to break but look at her now smiling and giggiling at Sooyoung oppa, what happened to my unnie's? are they warming up? or another evil plan there planning? I can't answer all of my questions as it's making me more confuse.I mean I can't accept him even my unnie's whose smiling like an idiot now, I know them even if they are smiling like that I know that they have the same hate and anger I have for the oppa's, i'll marry him for I know that he will help me when I take over the company but don't you guys think fast yet it doesn't mean I accept him, I still hate him and it will forever stay like that and it will never change.

I can't say how kind hearted the oppa's are, they are helping us eventhough we treat them badly, they save us for like a million times and why is it always that we always almost got ? that incident always happen's but i'm happy that everytime this incident occurs the oppa's are always there to save us, there like heroes our Heroes.Yuri oppa is very much reminding me of someone, someone whose special to me and someone whose also my hero, someone who has been in my heart for so long, someone i've been finding for years, the brave oppa who save me 10 years ago even if Yuri oppa is my hero now that brave oppa will always be the number 1 hero in my heart.With Yuri oppa's words, features, protective, and brave side he reminds me so much of the oppa I met 10 years ago when I was still a kid, that oppa is so brave and protective, that memory is the only thing that I haven't forget after years and years went by.Oppa's words are the most especial thing that's making me remember him, how is he? is he married now or still single and waiting for me? well I doudt that, I know that his married now but I really hope I can meet that oppa again for I want to thank him and for I know that I will brake my promise in just a matter of time, oppa's nice, brave, and protective I have always seen that in him and you guys don't think that i'm that blind to not see it but no i'm not blind I saw it all and it's making me remember him more.Yuri oppa and that brave oppa has so much similarities yet there 2 different people or are they only one? YAH! Im Yoona what the heck are you thinking!? my husband and brave oppa is 2 different people, it can't be that Yuri oppa and brave oppa is only 1 guy I mean they have similarities but it's just impossible AISHHHH your thinking too much Yoona that's too impossible to happen, right?.I will try to accept Yuri oppa but I can't promise that I will completely accept him I will always and forever hate Yuri oppa and I think that won't change but there is a 1% possibility that I will accept the marriage I have within him, maybe it will come true one day but I highly doudt that day will come. *sigh*

"Yoona" I heard someone cold out.

I turn to look at my side but only to be met by Yuri oppa's eyes, all I can see in his eyes is worry and I can't understand why i'm feeling happy knowing oppa is worried for me.His worried eyes is staring deeply at my cold emotionless looking eyes.

"yes oppa?" I said with an unknowing smile.

"are you okay?" he asked filling worry once more in his eye's.

"i'm fine oppa, wae?" I ask curiosly at him.

"it's just that you've been quiet ever since we got in to hyung's car" he said staring deeply in my eyes as if reading the answer I will say right out of my mouth.

"i've been too distracted at the scenery outside that's why" I said smiling a little to him.

"are you sure?" he asked worriedly and I chuckled at him.

"*chuckle* i'm sure oppa" I said giving him a reasurring smile.

"it doesn't look like it Yoona, I notice that something's bothering you, you know you can tell me if there's something wrong?" he asked nicely with a gentle smile.

"there's nothing bothering me oppa, i'm just thinking of some of my school works and if there is oppa I will tell you" I said lying to him.

"okay if you say so, just tell me if anything's wrong, okay?" he said smiling brightly at me.

"okay oppa" I said before turning to the window once more.

Yuri P.O.V

I notice that Yoona has been quiet ever since we got into hyung's car and it's bothering me cause i've never seen her so quiet before, I also notice that she's been ignoring me ever since we went to the dress shop.I've been thinking really hard if I did say something or did something that made her angry or upset but none came in mind, I look at her again and I observe her she's really quiet and I notice the cold atmosphere around her that made ever single part of my body shiver eventhough she's quiet and cold she's still beautiful as ever, i've tried asking what's bothering her but she only smiled at me and said no, i'm worried for her and her health she's getting very skinny, you know?.Next saturday is our wedding, i've been asking myself if i'm ready to tie my finger with a ring and I got a positive answer from my heart but sadly I got a negative answer from my brain, I promise myself that I will protect her with all my might and I won't let anyone touch her without her permission, I'm not like other guys out there, i'm loyal to one girl only and that's my wife.

"were here!" I heared Taeyeon hyung said with an excited tone.

I look at the window and notice that only limited people are inside, I was about to go out when I notice a presence beside me and it turn's out that Yoona was still inside the car and by the look's of it she's completely lost in her thought's so I move my body closer to her and put my hand's on her shoulder's before shooking her lightly.

"Yoona?" I said but got no response from the younger girl.


"Yoona?" I called out again but nothing can be heard from the girl.


"Yoona?" I said a little louder but luck wasn't on my side as I still don't hear any words coming out of the younger girl's mouth.


"Im Yoona!?" I said louder but still nothing.


"Yoona?" I said softly and gently before putting my hand's on her's.


"Yoona?" I said squeezing her hand softly.

Well that's seem to be a big help as she blink her eye's several time's before turning to look at me with those big wide eye's.

"y-y-yes o-oppa?" she said with a ter and trembling voice.

"are you okay?" I ask with concern on my voice.

"n-neh, wae?" she ask innocently making her look cute. a girl with a goddess and cute face at the same time, she's trully beautiful

"you've been spacing out, are you sure your okay Yoona?" I said looking concern and worried at the same time for the young girl.

"i-i-i'm r-really okay o-o-oppa" she said with a trembling voice.




"ummm......c-can y-y-you b-back a-a-away a l-l-little o-o-oppa?" she said with visible blush seen on her face.

"m-m-mianhe" I said with red cheeks.  what the heck!? Kwon Yuri why are you so dumb!? why didn't you notice that you were leaning closer to her!? nice going Kwon! now she's gonna think your some ert or something

"I-i-i was j-j-just w-w-waking y-you up from s-s-spacing out, m-mianhe" I said looking down with no courage to look at her.

"i-it's okay o-o-oppa" she said with a small smile.

"Y-yoona?" I called out still looking down.

"y-yes oppa?" she said looking down also.

"are you sure your really okay?" I asked again and with gothered courage, I look at her.

"I already told you i'm fine oppa *chuckle*" she said with a chuckle.

"I notice you've been disturbingly spa-" before I finish out my sentence someone from outside knock on the windshield.

"yah! you two, what are you waiting for? let's go!" Sooyoung hyung said before running off inside again.

"I think we should go" I said opening the door.

"come on" I said offering my hand with a smile plaster on my face.

"y-yeah, c-come on" she said with a smile before gladly taking my hand.

We enter the restaurant with our hands unknowingly interwined, the people started staring at us when we enter the door as if "The Royal Couple" as come but we just smiled at them and walk slowly to our table but we came to a stop as we look for 4 particular people, I look from table to table just to find those 4 certain people but my eyes stop on one particular table with 4 people looking at us with wide eyes and shock written on there faces.I glance at Yoona but at the same time she look at me but you won't believe how close our face's are it's only a centimeters away, I stared at her as she stared at me with shock written on her face, I took time to observe her features but stop at 1 feature of her face her lips.As I realize what i'm doing I shook my head immediately and look down as a blush has crept to my face, with a courage I look at her and smile.

"come on Yoona, my hyung's and your unnie's are waiting" I said with a smile but a blush can still be seen on my cheeks.

"okay oppa" she said with a smile before I lead her to our table.

It's a good thing people in the restaurant are only limited and minding there own business or else will be on the front page of the news paper tomorrow anyway we made our way to the table where hyung's are and I realize that they kept looking at us with wide eyes and it's making me curios at what they are shock for.

"sorry hyung's if we took so long" I said smiling at SooTae hyung.

"yeah unnie's sorry, we kinda had been distracted there" she said with a smile.

We furrowed our eye brows when we hear no reponse from our hyung's and unnie's, we notice that they kept staring with there jaw's drop and I also notice that they are looking at something so we followed there gaze and it landed on our interwined hand's, realizing the situation we immediatley let go and look away with red face's.We look at each other but immediately look away as our face's turn more red and with a courage I gothered I look at her and smiled as if nothing happened.

"let's sit Yoona-yah" I said before pulling the chair for Yoona.

"thanks oppa" she said with a smile before sitting down.

"it's nothing" I said before pulling my own chair.

When I sit down I look at my hyung's with a smile.

"let's order guys, i'm so hungry" Sooyoung hyung said.

"yeah, me too so hungry, because of these two my stomach has been growling at me" Taeyeon hyung said with an evil smirk written on his face.

"your not the only one hyung but I don't mind since this two was lost in there own world and even holding hands to share the same dream" Sooyoung said with a teasing smile.

I immediately turn red and so those Yoona before whining at my hyung's.

"yahhhhh!!!! hyung'sssss" I said with a pout.

"maybe the dream they want to share is a kiss" Jessica said with a teasing smile same as shikshin hyung.

"unnieeee!!!!" Yoona whined.

"hahahaha" all of them laughed at us and we only pout.

"yah! stop it guys and let's order i'm so hungry" Taeyeon hyung said with a smile.

"yup me too sooooo hungry" Sooyoung hyung said with a teasing smile.  oh my god! they still have the smile, oh no i'm so dead they won't stop teasing me later on so dead!

"yup as too" JeTi said in sync.

"well let's order" I said with a nervous smile.

Taeyeon P.O.V

Dongsaeng's so dead later on i'm so gonna to death hehehe but I notice Yoona's warmness to dongsaeng it's totally different from how she is at the park and dress shop, she's totally ignoring Yuri it's like Yuri doesn't exist for her but its a whole new level now she's warming up and even smiling at dongsaeng.I'm happy for dongsaeng as his wife is warming up to him but I also notice that earlier they were even holding hands when they enter the restaurant, they were also about to kiss if it weren't only for dongsaeng, and Yoona smiled at him, dongsaeng is surely lucky maybe someday this two will get along and have a happy marriage, I hope they have a good future ahead.Tiffany's finally opening up to me but a little only and Sooyoung, his wife is still cold to him but opening up a little, our wife's are finally warming up to us and it's making me happy, I won't be shock if after the wedding our faces are infront of the newspaper hehehe anyway I keep looking at the menu to find delicious food's to eat and we all know what i'm going to order, right? i'm also a shikshin so like my dongsaeng's i'm so going to order this all but don't worry guys I won't get fat i've been going to the gym lately.

"may I take your order's sir's, madams?" the waiter asked with a genuine smile.

"i'll have this all" I said with a smile.

"us too" my dongsaeng's said at the same time.

"a-all of t-this?" the waiter asked in shock.

"yes" we said in sync.

"o-okay" the waiter said writing our order's in his paper.

"what about you madams?" the waiter said turning to our wifes.

"we'll have a steak and some orange juice, please?" JeTi said in sync.

"i'll have the same order's as the oppa's, please?" said Yoona as I don't expect her to be a shikshin like us.

"o-okay madam, is that all?" the waiter ask and we nod.

"okay, i'll comeback when your order's are ready sir's, madams" he said before leaving.

"I didn't know that your also a big eater Yoona?" I said with a smile.

"well I also didn't know that you guys are shikshins oppa's" Yoona said with a very warm smile.

"hahahaha" we all laugh. I like it when were like this as if were friends, I hope this never ends.

"but don't you get fat oppa's? Tiffany ask with a curios face making her look cute. kekeke my wife cute as ever.

"aniya, we don't" Yuri said with a grin.

"but what about you, Yoona?" Sooyoung ask.

"aniya, I also don't get fat" said Yoona shaking her head in disapproval.

"yahhhh!!!! were jealous of you guys" Tiffany whined.

"yeah, we have to take a diet in order to not get fat *sigh*" Jessica said with a sad sigh.

"guess were lucky then" I said with a laugh.

After I laugh our orders came and I tell you our table wasn't enough for the food that's been serve we have to make our table 3 for the foods, the people in the restaurant are only looking at us in amaze as we finish the food in one gulp.After we eat we bid goodbye to the staffs and say our thank's before leaving, we ride my car and leave the restaurant where all of our story started, At the middle of the rode and driving my car broke down so I got out and check my engine.

"oh god! the engine broke down *sigh*" I said with a frustrated sigh.

"what happened hyung?" Yuri asked with concern his voice.

"it looks like hyung's engine broke down" said Sooyoung going out looking through the engine.

"how about we call a mechanical?" Yuri said bringing out his phone.

"no Yuri, there's no mechanical this time and it will take hours for them to get here" I said thinking of a plan.

"so what do we do hyung?" Sooyoung asked.

"yeah hyung, what do we do? the girl's are asleep" Yuri said with frustration in his voice.

"I don't know guys" I said in frustration.

And all of a sudden it started to rain hard and what made it worst is that I don't have an umbrella but what made it worser is my rooftop's car it has a hole so we can't stay inside or else the girl's will get a cold.

"guys take the girl's and put your jacket's on them now!" I said hurriedly opening the door of my car and carrying Tiffany in bridal style.

"hyung there getting wet" I heard Sooyoung said with worry in his voice.

"cover them with your jacket and stick them to your body for warmth" I said putting my jacket on Tiffany and she immediately started to shake.

"o-o-oppa i-i-it's c-cold" she said before snuggiling closer to my neck and I immediately hug her tight.

"come on guy's Tiffany's starting to shake" I said with worry.

"Jessica too" Sooyoung said.

"Yoona too" Yuri said.

"come on guy's, look for something we can use for shelter" I said and immediately look left to right searching for shelter.

"hyung's there!" Yuri shouted while pointing at the small abandone house.

"come on, hurry there shivering" I said running to the house but holding Tiffany tightly.

SooYoung P.O.V

We run to the house as fast as we can but holding our wife's tightly, when we arrived at the small house I immediately lay Jessica down at the small bed and take off my wet jacket.

"c-c-cold" she said in a whisper.

"hold on Jessica" I said in worry and panic.

"hyung call auntie and uncle we have to tell them where we are or else they'll get worried because its also midnight already" I said almost shouting.

"okay" he said before getting his phone.


Sorry but your call has been denied, please call later

"sorry Sooyoung but my phone is wet and it doesn't want to make call's" Taeyeon hyung said while shaking his head.

"mine too hyung" Yuri said with a dissappointed face.

I took my phone out and surely it was wet, with a sigh I look at them in dissappointment.

"mine too guys" I said with a sad face.

"what do we do now hyung's? the girls are really shivering" Yuri said with worry and concern in his voice.

"make them warm, hug them if you need to" Taeyeon hyung said hugging Tiffany tighter.

I look around to find some wood and how lucky we are there was so I immediately pick it up and put it in the center before taking my lighter out, I don't smoke to remind you guys I just always bring a lighter for emergency and now its totally worth it.I light out the wood and it fires out I look at hyung & dongsaeng and they were smiling.

"goodjob Sooyoung" Taeyeon hyung said with a wide smile.

"yeah hyung, goodjob" Yuri said giving me a thumbs ups.

"thanks" I said.

The fire made us warm with the rain pouring harder than we thought, I look at Jessica and her hair before admiring her face and with a smile all of us fell asleep with our wife's in our arms, they snuggled closer and we hug them tight.Love Rain is falling I guess but all I can say this is the best day ever.

Maybe the ice is finally melting, with the fire the ice melt














Hey guys! merry christmas, I know it's been too long since I updated but I got some thingking and I thought that this will be the best gift i've give to you guys for christmas, I hope you guys are happy with your families celebrating christmas and like in the story I hope the coldness in your bodies are melted.Please always stay tuned for my story and sorry if YoonYul has been out of the story lately but here I give them so much moment, till next time readers bye I love you all and Merry Christmas :) :) :)   

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embongtaar #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon
tazkia16 #2
Chapter 15: Updattt pleasseeee
Surong223 #3
Chapter 15: more yoonyul plss~! I love Your story~! <3
Chapter 15: please update soon
smtownjjiang #5
Chapter 15: Awesome story I'm loving the 3 couples so much. I wonder what will be JeTiYoon's reaction when they found out that TaeRiSoo is the one they're looking for.
I'm gonna wait for your update author nim. Fighting! :)
Chapter 15: Hi there author. I start to love your story. Keep it up. FIGHTING!!!!
1132 streak #7
Chapter 15: where is the update authorssi bcauz it says update??
Chapter 15: Lets all fate work hehe
Chapter 15: Like finally an update!!! Its quite frustrating to know that theyre just right beaide each other but they dont have any slightest idea about it
silvanaph #10
Chapter 15: actualización de pronto por favor..... esta emocionante... gracias