Chapter 3

Age Doesn't Matter

Tiffany P.O.V


I woke up with the sound of my alarm clock indicating me to get up so I stretch my body, sat up, rubbed my eyes and look at the time, it's only 5:30 in the morning *sigh* I ruffled my hair then stand up.I open my closet and took out my pink towel and my school uniform and place it on my bed, I drag my body to the bathroom I open  the shower with cold water to keep me alive then I push the warm water its so relaxing after I finish my bath I wear my blue skirt, my light blue long sleeve shirt, my blue tie, my blue V-neck jumper and my blue blazer with the logo of Soshi Academy on my left then I combed my hair  and tie it in pony tail with my pink hair binder.I look at myself at the mirror then I put my pink watch at my wrist and pick my bag pack then go down, I saw umma and unnie at the kitchen while my appa is reading a news paper with him drinking his coffee and my oppa reading his blue print and drinking his coffee like father like son I look at my unnie and umma like mother like daughter hahaha *chuckle* my chuckle caught everyones attention, they turn to me and smiled.

"goodmorning my daughter" appa smiled at me.

"goodmorning appa" I answered before I kissed his cheeks and sit down.

"hows your sleep Stephanie, feeling great?" my sister asked with a smile.

"it's okay unnie and yes I feel great" i answered with my eyesmile.

"dream about ert things Steph?" my brother Leo said while laughing with his eyesmile. yes eyesmiles run in the family

"YAH!OPPA that's disgusting and I did not dream about it" I answered at oppa while making a disgusting face and pouting.

"Leo-ah don't tease your sister it's still early in the morning and look she's pouting" my mother said after going out from the kitchen and sitting down.

"oh come on Tiffany don't pout you look ugly doing that" my brother teased.

"YAH!" I answered hitting him playfully and he just laugh.

"you too stop playing around and eat" scold appa.

"mianhe appa" oppa and I said at the same time.

"it's okay anyway Tiffany I want you to go home straight after school with Jessica and Yoona" he said looking at me.

"wae appa?" I asked curiously.

"it's a secret Miyoung-ah if you want to find out go home early" I pout

"appa I told you don't call me Miyoung and  wae? why don't you tell me" I pout more and keep whining but appa just chuckled.

"sorry Miyoung-ah but it's a secret and stop pouting and whining or you'll be late" he answered then I look at my watch and it's already 6:30.I immediately stand up.

"appa, umma, unnie and oppa I have to go now" I said while kissing their cheeks one by one.

"okay Miyoung-ah, don't be late and don't forget about tonight, arasso?" he said looking at me while smiling.

"neh appa I love you and I love you all" I said going to the door while waving.

"goodbye Stephanie and  we love you too" umma said while smiling with her eyesmile.

"bye steph see you later" my sister said with her eyesmile.

"I love you my dear sister and don't think about ert things,arraso? study well Stephanie, bye" he said while waving and I turn to glare at him but he only chuckle.

"BYE" I yelled after going out of our house.

When I step out of the house, our driver was waiting outside with our limoussine and he greet me with a smile and I smile back, he open the passenger door for me and I gladly got inside, he closed the door, go to the driver side and drove me to school.I got to school just in time, our driver open the door for me and I step outside the limoussine and he bowed, he go back to the driver side and drive off while I just wave goodbye.I saw Jessica and Yoona, they wave at me.

"goodmorning Ice princess and Imchoding" I eyesmiled.

"goodmorning unnie" greeted the shikshin aka Im Yoona.

"goodmorning" said Sica with a sleepy tone.

"what's with you?" I asked after seeing the way she greet me.

"she's sleepy unnie *chuckle*" answered yoona

"as expected from the "Ice Sleeping Cucumber Hating Princess" *chuckle*" I said smiling.

"whatever let's head inside" said Seargent Sica.

We were heading inside and as expected every student is cheering well did I tell you guys we are actually the queenkas of this school but we are used to this everyday and just like every other day we would only smile well except Jessica she always ignore them.We go inside the classroom sit on our own chairs, me I just look around while Yoona is talking to someone and Jessica well......she is sleeping.She is actually a sleepyhead and warning:don't wake her up or you'll face the wrath of Hellsica anyway the teacher came in and we greeted her, our first class actually is english mine and Jessie's favorite subject of all since both of us grew up in America and we like speaking in english.We sit down and she started teaching us, the rest of the day is boring teaching there and teaching this. It's time for us to go home but I remembered what appa told me so I approach Imchoding and Segeant Sica.

Yoona P.O.V

YEHEY!!!! It's time to go home but I saw Tiffany unnie approaching me and Sica unnie so I stop what I am doing and face her.

"do you need anything unnie?" curious why she approach us.

"I just wanted to inform you guys that my parents want to see us" Tiffany unnie said (eventhough three of us are the same age I like to call both of them unnie)

"both of us?" I asked in confusion.

"yes" unnie answered shortly.

"wae?" I asked again

"they said they are going to tell me something and they want you guys to be their" Fany unnie said frustratadely.

"so are we going to your house unnie?" I wanted to slap myself for asking her such a stupid question. pabo me! ofcourse where going to her house where else?

"ofcourse, where do you think?" she said giggling at me.

"unnie, what about Sica unnie?" I ask her turning to the sleeping figure beside me.

"wake her up or we'll be late" she said before going to the door.

After Fany unnie left I look at sleeping figure beside me and debating wheather to wake her up that's been going on for minutes but in the end I still have to wake her up, before I wake her up I offered a little prayer to god.

"please god don't let unnie kill me for what I am about to do, please spear my life I don't want to die young" I said before waking unnie up.

"unnie classes are over" I shook her body gently and she just groan.

"5 more minutes" she said before covering herself with her book.

"no unnie, we have to leave because were going to Fany unnie's house" I said before shooking her again.

"hmmmm 5 more minutes" sica unnie said and I just sigh. I guess I have no choice *sigh*

"unnie get up or i'll shove you to a big pile of cucumber pool" upon hearing the word "CUCUMBER" she immediately stand up and started to scream.

"KYAHHHHHHHHH" scream Sica unnie with her dolphin high pitch voice.

"yah!unnie stop screaming" I said holding my hears and she stop screaming then look at me (a/n: or more like glaring kekeke) 

"unnie stop looking at me and let's go" I said feeling uncomfortable with her stare.

"whatever" she just simply said and go to the door.

*sigh* what a unnie I have.

I said before leaving the classroom.When I got outside I saw Fany unnie waiting for me and as expected the Ice princess sleep the whole way to Fany unnie's house, Fany unnie just smiled at me when we got inside the car, we arrived at Fany unnie's house and we step outside the car with an "Angry Half Awake Zombie Sica" and we got inside,their I saw my parents, Sica and Fany unnie's parents they just smiled seeing us and they gestured us to sit down.When we sit down we immediately fall off again upon hearing the words appa said.

"you girls are getting married"

"WHAT!" after that Fany and Sica unnie faint and I mean really faint while me I just stand there like i've lost my brain.  


















Guys this is chapter 3 I promise that i'll try to update, right? Well enjoy and wait for my next update bye bye readers :) :) :)


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embongtaar #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon
tazkia16 #2
Chapter 15: Updattt pleasseeee
Surong223 #3
Chapter 15: more yoonyul plss~! I love Your story~! <3
Chapter 15: please update soon
smtownjjiang #5
Chapter 15: Awesome story I'm loving the 3 couples so much. I wonder what will be JeTiYoon's reaction when they found out that TaeRiSoo is the one they're looking for.
I'm gonna wait for your update author nim. Fighting! :)
Chapter 15: Hi there author. I start to love your story. Keep it up. FIGHTING!!!!
1120 streak #7
Chapter 15: where is the update authorssi bcauz it says update??
Chapter 15: Lets all fate work hehe
Chapter 15: Like finally an update!!! Its quite frustrating to know that theyre just right beaide each other but they dont have any slightest idea about it
silvanaph #10
Chapter 15: actualización de pronto por favor..... esta emocionante... gracias