Chapter 15

Age Doesn't Matter

Jessica P.O.V

I felt heat heating my eyes, I slowly open my eyes only to be greeted by the glare of the sun, I lift my hand to cover my eyes then I slowly stand up still covering my eyes by the glare, when I got to my feet, I tried to scratch my eyes to see my surroundings because my vision was blurry, when my vision was clear, I got a hold of my surroundings and was surprise that I was not in my house or my room but instead I was in a garden, a really beautiful garden, it was full of rose's, daisy's, and many more but the most population was the roses, the white roses.The garden was not only beautiful but it is also full of different kinds of flowers and it has big healthy trees all around, I look through more of the scenery with a big smile on my face then I turn my head to an old big tree, it was beautiful considering how grampy looking the tree was but it was full of different butterflies, it was flying all around the tree, the old grampy tree looks really familiar as if I have already seen it, it was a strange feeling I felt and as I look more at the tree it was reminding me of so much memories but I can't still figure out why this tree was all too familiar, feeling curious of the tree I found myself walking closer to the tree.I was infront of the tree, it look more familiar up close and I gently touch it's body, I was smiling widely just by touching more of the tree, it was making me remember too much of my childhood, I was savoring the moment when I close my eyes and found myself remembering the time I was with my hero, he was there beside me smiling as he hug me tight and I can't help but let out a chuckle, he was all I can see in my memory and myself by his side, I open my eyes with a smile and I didn't notice that I let out a tear, I was too much happy that I didn't notice I was crying.I wipe away my tears and walk around the tree with my hand touching the tree but stop on my tracks when I touch something all too familiar, I turn to look at my side to see carved names on the tree, I moved closer to look at what I am touching and I found myself reading this...............


                                             SOOYEON, JESSICA


                                              SY, HERO CH OPPA


My smile slowly drop and found myself staring more at the carved name under mine, it was making me too curious that I stand there frozen just looking at the carved name, I was curious why there was four additional letters carved on the tree, I never give any other names for my hero because it was the nickname I gave him and it was the only thing I can remember from my past, I furrowed more my eyebrows as I force myself to remember his real name but nothing came in my mind as it was the end of my memory, I touch the SY carved name and again, I was having the weirdest feeling that I have seen this name before, that I once saw this person with this name but there was no information coming in in my mind as it was only blank and can't remember more.Why am I always having this weird feelings that I am all too familiar with the things I see?, I feel familiar with this things but even I myself can't remember any of this, whatever is the meaning of that additional letters I hope I find out soon, I never do remember how or when I carved this but all I know is that when I was carving this, I was happy that time and I bet you, I was smiling widely at that time.I slowly remove my hands from the carve names and took a step back, I again stare at tree with a smile on my face because I know that this is more than just an old grampy tree, it was the tree where I used to go as a kid whenever I remember oppa, I took one last minute looking at the tree before slowly turning my back with a smile on my face, I slowly walk away with the same smile I have but I stop when I was far enough, I look once more at the tree, observing every inch of the tree as the smile on my face grew.It was peaceful and silence was in the air, it was making me more comfortable as minutes pass by and it was really making me more happy as the wind's gentle touch touch my skin, I once turn away again from the tree and was about to walk away when a blue glowing butterfly came to my face, I was startled but composs myself quickly, I stare at the butterfly taking observation of its features, it was icy blue with blue roses pictured on its wings and its antena's was long, it was really beautiful as it glows more and I only stare at it before it slowly flew away.I followed the butterfly, I just followed and followed until I didn't realize that I wasn't in the garden anymore but I was in a children's playground, I look from left to right to find the butterfly but it was nowhere to be seen then I look around, trying to know my surroundings and trying to remember how I got here, I look and look until I stop at the swing not far from where I was standing, there was someone sitting on the swing, his back was the only thing I can see and I was curious enough that my own feet work on its own, I keep on walking slowly preventing making any noise and when I was close enough I stop, just staring at the person's back.I keep staring until the person stand up and look at me, the person was a guy, he was wearing a white blazer, white polo shirt, white pants and white shoes, everything in him was white, I diverted my attention to his face but there was a problem his face was covered with white light and that prevented me from seeing his face then all of a sudden he smiled but being me, I didn't return back his smile, he slowly approach while I stand in place.He stop, he was infront of me with the widest smile i've ever seen but I just stared at him with an emotionless cold face.

"hi" the stranger said with happiness in his voice.

I stared at him debating whether to answer or not but in the end I still answered.

"hello" I said with a cold voice.

I never did like talking to people that I don't know, when it comes to them I am really cold and I tend to ignore them, he was a stranger and I didn't like talking to him, I look at him from head to toe, I was observing him if he was the kind of guy that would hurt someone but from looking at him he was harmless and doesn't have the intention to hurt someone, I was glaring at him because I just want him to go away and I can't understand why he doesn't understand my signal.We stand there with silence lingering in the air, he was smiling at me while I only glare at him deeper, I was getting impatient as more time pass by so I decided to spoke up first getting to the point.

"who are you?" I said with a very icy voice.

Instead of answering he just chuckled and put his hands on his pockets before putting a smirk on his face.

"what's so funny?" I asked with a tone of annoyance.

"nothing, its just your so cute" he said with a gentle smile and for some unknown reason I felt myself blushing and shy but I composs myself and let the ice stay on my face.

"who are you?" I once more ask.

"you don't know me?" he said with an eyebrow raise.

" I don't know you that's why i'm asking" I said crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow at him.

He chuckled once more before letting out his hands from his pockets.

"your asking me who am I when you already know this person standing infront of you so why ask when you know me really well?" he said smirking more and I felt weird of his words.

"I know you?, you must be joking" I said chuckiling bitterly.

"i'm not joking, i'm telling the truth here, you do know me" he said walking pass me.

"how do I even know you?, I don't even remember who you are" I said stating a matter-of-fact.

"*chuckle* look around you" he said stopping on his tracks and pointing with his hands.

I look around and I can tell that I was already in a playground, I look at him with a confuse expression.

"what's there to see? I know that i'm in a playground" I said still having the confuse expression.

"you don't remember? its too impossible for you to not remember" he said with a certain frown on his face.

"what? really who are you?" I was really confuse now, what was I suppose to remember about this playground?.

He kept the frown on his face while looking at the swing behind me but still I look at him with an unreadable expression after staring at him for minutes I decided to follow his gaze which led to the swing behind me.I look at the swing infront of me and just by looking at it, it does look familiar but I can't seem to remember.

Then it hit me, memories started flooding in, this was the playground where I met hero oppa, my saviour but how does he know it?.

"this playground is really special....." he said with a pause.

"princess" he said looking straight at my eyes.

I was wide eyed, did he just call me princess? but why would he call me princess? its not like he knows me and its not like we have met before but I only know one person who ever called me princess in my life, it was hero oppa and no one else knows my nickname but him so it was really weird for a stranger like him to call me like that.

"what? did you just call me princess?" I asked with a stern voice.

He kept silent just keeping the frown and sadness written all over his face, I wait for him too answer keeping my patience under control as I am known for being impatient but suprisingly my temper was calm.After minutes waiting for his answer, he look up and look straight at my eyes like he was seeing my soul inside.

"I did princess, don't you remember your hero?" he said with a mischevious smile.

As if my body was frozen, everything in me stop working as I hear his words, for a moment my heart stop beating and my brain stop processing, I was like a broken machine, everything in me errored out.He was smiling before me with happiness written all over his face, I was left stiffen and I wasn't able to move, memories from that day came running to me and the happiness I felt came back, I observe him and I can't help but wonder if he really is the person I came to know as my hero, I was too happy that the coldness on my face disappeared and was replace with tears running down my cheeks, I look at him with a smile, a longing smile that I always kept to hide, I tried to speak as normal as I can but it came out as a suprise.

"h-hero o-oppa?" my voice trembled just saying his nickname.

The guy grinned widely before me.

"you do remember, do you princess?" he said with a wide smile, the frown on his face seconds ago vanished like thin air.

"Hi princess, do you miss me?" he said in a sweet tone.

Then I hug him tight, tears were falling from my eyes, heaven was what I was feeling.Seeing him is really important to me after disappearing from saving me 10 years ago and failing to find him really made me sad and depress because I promise that I will look for him but I just failed, his shadows were never seen since that day and it was really hard for me to look for him not knowing his name was even worse but I do remember he told me his name but I forget about it.Seeing him made my heart happy after feeling that something was missing from my life, I am so happy now that my tears are running down like a rain falling.

"princess, why are you crying?" he said letting go of the hug, I can see the frown on his face and worry & concern in his eyes.

"o-oppa *sob* I j-just m-miss *sob* y-you so m-much" I said looking at his eyes.

"princess you know I hate it when you cry" he said wiping my tears with a frown on his face.

"s-s-sorry *sob* o-o-oppa" I said wiping my remaining tears and try to give a smile.

"princess you know I miss you so much" he said returning the smile that he once gave.

"me too oppa, so much" I said smiling brightly at him.

We just stand there, hugging each other and feeling each other's warmth, I hug him tight with a smile on my face.This guy right here is the guy i've miss so much  and the guy I have failed to find, he was the person I long for for so many years and this person made me complete as the years of feeling that something is missing through out my puberty, I love him so much, he was my hero, my saviour, and my oppa.Back from my years of finding him, i've done all I can just to see him, just to find him, I go back everyday to the playground hoping to see him again but everyday of my life there was nothing but silence and loneliness on that place, I have always cried myself to sleep because of guilt that has been hunting my life for years, I promise that I will find him but I never did.I became depress and sad that's why whenever I came to school I have been always cold to other people, there was a time that I was on the verge of giving up but when I was about to, I remembered his face, the way he smiled, the way his warmth touch my skin, the way his words would echo through out my mind.I remember it all and that's why I told myself never to give up so until now i'm still looking for him with the hope that I will find him.

He let go of the hug and smiled down upon me, he interwined our hands as he led me to the swing, when we were sitted down, he again smiled at me.Our hands were still interwined, silence was lingering around the air as we enjoyed each other's company, I was smiling looking at the sun going down, this wall all to good to be true and I can't help but smile more.After a long silence he again spoke with same voice he had years ago.

"Do you still remember that sandbox Sica?" Oppa said with a smile while pointing at the sand box.

I turn my head to look at the sandbox and indeed I do remember that sandbox, it was full of good memories from my childhood, it was the same sandbox my dongsaengs and I like to play at, we spent so much moment there just having fun and even challenging each other for a competition, it was a place I called "memorable and special" it was full of good old memories and it was special because this was the place where we met our heroes, it was the place where he promised that i'll only be his wife and it was the place where I shared my first kiss with him, I can never forget this sandbox because it was the same place reminding me of the warmth of his hug.It was also full of bad memories, it was the same place I first experience the feeling of being bullied, I can't fight back at that time because I don't want both of my dongsaengs seeing me fight, it will only cause them bad influence but I did everything to protect them, I take the hits and mean words they say and when it was over i'll just smile and tell them that i'm sorry eventhough my face was swollen and full of bruises but I couldn't care much because the only importance I look forward to was the safety of my dongsaengs, I would always hug them because they always spill out tears and i've always hate it whenever they cry, I would just tell them that i'm okay and i'm glad there safe, I would always bring them home after that while I get scolded seeing the bruises on my face.I never did tell anything to my parents, I didn't want them to worry and gave pity to me, they were always curious why I would always go home with new bruises on my face but I would just smile and tell them lies that were never true, there was a time that they almost knew what was happening when they always left us on the playground but it was a good thing that they never really knew why new bruises kept appearing on my face but instead they believe what lie I told them and they would just tell me to be careful, it was like that for the everyday of my life, I would always get bullied and there was nothing I can do but one day it was all too much that my patience run out and anger was all I felt, I knew I should fight back and defend ourselves but I just stay in place, hugging my dongsaengs with tears running down my eyes, all three of us were crying while they just laugh and laugh and tell us mean things.I was just getting tired of crying when I heard three voices at that time and when I turn to look at the owners of the voices, I saw the heroes i've always admire until now, when I watch them fight, I felt that they fight for us like we are the closest persons on there hearts and I felt relief that the nightmare was over, I was always thankful at them for saving us and I wanted them to be by our side at all times, they were the best heroes we ever got and I was always happy just remembering that part of my memory.

"Jessica?" I heard oppa say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn to him with a smile.

"yes?" I said.

"are you okay? for a moment there you seem drown on your thoughts" he said chuckiling.

"i'm fine oppa, I just remembered some old memories" I said grinning at him.

"mind to share some?" He said in a joking manner.

I shook my head as a sign of no, I was shy of saying those thoughts out loud.

"Okay" he said making me smile.

"You still haven't answer my question" he said out of the long silence.

"Yes, I do remember that sandbox" I said with a mischevious grin.

"I know you still do, it was just too impossible for you to forget" he said smiling back.

"that sandbox is full of memories, right oppa?" I said turning to him with a thumbs up.

"yes, it was full of too much memories and it was one of the things i've never forget" oppa said returning my thumbs up.

"if it weren't for this playground and that sanbox we couldn't have met each other" oppa said with a wide smile while looking at the sandbox.

"I am too much thankful to god for letting us meet because he gave me a hero I can have forever" I said giving him a sweet smile and squeezing tight his hand.

Again silence take up our conversation, Smile was seen on my face but frown soon take over as I remember my promise and how I did not fulfill it, guilt soon returned and I was again sad.I was scolding myself on why I was stupid?, why I wasn't able to find him?, what would he say when I failed on finding him?, would he be disappointed or sad?, all of this were running fast on my mind as it was making me panic and nervous.

"oppa" I said with a tone of sadness.

"wae?" he said turning to me.

"i'm sorry" I said looking down as I don't want to see the sadness in his eyes.

"waeyo Sica?" he asked confuse.

"i'm sorry I didn't find you" I said still sad.

"I broke my promise to you" I said not wanting to look up.

There was silence then all of a sudden I felt a hand move my chin up making me face oppa, he was smiling at me.

"no need to be sorry Sica, I know that you've done all you can just to find me" he said with a tender smile.

"b-b-but I bro-" I was cut off by oppa.

"shhhhh" he said wiping my tears, I didn't even realize I was crying.

"its okay Sica, its okay" he said hugging me while patting my back gently.

"you will find me Sica, you will" he said with sadness in his voice.

I let go of the hug, confuse on what he said.

"what do you mean oppa?, your here now" I said having an unreadable expression.

"Sica i'm not here" he said smiling sadly.

"what?" I was really confuse now, what does he mean he's not here?.

Instead of answering he just smiled.

"the sun is really beautiful when its going down, huh?" he smiled while looking at the scenery infront.

"it sure is oppa, it sure is" I said smiling despite the confuseness i'm feeling.

We just watched the sun go down slowly, It was another silence we have until oppa broke the ice.

"Sica, do you remember our promise?" he ask out of the blue.

I still remember our promise together, I can never forget those words as its the only thing making me remember him, I have always kept those promises in mind and promise to fulfill those.I love the promise we made to each other and even if I was only a little kid back then, I still know how to keep promises, I smiled at that memory of mine.

"ofcourse I still remember it, we promise that we will marry each other only and promise to find each other" I said turning to oppa with a smile.

"*sigh* Sica remember when I said I don't break promises?" he said with a very serious voice.

"oppa never breaks his promises especially when it is a promise to his princess"

His words echo throughout my mind, It was one of his words that I love the most, I remember being doudtful at him but I also remember blushing at that time when he called me princess.

"Yes, I do remember oppa" I said with a smile.

"I will never break my promise Jessica, I would make you my wife" oppa said with full determination.

I frown hearing his words, its not that I am not happy with his promise its because I knew that I was commited to someone else, i've waited for a long time being married to him but I now knew that there wasn't a chance of me being with him, I have no power or ability to stop the wedding from occuring because the decision was made and I have no right to object, I do love oppa like my own brother but what about Sooyoung oppa? I know he is nice, kind, a gentlemen, respectful, and honorable kind of guy, a guy that no girl would ever let go, i'm not saying i'm hesitating to be with hero oppa but its just that I don't want to hurt Sooyoung oppa's feelings and I don't want to embarrassed my parents.He was determinated to become my husband and to fulfill his promise but he doesn't know that he has zero percent of having me as a wife, I don't want to hurt hero oppa's feelings but I have no choice to marry Sooyoung oppa whether I like it or not, it wasn't in my decision to do so. *sigh* ottoke? what do I do?.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" oppa ask after seeing the frown on my face.

"oppa, I have something to tell you" I said with a nervous tone.

"what is it?" he asked with a smile.

It was making me harder to tell him just seeing his smile, I don't want that smile to disappear on his face just hearing my words, I was having a hard time to spill out the words that i'm about to say and I was afraid to see his reaction, sweat was slowly forming on my forhead and my heart was beating fast because of nervousness but I knew that he has to know sooner or later so I took a big breath and prepare myself to say the next words.

"o-o-oppa i'm a-already g-get-" I was cut off by oppa's words.

"I already have Sica" he said with a serious voice.

"huh?" I ask confuse.

"I already made you my wife" oppa said again.

"what? I don't understand" I said being confuse by his words.

"you will understand Sica, you will know" he said smiling at me.

There was a long silence before he spoke again.

"I was always there through the years I wasn't, I was by your side watching you silently but you never notice because I was the person you hate the most" he said taking my hands and holding both of them.

"Jessica, the person you hate the most was the person beside you, the person who have always admire you, I was by your side because I was the person you hate and I was there because that person stayed beside you, the person you hate was the person i've always been and that person was the only one capable enough to melt your heart" he said smiling at me with sincerity in his voice, I admit it made me feel warm for him to say that but at the same time, it made me more confuse.

"what do you mean oppa? I can't understand you" I said with furrowed eyebrows.

"*sigh* Sica look at your finger" he said taking my right hand and putting them on my lap.

I look at him with an unreadable and confuse expression but he just smiled and point on my fingers, I look to see my fingers and found a shining object around my finger, it was a ring a gold ring to precise, I was having this weird feeling that on this ring was the vowed I made, it was weird for me to wear a ring without me knowing but it can't be the wedding ring i'll wear by next week because I wasn't married yet and the wedding hasn't happened yet, I felt that this ring contains how much one person loves me but who is that person? who is he? it was making me feel comfortable as I stare at it more.I carefully took the ring off before I examine it, I look through the inside of the ring and found a written message on the ring..........



                              Even if i'm faraway I will always protect you

                                                                                     -SY, HO


I was puzzled and confuse, it was the same name carved at the old tree but why was its name written on the ring I was wearing? why was I even wearing the ring? I know that i'm not married yet until next saturday but I know that this ring, that this name is telling me something but I can't seem to know what it is.I got this weird feeling that I know this person very much, he's name was appearing everwhere I go, I know that I know who this person is but got no clue who this person really was, this person plays an important role in my life that's what i'm feeling and who ever he is I know that he's only around me but can't seem to notice.I know i've seen this name before because it was familiar but my brain just can't seem to remember anything but I hope I meet this person to ask him who he really is and why am I wearing a ring? i'm not married yet, right? *sigh* everythings complicated and its only making my head dizzy. 

"oppa?" I turn to him with a confuse face.

He smiled at me and suddenly hug me really tight, I can feel that he was sad and longing but instead of asking I just respond to his hug and stayed quiet, he let go after minutes of hugging me and he gave me a tearful smile before slowly standing up.

"Jessica please always remember that i'm always by your side whenever you needed me, I will always be your helping hand in times you need help and be your companion whenever you are alone but please promise to be a good girl until we see each other again" Hero oppa said turning to me with a sad smile.

I, too, stand up giving him a sad smile, I face him with a frown.

"where are you going oppa?" I asked with sadness in my voice.

He just smiled before putting his hands on my shoulder and squeezing them gently then he look straight at my eyes with sadness written all over it.

"be a strong girl Jessica because life isn't as easy as you thought, open your heart to people who wanted to enter, don't close your heart because i'm not by your side, there are people on this world who love you too much but you were too afraid to notice it, I just want you to be happy in life and I don't want to see you crying because of me" he said tightining his hold on my shoulder, his tears were running down on his cheeks and he was really sad as each word comes out of his mouth.

"Oppa......" I felt happy hearing his words but at the same time I felt crying seeing how sad he was.

"don't shed tears to a person like me because I am not worthy enough, your tears are too special to be shed and are for only persons worthy enough, I don't want to see you crying before I leave Sica, it will only made me more sad" he said wiping off my tears.

"don't worry Jessica, we will see each other again so don't think this as a goodbye because it isn't" he said kissing my forhead and I felt his tears running down my cheeks.

"oppa......" my eyes were already glistering from tears.

"don't cry Sica" he said looking at my eyes.

At that moment, I hug him tight not wanting to let him go, why is faith separating us? I thought we found each other but why is he leaving again? God knows how much I miss and long for oppa but why is this happening again?, he was the only guy I long for for so many years and I can't think of losing him again.He was hugging me back while kissing the crown of my head, saying "its okay, it will be okay" I cried more hearing his words, I was scared that I wouldn't feel the same warmth again, I was scared that I wouldn't see him again and I was scared because of losing him but I believe that if were really destined we'll see each other again, he let go of the hug and gave me a cheerful half sad smile, he fix the fringe of my hair tuckiling it on my ear before looking into my eyes.

"be good, always be good Jessica and treat your husband right, okay?" he said and with that word of his I was shock, how does he know?

"h-how d-do yo-" I was cut off by his chuckle.

"Sica I told you i'm only around " he said giving me a sad smile.

"please take care of your husband Sooyoung, he is a nice guy Jessica and you will never find someone like him this days, try to accept him and you will know what kind of person he is" he said making me more confuse but he just smiled.

"bye Sica, never forget my promise because it will came true" he said waving one last time before disappearing.

"o-o-oppa wait! WAIT!!!!!" I shouted, running after him but only a field of flowers can be seen, he left without another word.

And I was left there with tears running down my eyes.

"bye oppa, I promise this isn't goodbye and I believe in you, i'll miss you oppa so much" I said in a mere whisper.


I slowly open my eyes, my vision was blurry and I cannot predict where I was, I lift my hand up to wipe my eyes but surprise when I touch tears, I was crying and I notice my heavy feeling inside, I was sad because of the sudden leave of hero oppa, it was just a dream, it was all just a dream so that's why he told me that I will find him soon because he knew that this wasn't real and that I didn't find him yet.A frown covered my face, I thought I already found him but it wasn't real and I would be still searching for him, I wipe away my tears and put a determinated face but still I can't help but frown.I was about to stand up but failed to do so as my body was being restricted to move, I felt a sudden weight on my body and at that moment I realize that I was being hug, I turn look at my side to see the person that was hugging me but got suprised when it was Sooyoung oppa's face I saw, he was sleeping peacefully and he was really hugging me tight, I stayed on my position just looking at his face, silence was all I heard as the only thing I hear was oppa's steady breath, I took the time to observe his face, all of his feaures shows that he was handsome especially his eyes, I have always like the way his eyes curved when he smiles, it makes me feel warm and friendly, he makes me remember the way hero oppa smiles and sometimes just seeing his smile makes my whole day brighten more.A wide smile was seen on my face as I watch him sleep, I carefully give our faces some distance before leaning in his embrace, his body was really warm and I can't help but be comfortable in his embrace, his arms were securely rap around my waist while his body was closer to mine, giving me warmth inside, with a contented smile I slowly remove his arms from waist and slowly get up preventing from making any noise that will wake up oppa, I slowly get to my feet before taking a look of my surroundings, I was in a small mini house and by the looks of it it was old just by looking at the cracks on the walls, I walk to the other side of the house and there I saw my dongsaengs sleeping peacefully in there husband's embrace, I smiled seeing the scenery infront of me not only because of my dongsaengs but also how Taeyeon and Yuri oppa securely and respectfully hug my dongsaengs.I was happy for them but I can't help but frown on what I am seeing because we were waiting for someone else, the three of us were still waiting for three special people and those people were the only person's we promise to marry but I know that it was too impossible for us to marry them, I gave a long sigh being stressful of the problem we were having and I never intended to be warm, to be close to them and even smile to them, these were all not according to plan and these were never in the plan, I don't even know why we are even changing plans but all I know is that this is all wrong, all of this.My mind was full of alot of things and it makes me stressful, we should be cold not warm, we should be ignorant people not friendly people, we should be mean not nice, and we should be icy not sweet *sigh* what's really happening? Why is everything changing?.

I was startled when someone from behind touch my shoulder, It was a good thing that I didn't scream or else everybody would be woken up, I turn to look at person who startled me but suprise to see Sooyoung oppa awake, he was standing behind me with a wide smile, he was chuckiling from my reaction because I was gripping hard on my left chest with a startled expression, he move closer to me and brought my hands down.

"were you startled from my sudden apperiance?" oppa asked with a mischevious smile.

"a little" I said getting a little awkward.

"sorry I didn't know you were awake" he said letting go of my hand before going back to the small room we slept in.

"I just woke up minutes ago" I said following along with him.

"how are you feeling, Jessica-shii?" he asked sitting down on the floor.

"i'm fine" I said shortly before sitting down with him.

"are you feeling dizzy?" he asked again and somehow I got the feeling his worried about me.

"no" I again answered shortly.

"are you feeling cold?" Oppa asked putting his hand on my forhead.

"no, i'm fine oppa, why are you asking me such questions?" I asked feeling a little bit curios.

He gave a long sigh before putting his hands down and turn to look at me with a worried expression, I look at him curiously as the frown on his face grow more, I just felt that its weird of him to keep asking me such questions and I really have this weird feeling that he's worried about me but why is he so much worried? Its not like something happen last night so why worry?.

"You got sick last night and what's worst is that you were burning up" he said looking down.

"Really?, I got sick?" I said feeling a bit suprise.

"Yes, hyung's car broke down while you guys were asleep, we tried to call a mechanical but we knew that there wasn't one available because it was late at night and it even rained last night, that's why we brought you here" he said still looking down.

"but why wouldn't we stay in the car?" I asked as that question occur in my mind.

"*sigh* it has a hole in the roof, we don't know where it came from but we knew we couldn't let you stay there because you guys were getting wet, Yuri saw this house not far from where we are standing and we have no choice to brought you there, it was a good thing that there was wood in here to make fire and it was a good thing too that I always bring my lighter just in case" he said finally looking up and giving me a small smile.

"did the three of us got sick?" I asked finally understanding why we are here.

"yes, the three of you" he said showing me three fingers.

"ahhhhh" I said with nothing to say more.

Silence feel up the room as neither of us wanted to speak more, he was silently looking down again while I was in deep thought, I was thinking how much the oppa's were so caring and kind, they even do that just to keep us from getting a fever and I wonder if that's why the three of the oppa's were hugging the three of us so tight to give us warmth, god why are this people so nice? they aren't the people we imagine they would be and not even once that they did get angry when we were cold to them, why do they so much resemble the Heroes that we come to know?, why? I know I hate them and I know too that my dongsaeng's hate them but why is that hatred feeling going away? I intend to be cold but why is that the ice in my heart is melting? I knew this as I notice this actions of mine, *sigh* what to do?.

"Jessica-shii?" I heard Sooyoung oppa called out.

"waeyo oppa?" I asked looking at him curiously.

"mianhe" he said giving off a worried expression.

"wae?" I asked feeling confuse.

"for hugging you without your permission, I know that you don't want me to touch you but I needed to do that because you were shaking and freezing, I just don't want to stand there and stare at you so I took the risk to hug you but please believe me it wasn't in my plan, never, to hug you, mianhe it won't happen again" he said immediately standing up after bowing at me.

I stare at him with an amuse expression, I can't believe that even just a simple hug he would apologize to me like its the most sinful crime ever commited, does he respect me that much? I guess he does respect me that much, he's the most respectful guy i've ever known and he wouldn't do things without permission and I like that in him, I can't help but smile at his actions, he's a real gentlemen and as hero oppa said........

"he is a nice guy Jessica, you will never find someone like him this days"

I guess oppa was right, its hard to find someone like Sooyoung oppa this days and I guess i'm one of those lucky girls in sight, I can't believe that i'm going to marry this kind of guy, he is one of a kind and I really do wonder why Sooyoung oppa never had a girlfriend considering how much qualities he posses.I kept the smile on my face before standing up, I touch his shoulders and pull him up, he has this guilt expression on his face when he reach my eye level, he was guilty because of hugging me without my permission and I can't help but chuckle as the frown on his face grew.

"oppa" I said calmly.

"neh?" he asked looking down again.

"*chuckle* can you look at me oppa?" I said smiling widely.

He hesistately look up, meeting my eyes with a smile, I took his hands squeezing them tightly before earning myself a shock expression, I smiled at him more.

"oppa, its okay you don't have to say sorry, I know that you didn't do it on purpose and I know it wasn't in your plan either but I am so much thankful to you oppa for doing your best just to keep me from freezing and I am thankful at you for respecting me and being kind to me, its okay oppa you don't have to feel sorry, okay?" I said sincerely while squeezing his hands.

"gamsahabnida Jessica-shii, I promise you it won't happen again and I will only do it when you told me to do so" he said squeezing my hands with a cheerful smile on his face.

"drop the formalities oppa, you can call me Jessica if you want?" I said with a wide smile.

"really? thank you so much Jessica-sh-, I mean Jessica" oppa said letting go of my hand with a smile.

"its nothing oppa, should we wake up TaeRi oppa and my dongsaengs?" I asked curiously.

"neh we should, your parents must be looking for you" he said going back to the other room.

I followed him behind, I saw the same position as earlier, my dongsaengs still asleep in there husbands embrace with a peaceful face, I guess its not that bad being married to them and I guess we should try to be friends with them because they posses the best qualities of a husband, people won't care if we marry them and besides this is for helping us, right?.

"Oppa, why didn't you call our parents?" I asked getting a bit curious on that matter.

"well Taeyeon hyung tried to call Yoona's parents but failed to do so as he's phone was wet and so was Yuri's, I tried to call too but my phone was really wet so we have no choice but stay here for the night, I guess auntie and uncle are worried for you guys" he said approaching TaeNy.

"Okay oppa" I said about to wake YoonYul up.

"i'll wake them up Jessica, you go and fix yourself" he said giving me a smile.

"thanks oppa" I said before leaving the room with a smile

Sooyoung P.O.V

Jessica seems warm now and yesterday, I didn't see any sign of being cold or icy, her aura is not the same as before either, she's really warm and friendly, she also smiles alot not like before she always has this icy expression and emotionless face.Jessica seems to have change a little, she warms up to me now and she even hold my hand when I was saying sorry to her, that action of her's was one thing she never did before and it makes me kinda suprise, i'm happy that's things are good between us and I hope we can be good friends when we got married.I am truly happy with the way things are now, seconds ago I was dying of guilt because I broke the one rule she gave me and I was afraid that she will hate me more, I even wanted to kneel infront of her to beg for her forgiveness, at first I was afraid that she will get angry and scold me but she suprise me when she smiled and interwined our hands, I was truly suprise that for the first time I saw the most genuine and understanding smile i've ever seen, she forgive me and that's all matters to me, her forgiveness.I can't help but let out a smile when I saw how Taeyeon hyung hug Tiffany, as I known hyung he is over protective of his love ones especially those person's close to his heart, I have always admire hyung because of his brave and protective side, now that Tiffany's going to be his wife I know that he is willing to give his own life for his wife, hyung love his wife like his own dongsaeng and being the oldest he is, he will help Tiffany with all he can and will always be by her side whenever she needed him, hyung was that kind of person that's why we look up at him with full respect.I gently shake hyung preventing Tiffany to awoke, he groan and slap my arm away but I didn't give up and tried again, I again gently shake him but he just slap my arm away, I was getting frustrated.

"hyung wake up" I said hiding the annoyance in my voice.

"go away!" He said in a whisper.

"*sigh* hyung wake up, we have to bring the girls home" I said shaking him once again.

He's eyes shot open but he didn't stand up nor make any noise, he knows that Tiffany was still sleeping on his chest and his hands didn't leave Tiffany's waist when his eye's shot open, he look at me with a shock expression before looking down on the girl sleeping on his chest, he carefully remove a strain of her hair before tuckiling them on her ear, he turn to look at me before lifting up his finger, giving me a gesture of silence, I nod to him before quietly telling him we have to go and he nod.Taeyeon hyung carefully remove Tiffany's head from his chest and slowly put her head on the pillow, he slowly got up before highering the jacket on Tiffany's body.I smiled looking at my hyung, he was really this caring for Tiffany and he is always worried sick when something happens to her, hyung is really scary when someone hurt or touch Tiffany even a little scratch he will get really angry.Hyung always kept his promises that's why he kept the promise he made with uncle Hwang, he promise that he will always be by her side and protect her with all his heart and never ever make her cry as long as he lives, this maybe words that will kept as a promise but for hyung it was more than words that he should live for, for him doing what is promise is the only way to keep a promise forever, seeing his actions means he keep his promise alive, hyung really love this girl like his dongsaeng and I can never doudt him on that.

"Hyung, you really care for Tiffany that much?" I asked putting a smirk on my face.

He look up with a smile, he was giving me the best smile he ever gave and I can see the sparkle in his eyes, he was happy and at that time I knew my hyung finally found his source of happiness, all this years he has always been sad because he always dream't seeing the little girl he once save, that little girl was the only person I know that can make my hyung smile from ear to ear and that little girl was the only person who can make hyung's heart pound crazily but since the last time he saw that little girl, that's was also the last time i've seen him happy and it was also the last time I seen him describe someone as much as he describe Stephanie.I knew he was inlove with Stephanie but he himself denied everything his feelings was telling him, he was denying because for him it was wrong, all wrong and because Stephanie was alot younger than him that he felt sinful being inlove with a 6 year old girl but I knew better that all the actions he gave all this years makes it obvious that he truly love the little girl and the frown he always gave says that he misses Stephanie.

"yes, I really care for her that much" he said smiling widely at me.

"as much as you care for Stephanie?" I asked raising an eye brow.

He stop tying his shoes and look up to me with a sad expression, he sit properly but he just kept silent with a frown on his face, I knew it! no one can replace Stephanie in his heart, he's still inlove with that little girl, she's still the only girl inside his heart even if 10 years had past.The smirk on my face grew more as more silent minutes past, he kept a blank expression just staring off space but the sadness in his face was visible, within the minutes passed he look at me and I saw the sincerity and truthful in his eyes.

"no, more than the care and love I gave Stephanie" he said giving me a genuine smile.

I gave a wide smile feeling proud of my hyung, I thought he was still the same Taeyeon i've known for 29 years but I guess Tiffany really change hyung, I know that he won't forget her but I also know that hyung is moving on from the past and starting a new present, i'm proud of hyung and I always will be.I envy hyung for he now lives with the present but I still live in the past, I can't forget Sooyeon for I am a man of my words, I never break my promises and I am scared to do so, my promise to Sooyeon was one of the promise I treasure too much and breaking it will cause me my life, i'm not saying that I will die or something but if I break it that means I broke Sooyeon's heart and trust *sigh* I can never forget that girl, never.

"Sooyoung?" Taeyeon hyung called out breaking me from my thoughts.

"neh?, is there something wrong hyung?" I look at him with a confuse expression.

"no, there's nothing wrong, its just that you kept silent for a long time, is there a problem dongsaeng?" Taeyeon hyung asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"*sigh* i'm fine hyung, I was just thinking of something" I said with a sad tone of voice.

"you sure dongsaeng? are you really thinking of something or rather someone?" hyung asked squeezing my shoulder tight.

I kept silent knowing that hyung was right, I miss her, I miss Sooyeon, I miss the little girl who made me promise to make her my wife someday and I miss the little girl who I called my princess.She was the only reason why I never was in one relationship in my life, I wanted to fulfill my promise because I want her to be the only girl i'll marry, I want her to be by my side because I want to protect her and I want her to be the only girl i'll ever be commited too and I want to spent the rest of my life protecting the little girl I love.

"Sooyoung do you miss her?" Taeyeon hyung asked with pity in his voice.

"*sigh* I guess I can't hide it, huh?"  I said chuckiling bitterly .

"No, your not good at hiding your emotions" Taeyeon hyung said giving me a little laugh.

"What can I do hyung?, I really miss Sooyeon and I haven't seen her since the day we give them to their parents, I have a promise hyung and i'm afraid to break it but all this years i've tried my best to find her because I wanted to see her again, to see how beautiful she grow up to be" I said looking out the window.

"*sigh* dongsaeng, I know how much you miss Sooyeon and I know much you love her but your life is Jessica now, she's going to be your wife and the girl who you will spent the rest of your life with, you can still look for Sooyeon but just remember you cannot fulfill your promise to her because never forget that your commited to someone else and once you wear that ring on your finger you have no escape to be with your wife" Taeyeon hyung said and I didn't failed to notice the sadness in his voice.

"Hyung, don't you ever miss Stephanie?" I said feeling heavy inside.

"Ofcourse I miss that little girl, she was the girl i've ever dream't to be my wife and she was the first girl who ever made my heart pound so fast, you and Yuri knows how much I was eager to find her and I did all I can just to see her again but it wasn't enough for me to be with her, I love her like my she's my own dongsaeng and because I wanted to protect her I wanted to be by her side" even if I can't see his expression I know that he was smiling and I know that he was happy inside.

"hyung back then, I told you that what if they will leave us? what if they will divorce us? I know how much they hate us, I know how much Jessica hates me and ever since the first time we met them, I knew that they didn't like us and I knew that they didn't want to marry us, I understand what they are feeling but we all know that we have no escape on this that's why am scared, i'm scared to be left" I said almost tearing up.

"maybe time will come that they will leave us but we cannot predict the future, we might stay married or not but it isn't in our decision if they will leave us, its up to them to stay with us or not, they are still young but they will grow older and realize what's wrong or not and like what Yuri said we cannot tie them in a marriage that they don't want any part of, we have to let them go because there happiness comes first" he said with a tone of sadness.

"There so cold hyung, especially Jessica she's the most coldest out of them, I feel that everytime she will look at me, a chill will always ran up my spine and the way she glare at me makes me scared, i'm afraid that I will not be able to melt the ice in her heart and we will forever stay strangers even if were married, I just want to be friends with her, i'm not looking for something other than that, i'm contented just being friends but everytime I try to approach her she will always push me away and I felt that everytime someone else wanted to enter her heart, she will only double her keys for no else to enter" I said looking at him with a scared expression.

"*chuckle* your not afraid of her glares or being strangers forever, do you know what your afraid of? your afraid that you won't enter her heart, your scared to think that she will hate you forever and that's why you have the unknown desire to melt the ice in her heart, you were always worried that you won't be successful enough to melt her heart but did you know that you were slowly winning?, i'm not blind dongsaeng, she's warming up to you and she's slowly opening up, you might not see it but I do she's always smiling whenever your by her side and I can see the affection she's showing you, you and your wife are going to be great friends so just ask her if she wants to be friends with you? and trust me she's going to say yes"  Taeyeon hyung said, approaching me with a comforting smile before giving me a pat on the shoulder.

I gave him a doudtful look, feeling weird of his words, yes its true that I have the desire to melt her heart but it never occur to me that I wanted to enter her heart, I admit I was afraid that she will look at me like i'm the most sinful person in the world and I was afraid that she will leave me because I was scared that I couldn't find her like Sooyeon, I never ever thought that I wanted to be a part of her heart or even have a piece of her heart, all i've ever wanted was to be the best husband she can ever and i've always wanted to have a friendship with her, you know be friends but being more than friends was out of my list, we maybe married but treating her like a dongsaeng was more than enough so it made me feel weird just thinking of the thought of being really inlove with her, she's too young and besides my heart is on Sooyeon.I also notice the changes on Jessica even the smallest details, she's warming up and is it really true? that she's showing affection to me? I hope hyung's right, I hope we become good friends.

"Don't look at me like that Sooyoung, we both know that i'm right at every angle" hyung said giving me a mischevious smile.

 "I know hyung that's why i'm not doudting you because I know your right" I said giving him a smile.

"where's your wife anyway? I haven't seen her since this morning" hyung said looking around the room with a curious expression on his face.

"she's at the other room, I told her to fix up cause were going home" I said pointing at the other side of the room.

"okay, so let's stop talking shall we? we have to wake those two up cause we have to go home and i'm sure that auntie and uncle are worried for the girls so we have to go home as soon as possible" he said pointing at our dongsaeng and his wife.

"yup, we have to tell our parents to arrange our funeral cause when we return back home were gonna die" I said giving him a laugh.

Taeyeon P.O.V

I laugh at his joke knowing it was true, I knew that our parents are going to scold us for not bringing the girls home last night but we all know what the reason was for not bringing them back home, we won't stay here for the night if we knew that there was a way that we can go back home but sadly there was no other way, I can't bare to watch Tiffany get wet from the rain or just stand there just watching her get cold and sick, I care for her too much that if I can take her fever I will choose to do so.She was my fiance and I have the responsibility to take care of her, I promise myself that i'll make her happy for every single day of her life and prove myself worthy to her, I slowly approach Tiffany before squating infront of her, I was observing her features and imagining the same smile she has, I was picturing it on her sleeping face making me smile, remembering how much she loves to smile, I touch her lips and tracing every curve of it, I was feeling excited wanting to see her smile and I want to see the moon in her eyes, I have always love the smile of the moon, I always go out at night just too see the smile up in the sky and just by seeing it makes me happy so seeing it on Tiffany was more than happiness I can describe because seeing the smile of the moon right infront of my eyes was like seeing Stephanie.I once more look at her sleeping face making me smile more wider before I gently shook her, I told her that we have to go home but I didn't hear anything but her steady breath, I again shook her but there was no sign of waking up, I chuckled seeing her furrowed eye brows as I shook her more the I thought that she won't wake up no matter how many times I shook her so I thought of something which surely will wake her up, I move my face closer to her than anyone can imagine before putting a smile on my face, I whispered to her.

"Tiffany, wake up, we have to go home" I said in a whisper looking at her face.

There was no sign of stirring or waking up, she stayed still with her eyes close, I sighed giving up but I later on smile thinking of waking her up later and with a smile, I slowly back away but before I can even move an inch, her eyes flattered open which made me frozen, she was looking directly at my eyes while I just stayed still thinking that she was going to be mad, she just look at me with a blank face, feeling guilty I slowly retrieve my face but before I even do she showed me the moon which made me again stiffen, I stayed in my position completely lost at her smile, there was no sign of anger not even, processing the situation I completely snap out of it and back awa, my face was all red and I was looking down when I heard a laugh.

"why are so anxious oppa? the look on your face was to laugh for" she said laughing more and I felt myself getting redder.

"I-i-i was trying to w-wake you up b-b-because we h-have to go h-h-home" I said and I wanted to slap myself for tering.

"going home? I thought were already home?" she asked with a confuse face.

"n-n-no my car b-broke down last n-n-night and it was even r-r-raining so w-we have to s-stay here for the n-n-night" I said nervously but i'm not still looking at her.

"Oh, okay but did you call appa and umma to inform where we are?" she asked and I felt her approaching me.

"aniya, my phone got wet last night and so does SooRi" I said taking the risk to look at her.

"so they don't know where we are?" Tiffany said with furrowed eye brows.

"yes" I said looking outside the window.

"oppa may I asked you a question?" She said with a serious face and I turn to look at her.

"what is it?" I asked feeling curious.

"what happened last night?" she asked with a troubled expression.

"we were heading home when my care suddenly broke down, we were trying to think of a plan to fix the car but nothing was coming out of our minds, we tried calling the mechanical but it was late last night and no mechanical was available that time and what's worse it rained really hard last night, we planed on staying in the car but it had a hole on the roof we didn't know where it came from but for all we know we have to get you guys out of the car before you guys get wet, Yuri found this mini house not far from where we are standing so we immediately run inside the house, you guys were wet especially you, you were shaking and you had a high fever last night, it was really a good thing that there was some wood and Sooyoung had his lighter with him so we were able to made fire that time" I said frowning at the thought of Tiffany shaking.

"I got a fever last night?" she asked with a shock expression.

"Yes, you did" I said frowning more.

"but what did you do when I was having a fever?" she asked having again the troubled expression.

I became silent as I was shy of the thought of telling her about the hug, memories from last night came coming back, I remembered how she was shaking and freezing, I remembered how tight I hug her and I remember how I smile seeing her sleeping face but most of all I remember how I was thankful to god for giving her to me.It all came back just at one moment, I unknowingly smile while looking at her but despite that, my face was turning red by the moment and she only gave me a confuse face.

"Oppa?" she called out seeing me drown on my thoughts.

"I took care of you, I hug you last night to give you warmth because you were freezing and I have no other choice but to do that than to watch you freeze to death, your fever was so high last night and I was in panic because I didn't know what to do but you become okay when I hug you, you even sleep peacefully" I said with a guilt expression.

"*chuckle* is that why I felt someone hugging me when I was asleep?" she said raising her eyebrow at me.

"Neh" I said looking down, frowning.

"Thank you oppa" she said lifting up my chin and giving me one of her eye smile.

"y-your w-welcome" I said giving her a nervous smile.

"yah! you two!?, stop talking and fix your selves, how can we go home if you two keep doing nothing but stare at each other!?" Sooyoung shouted breaking me away from my eye contact from Tiffany.

"okay, sorry oppa, i'll get up now" Tiffany said giving him a smile.

"what about you oppa? are you just gonna sit there all day?" Tiffany said turning to me with a curious face. my wife's so innocent and pure, I hope she'll still be like that until we grow old *smile*

"ah......oh, me?, no i'm gonna stand up right now" I said standing up and giving her a smile.

"okay, oppa where's Jessi?" Tiffany ask with a curious face.

"she's in the other room fixing her self up" Sooyoung said pointing in the other room.

"okay, thanks Sooyoung oppa" she said giving Sooyoung one of her eye smiles.

"its nothing" Sooyoung said with a smile.

"oppa i'll just be in the other room with Jessi, okay?" she said turning to me giving me a thumbs up.

"okay" I said returning her thumbs up.

She smiled and left, I followed her with my eyes until she wasn't visible in my sight anymore, I turn to look at Sooyoung and I saw him looking at me with a smirk on his face, he was giving me a teasing smile and I furrowed my eyebrows seeing it, he lift his hands up and give me a thumbs up which I rolled my eyes to.

"what's with that smile?" I asked giving him a curious face.

"oh, nothing, i'm just happy seeing the scene infront of me seconds ago" he said playing innocent.

"what scene?" I ask feeling dumb.

"oh, don't pretend that you don't know what i'm talking about hyung cause we both know that it was all clear what happened seconds ago" he said raising his eyebrows.

"were you watching?" I ask shyly.

"did you think I wasn't?" Sooyoung said smirking at me and I felt myself slowly turning red.

"I just don't know what happened dongsaeng, when she gave me that smile I couldn't do anything but stare at it as if I was frozen in place, her smile is something that whenever I see I couldn't help but see Stephanie in her, I always felt myself getting weaker whenever she flash me that smile and it was always like I was under a spell, i've always like her smile dongsaeng, its like the moon, the way the moon curve at night always reminds me of her and the way it glows reminds me how strong her smile is, it was so strong that I couldn't get it off my mind, it was always occuping the empty space of my thoughts" I said looking outside the window with a genuine smile.

"do you love Tiffany, hyung?" I heard Sooyoung asked and I felt that he was smiling.

"ofcourse I love her" I said closing my eyes for a moment.

"isn't that what a husband should do?, love his wife?" I asked turning to him while raising my eyebrows with a soft smile.

"its what all husbands do, hyung" he said giving me smile.

"I know, that's why i'm doing all my can just to love her even as a dongsaeng" I said giving him a wide smile.

"i've always been proud of you hyung" he said giving me a thumbs up.

"I know that's why i'm thankful" I said returning his thumbs up.

"thanks hyung" he said smiling at me.

"its nothing dongsaeng, so is our little black kab awake yet?" I said in a teasing manner.

"aniya, *sigh* our little black kab is still sleeping while Yoona's in the other room with our fiance's " Sooyoung said with a sigh while pointing at Yuri.

"when is he going to wake up? we have to bring the girls back home or will die early" I said with a frustrated face.

"I don't know, i've try all I can just to wake him up but it seems that our little dongsaeng is still in dreamland" Sooyoung said pouting.

I look at Yuri and surely he was still deep in sleep, it was really weird for Yuri to sleep this long because as I known him, he was a light sleeper and he wasn't the type of a person that will sleep this long until twelve o'clock in the afternoon and out of the three of us, he was the easiest to wake up and we never had trouble waking him up until now, I look at Yuri with a frustrated face as I don't know what we should do, it was the first time that he sleep this long and i'm happy that can sleep this far but even if I wanted to let him sleep more, we have to go home because surely uncle and auntie are really worried for the three of them and we don't want to be scolded by our parents.I sigh not knowing what to do, I sit down on the floor and put my hands on my chin, thinking of a plan to wake him up and later on Sooyoung joined me on the floor, the two of us just sit there thinking of a plan, it was minutes before I got an idea so I stand quickly and I look a Sooyoung who was looking at me with curious eyes but I just gave him a smile.

"Sooyoung, I got a plan" I said with a smirk on my face.

"what is it hyung?" Sooyoung stand up, facing me with a curious expression.

"why don't we do the prank of the day, huh?" I said with an evil smile.

"sounds like a good idea so what's the plan?" he asked with a smirk.

"why don't we give our dongsaeng alittle water?" I said with an evil tone of voice.

"yup, Yuri must be really thirsty with all that sleeping" Sooyoung said with an evil smile.

"why don't I get some water hyung? oh look at that there's some water here, what should we do with it?" Sooyoung said pretending to be shock and clueless.

"since Yuri's really thirsty why don't we give him some?" I said approaching the bucket of water before slowly lifting it up.

"that must be heavy hyung, why don't I help you?" Sooyoung asked taking hold of the other side of the bucket.

We stare at each other with evil smirks on our faces before looking at our innocent dongsaeng who is sleeping peacefully on the bed, we muttered soft sorry's before counting to three. this is really going to be funny, I tell you
















When the water touch Yuri's skin, Yuri immediately got up with wide eyes, he was sitting on the mini bed with water dripping down from his head, he was wet from his head to his waist and shock was written all over his face, he was looking at us with a surprise expression with his mouth wide open while we just keep rolling on the floor just laughing our asses off, tears were falling from our eyes and painful stomach's was what we feel because of too much laughing even I can't stop myself from laughing, it has been years since we last prank one another, we have been too caught up making our company grow that we forget how to have fun and I can say that I really miss pranking people expecially my dongsaengs, we rarely have this moments so I really want to savore this moment just for once.Both, me and Sooyoung are still laughing, we have been laughing for almost twenty-five minutes and there was no sign that both of us were stopping while our dongsaeng is glaring at both of us, it was ten minutes ago that he occured what happened, he knew that we pranked him and it was one thing he never expected that we will do again after years of not doing it, we stopped laughing and both of us wipe the tears from our eyes before smiling at each other.

"that wasn't funny hyung's" Yuri said while glaring at both of us, water was still dripping down from his head.

"it was dongsaeng, if you've seen how your face looks like you'll even laugh" Sooyoung said smiling at him.

"it wasn't right for you to do that hyung's, I was sleeping and its really rude if you wake someone up that way" Yuri said with anger in his voice.

"come on dongsaeng, we were having fun and you know that this is the first time we pranked again after twelve years so please don't be mad" I said smiling softly at him.

Yuri stayed silent just looking at both of us, silence was lingering in the air as the three of us stayed quiet, I can feel the tension in the air as minutes pass by, both of us were beginning to get worried that we might cross the line alittle, we were about to say sorry when Yuri slowly smiled and it was shocking because we thought that he was really mad, he was smiling but he was giving us a teasing smile and a smirk slowly form on his face.

"got you hyungs" he said giving us the prank sign.

"you twerk, I thought you were really mad" I said approaching him and giving him a head lock.

"did you forget that I was a prankster too, hyung?" he said smirking at me.

"you still haven't change dongsaeng still the same old prankster you are" Sooyoung said shaking his head in disbelief.

"not because I stop pranking people doesn't mean I lose my skills as a prankster, i'm one of the best prankster on our team" Yuri said with full confidence.

"do you guys remember the time when were in high school? when Yuri prank the principal?" I asked with a laugh.

"I still remember that hyung, its still fresh in my memory, it was the time when Yuri put the principal's underwear on the flag pole, it was even designed in korea's flag, everyone was laughing so hard when the principal pull up the flag" Sooyoung said laughing at the embarrass Yuri.

"the principal was so angry that he even shouted my name, it was so loud that I thought even the people across korea can hear it" Yuri said smiling at that thought of his.

"it was one of the best pranks that we've done, at that time our principal tried to get you suspended but he just failed knowing that your the son of "Kwon Yul", he just go back to his office and sit there, feeling frustrated while we just laugh" I said laughing at the memory of the sulking principal.

"those are good old memories, right hyung's?" Yuri said with a genuine smile.

"yeah, I miss those times when we were able to do that" Sooyoung said with a sigh of relief.

"how long has it been? 9? 10-12 years? I just don't know anymore when was the last time we have fun, I think "fun" was a word that we've forget for so many years" I said with a sad smile.

"as how I look at our life, I think we've been living the same routine over and over again, I can't even remember one single time that we finish the day without us spending our time at the company"  I said staring out the window.

"*sigh* I think we spend too much time working off our selves in the company, maybe appa was right hyung's, we spend our entire lifes being workaholics, we just didn't know what to do but work, it has been nothing but work" Yuri said with a frown.

"maybe this is why they want us to get married, I think its not only about helping the three of them, I think its also about us having a new chapter in life instead of living the old one over and over again" Sooyoung said with seriousness in his voice.

"if its really that reason, i'm thankful and i'll be glad to have a new chapter ahead of me" I said with a contented smile, I look at them with happiness.

"me too, I think our new life is about to start" both of my dongsaengs said in sync with a wide smile.

I look at both of them and surely they were right, this was a new start, a start that begins all.Maybe things will get better when we get married, I think my life is about to go back from the start because new life is ahead of me and the future awaits me, new life with Tiffany, my wife and new events that i'll be looking out for.

"we're done fixing up oppas, are you guys ready yet?" I heard Yoona's voice asked, I turn my head to the door and I found the three of them staring at us with curious eyes.

"yup, were all done here and ready to go" dongsaeng said with a smile before standing up revealing himself wet.

"why are you wet oppa?" Yoona asked with a frown.

"its nothing Yoona-yah, we just played a little game, that's all" Yuri said smiling not caring of the water dripping down from his head. its so weird, the three of us has been talking for already 15 minutes and yet he's not dry, so weird

"and what game is that oppa?" Yoona said looking at him with curious eyes.

"let's just say I was thirsty and they give me water to drink for" Yuri said with a laugh.

"okay? but oppa what if you get a cold? I heard that its going to be pretty windy out there and I don't want you to get sick because I know that you have alot of things to take care of especially running the your company" Yoona said with a frown but I can feel the worry and concern in her voice making me smile.

"don't worry Yoona, oppa is a strong as a rock" Yuri said giving her a thumbs up and a reassuring smile.

"if you say so oppa" Yoona said with a chuckle before smiling widely.

"are we going home now oppa's?, i'm afraid that appa's going to scold me to no end *sigh*" Tiffany said pouting. so cute!

"yup, were going home now and don't worry Tiffany, uncle's not going to scold you i'll be the one to explain everything, okay?" I said giving her a smile.

"okay oppa" she said flashing me her eye smile. here we go again, she flash me again her smile, the most beautiful smile i've ever seen

"so let's go?" Jessica asked with her usual cold voice. she must have slept at the wrong side of the bed, oh well its her problem

"wait, i'll have to check on the car first" Sooyoung said going outside.

"hyung, why don't I call a mechanical?" Yuri said bringing out his dried-but-broken phone.

"dongsaeng, your phone is wet, remember?" I said in a sarcastic tone while raising my eyebrow at him.

"oh right" he said scratching his not-so-ichy head.

"do any of you have a phone?" I said turning to the trio.

"no, I left my phone at my house" the three of them said in sync with a sorry expression.

"ottoke?" I said thinking of a plan.

Just then Sooyoung came back with a frown on his face and I turn to face him with a blank expression.

"hyung, the car is okay and no one touch it but the mechanism is still not working and the hole on the roof is still there" Sooyoung said frowning more.

"what do we do now, hyung?" Yuri asked with a worried expression.

I turn to look at the three girls who have troubled and worried expressions.

"who among you three knows how to stirr a wheel?" I said with seriousness on my voice.

The three of them look at each other before YoonFany slowly point at Jessica who was having a puzzled and troubled expression on her face, she looks at the two of them before turning to look at me with a nervous smile.

"okay, here's how things would work, you will stirr the wheel while the three of us push the car, do you understand?" I said pointing at the three of us.

"what about Tiffany and Yoona?, what would they do?" Jessica said with a curious expression.

"they will do nothing but stay at the safe side of the road, I don't want them to push the car since they are girls and its not right for them to do that so are we clear?" I said with a smile.

"okay" she said giving me a confident/nervous smile.

"okay, so let's get to work shall we?" I said with smile while clapping my hands.

Yoona P.O.V

All six of us go outside one by one, we were greeted by the coldness of the wind, I was right, it was going to be windy even my unnie's flinch as the wind touch there skins, it was getting colder by the second and I can feel my body starting to shake, I hug my body to give myself a little warmth but it was no use as the wind gets more colder, I was about to turn around to go back inside the house but I fail to do so as big manly hands touch my shoulders preventing me from turning around, I look at the owner of the hands and I found myself covered in a jacket, I turn around only to find Yuri oppa looking at me with a worried expression, he was infront of me holding my shoulders as he pull me close, he was hugging me tight and I can feel warmth envading my body.I stand still, not knowing what to do, we stand there as he hug me, I was emotionless, there was no emotion in my face but gratefullness and happiness, a smile slowly form in my face and I slowly return his hug, I look at the sky and ask in my mind " why?, why is everything changing and why is this warmth so familiar?" I slowly let go of the hug and face him with a smile, he was looking at me with a frown on his face but I can feel the worry & concern he has, my smile grew wide seeing him like this, it wasn't the first time i've seen him like this but it was one of the best things i've like about him, I touch his hands on my shoulder and I slowly bring them down before squeezing it gently while he just look at me with full concern.

"waeyo oppa?" I asked with a smile.

"are you okay?" he asked with a tone of sadness.

"*chuckle* i'm fine now oppa" I said giving him a laugh.

" are you sure? are you not cold anymore?" he again asked with full worry making me warm inside.

"not anymore because of you oppa" I said looking straight at his eyes, making him blush a little. hehehe oppa's kinda cute when he blushes

"w-well i'm t-t-thankful" oppa said tering with his words.

"i'm so much thankful too oppa" I said with a smile while he just gave me a little one.

"why don't you go and help the other oppa's oppa? and surely they are waiting for you now" I said pointing at SooTae oppa's who are smiling widely while looking at Yuri oppa.

"they are?" he said turning to look at SooTae oppa's.

"yup, there waiting for you" I said shaking my head in agree.

"I guess I better get going now but are you sure your going to be okay?" oppa said with worry in his voice again making me chuckle.

"don't worry oppa, i'm strong as a rock"I said showing off both my slim arms before giving him a reassuring smile.

"if you say so Yoona-yah" he said giving me a smile before running off to SooTae oppa's.

I smiled seeing him this caring, I can feel the worry he was giving me seconds ago and I can't help but be this happy, I knew that I was having a fever last night because I can remember everything that happened, I saw how he carried me through the rain or how he put his jacket over my body just to protect me from being wet, I saw the worry in his eyes when we he lay me down on a small bed, he was really wet that time and water was still dropping from his head but he didn't seem to care instead he just look at me with full concern.I heard Taeyeon oppa said that they I have to make us warm and hug us if they need to, Yuri oppa immediately hug me tight at that time and I can feel myself getting warmer, I snuggled closer to his neck to show that i'm thankful and within a matter of seconds I felt my eyes slowly closing until all I see was only darkness but I knew I was smiling and never in my life did I felt complete at that time, when I was awaken by Sooyoung oppa, I look at oppa and I was very much thankful at him, he was one of a kind and while I was looking at his sleeping face, I knew that no matter what I do, this guy will never do anything to hurt me or make me feel pain.I smiled widely remembering every detail of what happened last night, I look at him and he was looking back at me while waving, I wave back and I mouthed to him a simple fighting, he just nodded while smiling before turning his back at me, being ready to push the car, I watch him with a smile being proud of him.

"on the count of three, we push, okay?" Taeyeon oppa said with seriousness in his voice while looking at SooRi oppa's.

"neh!" the oppa's said in sync.

"okay, 1 2 3 PUSH!" Taeyeon oppa said before the three of them push the car.

I watch them in amaze, amaze at how strong they are, I smiled seeing there strong side, they push while Jessica unnie stirred the car, I knew unnie was nervous when we point at her but what can we do? she was the only one who knows how to drive so we have no choice but point at her but as I see her now, I don't think she really is nervous at all just by looking at her stirr, there wasn't any sign of nervousness nor worriedness but all I can see is a confident smile, they were pushing when finally the car started and we erupted in cheers, voices of happiness and excitedness was all I can only hear, both me and Fany unnie smiled widely when they turn to us with a smile, Yuri oppa was smiling at me before giving me a thumbs up while I just gave him a proud smile.

"OPPA'S THE ENGINE STARTED!!!!, THE CAR STARTED!!!, WE CAN FINALLY GO HOME!!!" Sica unnied shouted before sticking her head out of the window with a big smile on her face.

"WOHOOOO!!!!!!!" the oppa's erupted with cheers before giving each other a hi-five, I sigh in relief knowing that we can finally go home.

"YAH! we can finally go home" Taeyeon oppa shouted with full happiness.

"unnie, we can go home now" I said turning to Tiffany unnie with a smile.

"yup, we can dongsaeng" unnie said giving me one of her eye smiles.

I turn to my front only to see Yuri oppa running to me, he was running fast before he finally stop infront of me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because he was holding his knees while he exhale fast, he was out of breath and he can't speak properly.He look up, looking at me before reaching his hand infront of me and giving me off a smile.

"let's go?" oppa said with a wide smile.

I look at his hand with a blank expression, I was debating whether to reach for his hand or not, I look at him with hesitation written all over my face, I was only silent and no words were coming out from my mouth, he was smiling widely while looking at me and I can see the anticipation in his eyes, he was expecting me to reach and grab for his hand while I was hesitating to reach for his hand, I was beginning to feel guilty as more moments passed, I just gave him a frown while he just kept the smile on his face.I look straight in his eyes and as I look more, I was beginning to see brave oppa's face in Yuri oppa's, he was smiling while looking at me, I shake my head to get out of the illusion which I successful did, it was back to Yuri oppa smiling at me, I blink my eyes several times before looking at him, seconds pass and a smile slowly form in my face, I shake my head in agree before I immidiately hold his hand which he held tightly, he smiled at me and I saw the happiness in his eyes.

"ready oppa" I said squeezing tight his hand.

"i'm glad you are" he said before slowly leading me to the car, I smiled looking at him from behind.

He open the car door for me and I told him thanks before I slowly got inside, when I was inside the car, I saw Sica unnie on the front seat, holding the stirring wheel, she was dozing off again but this time she was smiling, I smiled because this was the first time unnie ever doze off with a smile on her face, sometimes she's crying or sometimes you'll see the sadness written on her, I smiled at Sica unnie but I have no intension to wake her up from dozing off, i'll let her savore her moment in La La land because I knew she was having happy thoughts inside her mind and one of them is Sooyoung oppa, I knew Sooyoung oppa is the reason of that smile because i've seen it before and it was no different from this smile.The door beside Sica unnie opened and came in Sooyoung oppa with a smile on his face, he smiled at me which I return before he look at Sica unnie with a wide smile, he chuckled knowing that my unnie once again fell in deep thoughts, oppa hold her shoulders before shooking it gently making her return back to reality, I chuckled when I saw how Jessica unnie's smile slowly drop and was replace by an embarrass smile, she blink her eyes several times before her face slowly become red, Sooyoung oppa chuckled before ruffling her hair which earned himself a light punch on the shoulder and a pout from unnie.I smiled seeing the moment of this two, the smiles they exchange to each other was strong and it was unreadable, Jessica unnie move aside, letting Sooyoung oppa sit on the driver's sit, both of them exchange smiles again before both of them put there seatbelts for safety, I guess Sooyoung oppa was going to drive *shrug*, the door beside me opened and came in Yuri oppa with a smile on his face followed by Fany unnie and Taeyeon oppa who sat beside voth of us, we put our seatbelts on and we headed through our journey. 

"ready to go home guys?" Sooyoung oppa asked with a smile, he turn to look at us.

"READY!" we shouted in sync with a smile.

"all right then, next stop, HOME!" he said before we drive along the road.

I smiled through out the drive home, I was again looking outside the window with a smile on my face, I was watching the sun go down, it was a beautiful thing to see and I was lucky enough that I was able to watch it, I was sitting beside the window with Yuri oppa beside me, I was in deep thoughts as everybody inside the car have there own worlds, all of us were in silence but wide smiles can be seen on our faces, Sica  and Fany unnie were also looking outside the window with smiles on there faces, the three of us were all looking at the window while the oppa's just stay quiet, Sooyoung oppa is driving seriously while both TaeRi oppa just look at the front mirror.I once again turn to the window, I was thinking if what I was doing right now is right, is it really right for me to give him a chance? a chance to prove my thoughts wrong? I just don't know if what i'm doing is right, when he held out his hand I was thinking if I would just dismiss it and show him that I don't want to held his hand but instead of doing that, I just did the opposite, the thing that I never imagine I would do in my life.Do I really hate him? or am I just convincing myself that I do? when I first met him I knew that I didn't like him so when Jessica unnie plan to treat them badly until they disagree to marry us I immediately agreed because I, too was eager to be free from that arrange marriage, when we first started our plan I thought its was going to be easy but they prove us wrong when they weren't even move of what we did and it made me angry so I become more colder and icier but as times pass by I knew there were changes in me, I saw how they prove there selves to us but I refuse to believe it, I never did saw them or Yuri oppa angry, they were always understanding and patient so I always ask why? it was one word I always say but whenever I ask I knew there wasn't an answer.I will try to be nice and warm but I cannot promise that I won't be cold or distant because we all know that I still don't like the idea of getting married, *sigh* I know that oppa's a great guy and I know that he will do all he can to make me happy but he isn't the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, I don't love him because I only see him as a friend, the person I love is brave oppa and we all know it but even so I will try my best to be the best wife he has.

This is only the beginning, the ride is a long way to go













First all of all I am very much sorry if it took me 3 months before I updated but I have been working on this chapter for a long time and I finally felt relief that I can finally post this, i'm sorry if this is too long but I just thought that you'll guys enjoy a long chapter, and I am sorry if this is a boring update but I just hope you guys will like it.Maybe next week i'll post the next chapter, I don't want you guys waiting again for a long time for my update, I don't want to be a kind of author that will take years to update, I am not making a promise that i'll update often but i'll only try, please comment below so I can know what you think of this chapter, please enjoy this chapter and sorry again, till next time readers :) :) :)

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embongtaar #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon
tazkia16 #2
Chapter 15: Updattt pleasseeee
Surong223 #3
Chapter 15: more yoonyul plss~! I love Your story~! <3
Chapter 15: please update soon
smtownjjiang #5
Chapter 15: Awesome story I'm loving the 3 couples so much. I wonder what will be JeTiYoon's reaction when they found out that TaeRiSoo is the one they're looking for.
I'm gonna wait for your update author nim. Fighting! :)
Chapter 15: Hi there author. I start to love your story. Keep it up. FIGHTING!!!!
1132 streak #7
Chapter 15: where is the update authorssi bcauz it says update??
Chapter 15: Lets all fate work hehe
Chapter 15: Like finally an update!!! Its quite frustrating to know that theyre just right beaide each other but they dont have any slightest idea about it
silvanaph #10
Chapter 15: actualización de pronto por favor..... esta emocionante... gracias