L's happiness

My Prince Charming

" Who's she? " Hyuna walked over as she smacked her gum 

" she's my date. " Baekhyun pulled Jiyeon Over to him, guarding her

" you dumped me... For her? " Hara said and put on a fake smile

" she's pretty. " Hara smiled again and walked away with he date junhyung

" Is this really Jiyeon? " D.O stared at her and it made her really uncomfortable and looked away 

" he won't bite. He'll just ualy Harrass you. " Baekhyun smirked 

" So... Are you guys gonna get together soon? " Kris asked and jiyeon just blushed but it fated away when he shook his head

" no. She's just accompanying me for homecoming. " Baekhyun smiled and so did Jiyeon 

" I'm gonna to grab some punch okay ? " jiyeon whispered and Baekhyun nodded and continued talking to his freinds

She walked over I the punch table when all eyes just fell on her

" that can't be Jiyeon, " 

" no way it's her. " 

" that girls too pretty to be the monster. " 

" but I here it is her. " 

" that's impossible. It can never be. " People were saying all sorts of things around her and it made her feel really awkward

" annyeo. " Yoseob walked over and looked at her in surprised. It couldn't be Jiyeon he thought

" may I have your name? " he asked and he hesitated to say

" Ji-Jiyeon. " she bowed and his eyed widened. Her voice sounded exactly Jiyeon. 

" Oh my god. " he slowly walked back to his friends and told them that it was infact park jiyeon


" Jiyeonah!! " IU and Hyomin came running over and couldn't believe their eyes. 

" is this really park Jiyeon? " IU giggled as she was amazed

" now this is you. " Hyomin nodded

" you're prettier than us. " IU smiled 

" say.. Who are you here with? " IU elbowed her on the side 

" Baekhyun. " she mumbled and IU and Hyomin took a few glances and looked back at her

" wait.. You came here with baekyunh? " IU was confused

" We could've sworn that... " 

" about what? " She smiled and they sighed

" anni. We just remembered seeing someone leaving a letter in your locker, and we swear he didn't look like Baekhyun from behind.. " Hyomin sighed

" I guess you must be mistaken. " Jiyeon smiled and then Baekhyun went over and asked Jiyeon for a dance since a slow song was playing 

" I can't dance. " she mumbled and he giggled

" it's fine. Just follow my lead. " he whispered and it felt as if it was just them dancing in the spotlight. Too beautiful to imagine that it was all real. 


Homecoming ended and Jiyeon was then drove home by Baekhyun and L happened to notice and walked back inside. 

" thank you for asking me to this dance and for everything. " she bowed and he smiled

" you're welcome. I'm sorry to say this so many times, but wow. You look... WOW. " he chuckled and she blushed 

" I'm sorry I don't know where your letter must have gone. " she said and he raised an eyebrow 

" what let- " he was then interrupted by a loud bang from L's house 

" shut up! I'm trying to sleep!! " a loud voice shouted out and it scared Baekhyun a bit

" well.. I must be going then. " Baekhyun bid his goodbye and drove away.

right after he drove away, Jiyeon marched straight to L's house and banged on the door 

It quickly opened to a shirtless L, a lollipop. 

" what was that for?! " she shouted and he acted if he didnt know anything

" I hate noise remember? I kept on hearing really stupid voices outside my house. " he rolled his eyes and received a kick from Jiyeon

" I told you I'll pay you back, you completely ruined my chance! " she shouted and he smirked

" chance with what? For him to ask you to be his girlfriend? " L teased and Jiyeon became furious 

" Yah! What's with you?! You're so irritating! " Jiyeon shouted at his face and it made him more happy. He liked seeing her angry 

" never seen you so upset before. And you're talking a lot now. " L giggled and she clenched her teeth together and was just one step close to punching him in the face 

" why don't you just go put on a shirt and stop being such an ?! " she shouted 

" what happened to the quiet girl with the crazy updo. " he asked and Jiyeon became more furious 

" what?! Am I still too ugly for you?! Are you going to make me feel more bad?! " she shouted and L stayed quiet 

he really didnt mean to offend he

He was just trying to brighten the mood and start a conversation. 

" You dress weird. It doesn't suit you. " he lied. He had to admit, the change was good for her. But he felt that being pretty can be more harmful than being ugly.

especially of you have a personality like Jiyeon.

" We'll if you don't like it, then I'll continue looking like this! Stupid arrogant son of a- " she stopped shouting as Baekhyun's car pulled up next to her 

" you forgot your phone. " he smiled and she blushed as L just stood there feeling disgusted 

" aww thank you. " she bowed and L just mimicked her words while making stupid expressions 

" goodnight Jiyeon. " he smiled 

" goodnight and sweet dreams Baekhyun. " she smiled back and he drove off 

She averted her attention back to L

" goodnight and sweet dreams baekyuuuuuuun. " he said in a very annoying and teasing manner

" yah! " she tried to smack him in the face but he quickly went back into his house and locked the doors

"yah! You- ugh! " she ruffled her hair and marched back inside her house

" lucky I didn't stab you with my heel, " she mumbled 


L walked to the kitchen and laughed stupidly to himself

" what's wrong with L hyung? " Sungjong asked 

" I don't know. " Sunyeol was worried about L's condition 

" it's been forever since he smiled or laughed. " Snnugyu said as they all stared at him

" it's only been 6 years. " Woohyun said scarcastically. 

" yah L. What's all the laughing about? " Dongwoo asked as he walked over and set his hand on L's forehead to check if he had a fever

" nothing. Goodnight guys. " L chuckled as he walked into his room 

He thought about how fun it was to mess with Jiyeon. He smiled like an idiot for the longest time ever that night.


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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update