Jiyeon, the laughing stock

My Prince Charming

No ones POV

Infinite boys had already barrowed some money from their FREINDS and had enough money to live for a month with the way their life style was. 

They had $800,000 with them, but it wouldn't last them 2 months 

" how stupid do you think dad is? " Sungjong asked and the others thought for awhile

" we are so going to pull this off. " L smirked and hopped on his car along with the other boys. All having cars of their own. 

They wouldn't get caught because the boys had over 40 cars in the garage. Missing 7 wouldn't hurt.

It took them 10 hours to arrive at Seoul and they parked at a really expensive hotel. 

" maybe we shouldn't live here.. " Woohyun poked his head out of his window and the boys agreed. If they wanted to live here for a while, they need to spend their money right

" maybe we should rent a house. " Sungjong suggested

" Alright. " Sungyeol nodded as he went to search for some houses on the net

" what about this mansion? " he asked and Everyone's jaw dropped 

" maybe we shouldn't live in such a big house. " Hoya slowly pushed sungyeol's phone away and found a pretty nice house near a bright allyway

" but someone lives here. " Sungyeol said 

" watch me make them leave. " L smirked and knocked on the door 

" oh my god! He-hello! " a bunch of girls started to fix their hair and smiled at L 

" oh. Annyeo nonna. I was just wondering if I could buy this house. " he smiled at them 

" now? " one of the girls asked and he nodded

" I'm afraid it's no- " one of the girls stopped talking when al pulled out 300,000 dollars. 

" is this enough? " he asked and they all nodded

" that's great. You have an hour to pack up your belongings. We will personally take you to where you please. " zl said and they all nodded idiotically 

After an hour has past, the house was completely empty. Everything was moved except for the furniture. 

" that was easy. " Sungyeol said as he laid on the couch 

" they were pretty ugly. " Dongwoo said and L smirked. Dongwoo was a really straight foreword person


 Oh my god. " the principle started widening her eyes, when she saw the beautiful perfect boys standing infront of her.

" Of course you could go to our school. Right away if possible. Just fill out the application and hand in 160,000 in total. " she winked and the boys nodded

" where now guys? " Hoya asked as the boy just started putting on their school uniform. And as always, they were mighty fine. 

" It's still pretty early. School doesn't start till another 30 mins. " Snnugyu said and they all looked at their schedule and noticed they only had 1 class a day. 

" money sure buys happiness. And fewer classes. " Hoya laughed 

" What class do you have L? " Hoya asked 

" I sighed up for Basketball and English with Woohyun. But we have English today " He said. It wasn't really a class you needed to take, but they were rich after all

" this is so cool. I'm gonna make friends! " Sungjong shouted as Sungyeol smacked him in the head

" not with how you're acting. " Sungyeol rolled his eyes 

As infinite walked to the quad, all eyes were on the unfamiliar gorgeous faces. 7 walked in a perfect line, all next to eachother.

" oh my god. Who are they? " random people asked as they kept admiring their handsomeness

" we're attracting too much attention. " Woohyun whispered to Snnugyu

" play it cool. " snuggyu said and turned around to smile at some girls.

" oh my god he smiled at me!! " the girl jumped and fangurl we scream so loud, even the boys were shocked

" should've done this years ago. " Dongwoo smirked as he waved to some girls

" Who are they? " Baekhyun asked as he nudged Leejoon

" I don't know. But one of them is really hot. " Hyuna smirked as she was eyeing L the whole time.

L was the one that didnt pay attention to any girls the whole time. He was just minding his own business

so far, the entire school knew about the 7 hot new guys except for Jiyeon. 

Nobody really tells her anything and it's not like she has friends to tell her

She always goes to class pretty early so she avoid having eye contact with people

" yah. Jiyeon. Is my homework done? " Hara walked over to her and handed it to her

" do you have eyes? Look at me when I'm talking to you. " Hara was about to slap her when a hand swooped in and grabbed her hand away

" stop. ".baekhyun said as he wen over to his seat

why did he help me she thought. He never helps her.no one ever does.  

" gomoewo. " she whispered and continued to look out of the window 

" okay class.  We have 2 new students today. " the teacher said and the whole class stopped talking and averted their attention on the two good looking gods. 

" hello. I'm Woohyun! It's nice to me you all. I hope we can be good friends. " He said and all the gls were swooed by his amazing voice

they went wild and crazy

"L. " Myungsoo shortly said and found a seat next to Jiyeon. 

"ugh! He's all dreamy and cool. " girls drooled over L

the whole class gasped as his sudden action but he didn't care

"you shouldn't sit next To her. " a guy tapped L on the shoulder and L just completely ignored him

" can I barrow a pencil? " L asked as Jiyeon just kept staring at the window

" hello? " he asked but still no reply

" you can use mine. " Hara gave him hers and he nodded

" I'm Hara. It's nice to meet you. " she stuck her hand but L just looked at it, and turned away.

" Haha ignored.. " Susu teased 

" Shutup. I will make him mines. " Hara smirked and Suzy just rolled her eyes 

First period was like a free period since the teacher had stomach troubles and was in the bathroom for about 20 mins now. 

" L. Sit by me. That girl smells funny. " Woohyun pulled L over and he took one last look at Jiyeon and then sat near Woohyun 

"just to let you know, people really don't talk to her. " a guy whispered to the two 

" why? What's wrong with her? " Woohyun asked 

" she's the ugliest on in the school but she's really poor. She makes her money by sleeping with older men. " he told them and they looked at Jiyeonand then looked back at the guy 

" oh. Right then. " Woohyun nodded and turned his attention to L

"do you believe him? " he asked

"I wouldn't really care. " L said and continued drawing in his notebook 

Lunch had started after class was done and the lunch room became really loud once infinite walked in 

" They're soo hot! " girls shouted everywhere

" There's no empty seats. " Sungjong said as he glaced around the room 

" There's a table over there. " Sungyeol pointed at the one where jiyeon was sitting at 

" do you mind if we sit here? " the guys asked and Jiyeon widened her eyes

" I could m-move if you want. " Jiyeon was about to get up but Hoya stopped her

" anni. It's fine. " he have her a charming smile a they all sat down while every table was whisperin about why were they sitting next to the dinosaur. 

"yah park. Move! " Hyuna went over and pick up jiyeon's tray and dumped it all over her head  and everyone burst out laughing instead of infinite

"Hyuna stop - " before jiyeon could finish what she was about to say, hyuna had slapped her and all the infinite boys stared in amusement 

the slap caused jiyeon to run out of the Cafeteria

"I'm so sorry. We haven't trained her well enough. Please continue eating. " Hyuna winked at L and walked away

"she's hot. " Woohyun said and Hoya agreed 

"why didn't you let me help her?! " Sungjong pouted

" it's really not our business. " L said and continued eating his food

" yeah. She probably did something to make them hate her so much. She probably deserved it from what I hear about her. " Hoya said

they were clueless boys after all. They didn't really understand the whole situation because school was like walking for the first time for them. They didn't know that Jiyeon was being bullied just for fun. They didn't know that the rumors were false. And they really didn't care. 

"I guess so. " Sungjong sighed and continued eating his food





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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update