Will you go to homecoming with me?

My Prince Charming

It's been 2 weeks now and tomorrow is homecoming.

tickets have been sold and everyone has found and date

" are you sure you don't want to come Ji? " IU asked as she had an extra ticket, but Jiyeon refused 

" It's not really my thing, " Ji told them 

" I'm so glad you're getting comfortable with us. See? We told you no one would bully you. " Hyomin giggled and she nodded

" say Jiyeon. I noticed you've never smiled. " IU Ssaid 

" yeah. There's really nothing to smile about. " she said

" I'm goona go now okay? " Jiyeon said and was about to leave the campus since she only had 2 classes today

She was really glad to meet two wonderful people Like IU and Hyomin, but ever since they started talking to Jiyeon, she got bullied even more.

Not infront of IU and Hyomin, but behind their backs because people were really afraid of the sisters.

Jiyeon forgot that she left some textbooks in the locker so she headed to get it.

once she opened her locker, an envelop fell out. 

" ummm... " she looked around the hallway, wondering if someone had left it in her locker by mistake. 

But it had her name on it, so she opened it

   : hi there Jiyeon. I want you to accompany me at this years annual homecoming. And since you're so obedient, I won't take no for an answer. Im sorry I had to ask you this way. I'll pick you up at 7 in the morning tomorrow tocget ready. Don't worry, I'll find you. - PRINCE CHARMING

" this isn't funny. " Jiyeon looked around, wondering if someone was playing a prank on her

" I know it's you Hyuna. " she threw it in the trash can and slammed her locker and walked home

This kind of letter thing happened once already and she was laughed at for weeks because of it. 


It was around 6:30 in the morning and Jiyeon was strolling through the market, wearing a granny skirt that went all the way to the floor, and a big over sized sweater that didnt compliment her body at all. 

She was searching to buy some milk when a mysterious guy tapped her from behind. 

" annyeo.  " he said and she was scared to turn around. 

Was it really not Hyuna that wrote that letter? She thought as she turned around 

" you dropped your purse. " he smiled and handed it to her as she let out a relieving sigh

" too good to be true, " she mumbled and headed out of the store when a car park right infront of her. " 

" Hello Miss jiyeon. my name is Shyer and The Prince has asked me to take you to a very beautiful place  " the man said and her jaw dropped

" Is that you Hyuna? " she asked shyer and he looked confused

" no. I am shyer. " he nodded and she did as well

" I'm afraid I don't think I'll be going. " she said

" but please miss. He won't take no for an answer, you must come. He's just waiting for you. " the guy said

" I'm afraid I don't know who he is and I don't had proper clothing. " she said and he chuckled

" it's a secret. And don't worry. Everything is all covered. " he smiled

" I'm sorry. " she shook her head and walked away when shyer sighed and stopped his car as two tall men came out from the side doors and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the car

" I'm sorry miss. Orders are orders. " Shyer said and stepped on the gas peddle.

" Stop! This is kidnapping! " she shouted but they all ignored her.

" Hyuna has gone way too far. " she mumbled as she was too tired to scream anymore.

after what has been a while of driving, they stopped at a skin clinic and that's when things went serious

" this isn't Hyuna's idea huh? " she asked shyer and he smiled and shook his head

They walked into the clinic and right then

" oh my god. Oh my god! " a man ran up to her and felt her greasy disgusting skin

" my poor armadillo. " he moaned 

" he expects us to work on this madness? " the man asked shyer

" I'm afraid yes. Is that possible? " shyer asked

" of course. I could do anything. But..... It will take time. And a miracle. " he sighed and quickly pushed her into the exam room 

" Hello. I'm Gwangsoo. I'll be In charge of the pimples and nasty stuff off your face today, " the tall guy said and Jiyeon gulped

" I'm fine with is face. It's really okay, " she said out he pushed her down the bed and was ready to inject 10 needles to her face.

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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update