Crown Princess

My Prince Charming

before I start, I just want to make things clear. There is only one story going on and everything ties together. L was cast under a spell by a monk to make him slowly die, but what they didn't know is that he couldn't die because he's a gumiho. 

so instead, he was unconscious, which is kinda like he died because he's been asleep for 8 years. During those 8 years, L somehow got reincarnated and traveled to the future. He was brought back to the real era after the car accident of him and jiyeon . 

You'll understand why he made it back to joseon later on. Now that he's in joseon, he's slowly forgetting everything in the future because it acted as a dream to him. Now that he's regaining everything he remembers in joseon era, he will meet jiyeon again and things will twist and turn as they become closer to each other. In the last chapter, L will travel 308 years into the future to find someone but he doesn't know who. 

The story ends there and part 2 will be out. 

Soo as of now, joseon era is where everything will take place. (: 

sorry for the confusion and the misunderstanding. 


Jiyeon was bored out of her mind. Living in the Mystic forest was better than being in this town. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time while she looked like a lost child. 

'' Miss. What's going on over there? '' She asked a passerby

'' Oh! Today's the crown prince's birthday. We are all aloud to go to the palace to greet him. Isn't that wonderful?! I wonder if he's cute. '' The girl giggled. 

'' Is that fun? '' Jiyeon asked

'' Of course it is! '' She smiled

'' That's where I meet the cute guards. Dam they're cute. '' She grunted as she bit her lips

'' Oh.. Thank you? '' Jiyeon bowed and went on 

She stumbled across the entrance of the palace that was guarded by a huge crowd of guards 

'' I'm sorry, but before going in, you must wear appropriate attire and remove your hate. '' One of the guards said and she confused 

'' What do you men by appropriate attire? '' She asked 

'' A hanbok. '' The guard rolled his eyes 

She stared at him blankly for a second. '' A hanbok? What's that? '' She asked and they completely gave her the WTF look 

'' Look here kid.. If you're going to dress in men clothes and mess around in the palace, please leave or we'll have to hurt you. The guard ordered

'' I don't understand. Why would you want to hurt me if I asked you one simple question. '' She asked and they sighed 

'' Look around. Every girl or women is wearing a hanbok. '' He pointed and she nodded

'' Oh... That thing. '' She said and nodded 

'' Is there a shop where I can purchase one? '' She asked and they pointed to the hanbok store right across from them 

'' Thank you! '' She bowed and left 

'' Hello. I'm here to buy a hanbok? '' Jiyeon said 

'' Is it for your girlfriend? '' The lady asked 

'' Actually it's for me. '' Jiyeon said and the lady laughed 

'' Oh young man. You are too funn- '' 

'' I'm  girl. '' She said as she cut the women off 

'' I'll just try on this one. '' Jiyeon said and took it to the fitting room 

After trying it on, she stepped out of the room and the lady looked at her in awe 

Her hair was let down as it was wavy and flowing with life. She wore this hanbok but felt really awkward in it 

'' Oh my Lord...... You are the most prettiest thing I have ever seen. '' The lady looked in awe

'' Would you mind meeting my son? '' She asked and jiyeon giggled 

'' Will you hold onto my clothes? Please don't lose them. It's the only one I have. '' She bowed and ran off 

She reached the entrance as the guards just stood there without letting her in. It wasn't because she wasn't aloud to, but it was because they were distracted by her beauty 

He eyes captivated them. She was beautiful. Too beautiful. Nothing they had ever seen. Sure there were beautiful ladies in then town, but she had a refreshing glow. Maybe it was because she was a new face or whatever, but she surely got on their wish list 

'' Umm. May I go in? '' She asked politely and they nodded stupidly 

'' Thank you! '' She smiled and walked on in. 

Right when she went in, she felt really awkward because people were staring at her. She never had such attention in her life. 

'' Please stop staring at me.. '' She mumbled as she slowly walked towards 

'' She's so beautiful. '' 

'' Who's daughter is that? '' People were talking about her everywhere. 

It was awkward to the point where they went up and asked if they can walk with her 

She continued walking when all of a sudden loud drums were playing and everyone turned their attention from her, to the guy banging on the drums 

'' THE KING AND QUEEN HAVE ARRIVED!! '' The guy shouted and everyone slowly kneeled down and bowed except for Jiyeon. She was lost 

Why are all these people bowing? She thought 

'' You there! The pretty one in the blu hanbok! Why aren't you bowing to the majesty!? '' He shouted 

'' Am I suppose too? '' She asked blankly and a girl new to her tugged on her hanbok 

'' Please bow. '' The lady said and Jiyeon looked at her blankly and looked the the man that ordered her to bow

'' oKAY. '' She said and bowed down 

She didn't want to, but she didn't want to be so disrespectful 

'' Thank you all for showing your loyalty by being here today. I am blessed to call you my country. Thank you. You may rise. '' He said 

'' Thank you my lord! '' Everyone said and stood up. A girl had to tug jiyeon to stand up 

'' You may be pretty, but you're not so bright. '' She said 

'' I'm sure you've all heard that the crown prince has finally woken up. '' The king said and L began walking out as everyone stared at him in awe 

'' That's the prince? '' Jiyeon asked the girl next to her 

'' Of course. God like looks like that is rare. '' She said 

'' Hello. '' he formally 

'' It's been awhile. I know I have no right to being your crown prince, but I will earn your trust. I will show you that I can serve you as King one day. '' He said and everyone screamed in joy 

'' He's so handsome! '' People started screaming and he smiled. Making more girls faint

Jiyeon looked at him for a while and noticed his bracelet..

'' That bracelet. '' Jiyeon widened her eyes 

'' I here he never took it off. A monk has said that the bracelet will bring peace and luck to the country. It means that the crown prince is protecting us. '' She smiled 

'' It's so eyecatching.. '' She whispered 

She felt strange as she kept staring at it 

'' Isn't he so handsome? '' the other girl fangurled 

'' I don't know. Is he? '' She asked as for her entire life, the only one she sees is light. and he's a 50 year old man. 

'' Of course he is! ugh! let me have your babies!!! '' She shouted and Jiyeon blushed 

'' Hehehe. Babies? As in Mating? '' She smiled and the girl gave her the WTF look

'' Sure. '' She said and went back to fangirling over L 

After a while of eating and enjoying dances, another announcement happened 

'' We happen to have a special annoucement before we end this event. '' The king said 

'' As you know.. The crown prince, must have his crown princess. '' The king said 

'' This year, we've broken the law so that any commoners can have a chance to be the crown princess. The girls will compete fairly for the crown '' The kind continued and everyone screamed with joy 

'' Whoever that's a commoner that would like to be this nation's princess and soon to be queen, please step up. '' He said and not many dared to as they were afraid to embarrass themselves 

'' No one? '' The queen questioned 

'' This is a once in a life time chance. There are 19 daughters or loyal governors and officers that are qualified, and we need one more. '' The queen said 

'' What is she talking about? '' Jiyeon asked the girl next to her

'' She wants to see who has what it takes to be the nation's princess. '' 

'' oH... '' jIYEON NODDED 

'' Then I shall pick on my own. '' The queen said as she sat up from her chair 

'' My queen. What are you doing? '' The king asked 

'' Don't worry. '' She said 

'' go with the queen! '' The kind ordered 

'' No. It's fine. '' The queen smiled and walked down to the crowd 

She looked at every single girl that she thought was beautiful but then stopped and looked at a specific girl 

'' Oh my god. She's looking this way! Look pretty Minah! '' THe girl next to Jiyeon scream as she fixed her hair and hanbok 

Why is she looking at me? Jiyeon thought 

'' You.. Come here. '' The queen pointed at Jiyeon and she stared blankly at her 

'' GO! '' Minah shouted as she pushed Jiyeon forward 

'' You.. What beauty. '' The queen said 

'' Please follow me. '' The queen laid out her hand and jiyeon just looked at her 

'' Don't be afraid. '' The queen smiled and it melted Jiyeon's heart. She instantly grabbed onto her hand and she led her to the stage 

'' Don't you think she has what it takes to compete with 19 high ranked girls? '' The queen asked and everyone cheered

'' No. '' Jiyeon simply said and everyone gasped 

'' Are you defying the queen?! '' The guards shouted 

'' It's fine.. Why no? '' The queen asked in a monotone 

'' I don't even like him. '' She said and everyone laughed 

'' Sweety. You'll grow into liking him. It's an honor just to be chosen '' The queen said 

'' No. What honor would it be if I didn't honor myself. '' She said and the queen smiled 

'' Now I defiantly want you to compete. '' She said 

'' If you compete you'll have everything. Diamonds, orbs, money, clothing- ''

'' Did you say orb? '' Jiyeon asked and the queen smiled 

'' Why ofcourse. All of them. they will all be yours. '' The queen said and jiyeon's mouth widened 

'' You really have the orbs?! '' She asked 

'' Why yes. '' The queen smiled 

'' Then, I will. ''  Jiyeon said 

'' I will compete. Then you will give me all the orbs? '' She asked and the queen nodded 

'' Okay people! there you have it! We have selected girl number 20. '' the queen shouted and everyone cheered


L's POV 

'' What kind of girl is so greedy? '' L asked his sister, Suzy 

'' Oppa. Basically all of them just want fame and fortune '' Suzy said 

'' Then why should i marry one of them if their hearts aren't pure? '' L asked 

'' It doesn't just depend on your feelings. You must think of the nation. The people. They believe that the crown princess will give you hope and happiness. Without a princess, the kingdom will fall. And ward will rise. '' Suzy said and L stared at her and laughed 

'' Since when did my sister become so smart? '' he laughed 

'' when you were too busy sleeping. '' he snickered 

'' What happened though? Did you dream of anything? '' Suzy asked 

'' I don't know. Not that I remember. '' He said and 

'' Fair enough. '' Suzy nodded 





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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update