Prince L?

My Prince Charming

" why isn't his fever lowering? " she said as she finally got away from his grip

" his bracelet. It's glowing. " she looked confused and touched it when all of a sudden, L's eyes opened wide and he saw something 


" please wake up Myungsoo. Please. " someone keep shaking his body but he still wouldn't wake up 

" please come back. " the girl teared up. Everything was so vivid, he couldn't see it clearly 


finally, L came back to his senses and fell back to sleep. 

" Yah? " she shook him but he was sleeping restlessly. 

" I'm gonna get ready for school okay? I'll be back after 11 am. " she said and left the house 


she stepped out of her house and saw Baekhyun's car. He was waiting for her 

" well. Get in. " he smiled and she nodded

she noticed that he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday

" you didn't go home?  " she asked and he smiled and continued to drive the car 

once they got to school. They seperated to go but some food

Jiyeon was walking to 1st period now when all of a Sudden, she noticed Hara and Baekhyun by the lockers

Jiyeon felt uncomfortable as she didn't want them to notice her, but they were just 5 lockers away from hers 

" why Baekhyun? Can't you take me back? " Hara said 

" look Hara. You're my ex for a reason. " he smiled at her 

" it's time to move on and let me go. " he said and she quickly hugged him tightly 

" but I don't want to let go. " she started tearing up 

" I'll be a better person. I'll cut down on shopping. I'll volunteer and help people. I just want you back to me. " she teared up and he patted her head 

jiyeon sighed and turned around and walked the other way, not bothering to go to class anymore because her day has been ruined. 


meanwhile, after patting Hara on the head, Baekhyun pulled away from the hug and looked Hara in the eyes

" you will always be my first love. And I will always love you. I will miss you. I will think about you. I will still care for you and be your knight and shinning armor. But, I can no longer be by your side anymore. " he said and a single tear drop fell from her eyes, and then another. 

She was crying silently. Staring at him as tears flowed down

" there's someone that needs me. And it's my job to be by her side right now. I don't know Hara. But being with her, I feel happy. It's like the first time I fell in love with you. I'm happy with her. " he smiled and she stayed silent 

" you might not like her, but you should change that. She reminds me of you 2 years ago. Innocent and sweet. " he continued and Hara let out a little sigh in relief 

" so I guess it really ends here. " she said 

" it's not. You could always come to me. We're still going to be friends. " 

" no we're not. It's not going to be the same. " she said 

" why? " he questioned

" because I'm still going to like you! It's going to be awkward having eye contacting with you when I know for a fact that I still have feelings for you. " SHE BURSTED into tears 

" let's just stop.. " Hara said and ran off crying. 

Baekhyun looked at her run away and couldn't handle it anymore. Somehow, he always ended up chasing after Hara. He didn't like it when she cried. Because her tears Rips right through his heart and breaks him limbs. 

" Hara! " Baekhyun shouted as he ran after Hara

" Baekhyun? " Jiyeon whispered as Bakhyun ran right past her. It's like he didn't even notice she was there. 

" I mean I guess... " she pouted and took the bus home

once she arrived home, she noticed her fridge wide open 

" oh my god. What the-.... L? " she said as she saw him squatting down while devouring a big piece of steak and everything She had in my fridge.

" hm? " he turned around and looked at her in the eyes

looking like a lost puppy. He melted her heart and she brightly smiled

" mianhe.. " he simply said and continued eating 

he was like an innocent child. Somehow she was so sad anymore 

after finishing eating, they sat down and stared at each other 

" you're not going to school? " she asked 

" I'm not enrolled anymore. None of us are. " he said 

" why not!? " she shouted 

" because I was ordered to go back home. " he said a she raised her eyebrow

" why so? " 

" because I'm a prince. " he smiled and jiyeon bursted out laughing

" sure you are. That fever got to you. " she said and he looked at her, dead serious in the eye 



" Hara wait! " Baekhyun shouted as he ran after her but it was too late. She had already got into her car. 


" so anyways. How's life? How's you and Suzy? " she asked 

" we broke up. " he smiled 

" oh. Mianhe. " 

after a while of talking, they decided to go out for something to eat

while wLking outside, Baekhyun was waiting right there. He turned around and saw the two and widened his eyes 

jiyeon looked at him, without fear and worrys, and walked right past him. 

" Jiyeonah. " he grabbed her hand back 

" let go. " she coldly said

" why are you here. With him. " Baekhyun shouted 

" because I want to! " she yanked her hand away and walked away as L followed 


as eating, L could feel her frustration as she ate her noodles violently 

" why are we following them? " Suzy asked Hara

" look at those two. Are you mad?! " Hara shouted and Suzy smiled 

" anni. We broke up for the better. " she smiled but was smacked on the head by Hara 

" get with the program! She's cheating on Baekhyun oppa! " she shouted 

" why do you care? you guys broke up. " Suzy said but was glared down by hara

" shutup. " she said violently 

" wait... What's that? " Suzy said as she spotted a bunch of men coming to L and jiyeon. 

" young master. We came to take you back. " they said 

" leave. " L ordered 

" Your father is sick in bed. He wishes to see you. " one of the guards said 

" last time I checked, I didn't have a father nor a mother. So please. Leave me alone. " L said and continued eating 

" but Prince L. " another guard said 

" prince L? " jiyeon widened her eyes as she was very confused 

" get him. " one ordered and they all attacked L




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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update