Will you be my girlfreind?

My Prince Charming

" Hey L? " Jiyeon walked into L's room and he slowly opened his eyes and the lights

" I was just wondering if.. " she slowly looked down onto the floor in embarrassment 

" what is it? " he asked her as she slowly lifted up her head and stared at him 

" I need some advice. " She sighed 

" I can't sleep. " she continued 

" all you need to do is close your eyes. " he yawned 

" I keep thinking about it and it scares me. " she continued 

" and it is? " he asked her while having one eye closed

" I think I really like Baekhyun. " she said and L close both of his eyes and fell back on his bed 

" Then go date him. " L said and turned off the lights

" I don't know how. I'm not the type of person t- " 

" look. I'm tired kay? Go ask someone that gives two s. " he said and Jiyeon grew furious and stormed 

out of his room

" that stupid . All I wanted was a guys perspective on things but he just has to be such a grumpy dickhead and give me attitude. " she said in a harsh tone as she walked back into her room and flopped on the bed 

She slowy closed her eyes when all of a sudden her phone beeped 

who could it be? She thought

she slowly looked at the phone and then widened her eyes 

----- from Baekhyun: Annyeo Jiyeonah. Sorry if I'm bothering you this late, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tomorrow. Sorry it's late minute. ------

after reading his text, she started spazzing on the bed. Flipping and rolling and turning all over the bed with excitement 

-------- from Jiyeon: oh yeah! Totally. I'll meet you at school then. -------

she replied back and set the phone out and let out a slight squeal.

She took out her phone one more and called Hyomin

" annyeo, " Hyomin yawned through the phone

" dude guess what?!?! " Jiyeon shouted

" what's so important that you would wake me up this late? " Hyomin yanked again

" Baekhyun asked me out on a date tomorrow. What should I wear? What should I do?! " she grew nervous

" that's great Jiyeon, now let me sleep, bye. " Hyomin said without interest and quickly hung up the phone. 


it was already morning and L went to the living room to see all his brothers doing their daily routine

" have you guys seen Jiyeon? " he asked and they averted their attention to him

" what do you mean? " Woohyun asked 

" who's that? " Dongwoo asked 

" it's the ugly girl that always gets bullied. " Sungjong answered 

" correction.. The really hot girl that use to get bullied. " Hoya said and L rolled his eyes 

" never mind. I'm Heading out. " l said and stepped outside to spot Jiyeon going into a strange car. L was about to run after it but realized it was Baekhyun's car

" She can be so stupid at times. '' L shook his head and headed back into the house 


" Jiyeon's POV

" Jiyeon. " Baekhyun looked deep into my eyes and I quickly smile

" Deh? " 

" I think I like you. " he said and then there was a moment of silence. I was speechless. 

" I don't know why I like you. But I'm starting to fall for you as days go on. " he continued 

I don't know how I feel right now. It's really hard to believe that someone like him would like someone like me.

'' Will you be my girlfriend? '' He blurted out and The driver burst out laughing and I was really embarrassed

'' What is it? '' He asked the driver

'' I'm sorry. It's been awhile since I've seen you so happy. Your mother would be really happy. '' He smiled and I did as well

'' she'll be really happy Jiyeon. '' Baekhyun said and I simply nodded

'' So is that a yes? '' He asked me again and I smiled

'' Yes. it's a yes. '' I blushed and turned around to look out the window


' I finally finished having my dinner date with with Baekhyun and quick;y got home to call IU.

'' Hello? '' IU yawned and I quickly smiled

'' Baekhyun and I are a couple now. '' I brightly smiled and IU paused

'' You mean that one guy you went to homecoming with? '' She asked

'' yup. that really cute one. '' I giggle

'' He's not that cute, but if you like him, then i guess. '' IU said and I stopped to think

'' What do you mean by that? ''

'' I'm just saying don't get too attached. He did after all just broke up with Hara. A man's heart can't change that fast. '' IU sighed

'' I guess.... It's not like I love the guy. It's my first boyfriend. Give me a break. '' I smiled and after a while of talking, we ended the call









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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update