The Queen's task

My Prince Charming

Jiyeon didn't sleep that night. She was too busy worrying about if he was okay or not 

'' OMO! '' You're finally awake. '' She smiled brightly as she turned around to she him staring right at her 

'' Who... Who are you? '' He asked as he pulled out his sword slowly 

'' Jiyeon. ' She said as she looked at his sword and looked away 

'' Where am I?! '' He shouted as he pulled the sword right on  

She looked at him dead straight in the eye and smiled 

'' Don't worry. This is the palace. Thank goodness you're safe. '' She smiled as he widened his eyes 

Why isn't she scared he thought. 

'' My wound.... '' He felt his sides and noticed there was no cut or pain 

'' You're welcome. '' She smiled 

'' What did you do to me? '' he asked

'' I gave you half of my orb. That doesn't matter now. Are you okay? Is there a fever? '' She leaned in and felt his head, his cheeks started turning 50 shades of pink 

'' You're burning up! '' She gasped 

'' I'm fine. '' He said 

'' Thank you for helping me... But... What are you? '' He asked and she smiled 

'' I'm obviously a girl. '' She smiled 

'' Never mind. I will pay you back with my gratitude, but I must go. '' He said and got up 

'' Okay. '' She smiled and it hit his heart again. Her smile 

'' Stop smiling. You'll kill someone. '' He smirked and jumped out the window and vanished 

'' Be safe. '' She whispered and closed the window 


Luhan instantly jumped over the wall and landed on the other side 

This power.. It's not mine. Is it hers? I thought. I've never had such strong energy in me before. This energy is over 2000 years old.. How does she have it? I wondered 

'' No. It's not the time. '' I sighed as I wet to go search for Kris. I ran around the town when finally.. I stopped and looked right in front of me. 

My heart stopped beating for a second as a tear drop started rolling down my eyes 

'' Kr-Kris. '' I whispered as His body was hanging on the town entrance wall 

His head was hunged and his body was badly beaten. His right arm was missing and his black clothes shed red blood stains. My heart shattered as I collapsed on the floor 

I waited till night time when all the guards didn't pay attention and took him down 

I hated myself for not being able to take him back to the academy, so I had to bury him with my bare hands. 

It was raining hard this day too. 

No one's POV 

Luhan finally reached the academy after traveling 3 days by horse. 

'' Luhan Hyung! '' A guy ran out and greeted him but Luhan just kept walking like a dead soul 

'' Where's Kris? '' A girl ran up to him. She looked up and smiled at him brightly 

It ripped his heart open seeing her smile so brightly 

'' Annyeo Luhan. '' She waved with both hands

'' Minahe Jessica. '' he bit back his teeth and trembled 

Her smile slowly dissapered 

'' Where's Kris? '' She asked in a low tone, ready to burst into tears at one point 

'' I'm sorry... I could't bring him back.. '' He said 

and the two just paused for a bit 

'' You're lying right? Please tell me you're lying? '' She teared up and ran down the academy stairs to look for Kris 

'' Kris! '' She shouted as tears kept flowing down 

'' This isn't funny! '' She stuttered to say as her body shivered and she couldn't control her tears

'' Kris!! '' She shouted to the point where Luhan had enough and ran after her 

'' Noona... He's not here. '' Luhan teared up as he tried so hard to fight the tears 

'' Ani! Kris is here! Stop lying to me! He promised me he'd be back. '' She teared up even more 

'' He's not back! '' Luhan shouted at her and she stopped and looked at him 

'' He's not here noona. He's never going to come back. '' Luhan said and walked back to the academy as Jessica slowy sat down and cried. The rain started pouring agian 

'' You said we were going to travel together once your mission is down. You promised me that we'd leave this place together. '' Jessica mumbbled as she continued to sit there and sob 

'' Zelo. Let's go in. '' Luhan quietly said 

'' But Jessica noona. '' 

'' Don't. let her be alone right now. '' Luhan said and walked in 

'' OH! You're back! '' The others greeted Luhan but he ignored them and quickly went to look for the 5 masters. 

'' Luhan.. You've come back, but where's Kris? '' Jihyo asked 

'' Miahe Master Jihyo. '' He set the scroll on the table 

'' Kris won't be coming back. '' Luhan fought back his tears and bowed 

'' You mean..... '' 

'' Deh. '' Luhan nodded 

'' This can't be. Kris never fails. It's impossible. '' Kwangsoo said 

'' He died protecting me. May I request something master. '' Luhan softly said 

'' Yes.. '' Jongkook said 

'' May I leave the academy for a while. '' He asked 

'' wHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? This is your home. '' Jihyo stated

'' I just want to go somewhere far for awhile. To forget about things and so explore. I just can't be here any longer. '' Luhan said and they sighed 

'' We understand. Okay. '' jIHYO SAID

'' Don't be too sad Luhan. Kris wouldn't want you to feel this way. '' Jihyo said 

'' When I'm gone. Please look after jessica. " he said and bid the masters farewell. 


on the other hand, today was the last day of the competition and 3 girls are left

Two stood fearless while Jiyeon just stood there. Smiling like a pretty little fool 

'' Welcome everyone. This task will take these girls one week to accomplish. '' The queen said and the two girls gasped as Jiyeon just stood there and stared at the Queen 

'' One week?! '' Hara shouted 

'' Why? Are you afraid? '' The queen asked and she shook her head 

'' Well you should be. '' The queen smiled 

'' You three will each set out on a journey to find 3 objects. '' The queen said 

'' you must barrow one of Lady Jihyo's sword at the Calypso Academy. Convincing her to let you barrow it will be hard. '' The queen said 

'' You must obtain a Buddha bead bracelet from a monk on Mount Eva. '' She said 

'' And lastly, you must bring back to me the finest alcohol in Joseon. '' She said and the two girls widened their eyes 

'' That's impossible! '' The shouted 

'' Is it impossible for you Jiyeon? '' She asked Jiyeon as she just smiled 

'' It's hard, but not impossible. '' She said and the queen smiled while the other two just smirked at her 

'' Very well then my ladies. You can leave immediately. You must not obtain any help from anyone in the palace. You must not bring any money with you. '' The queen smiled 

'' Goodluck girls. '' The queen said and left with her royal guards 

The two girl's glared at Jiyeon for a moment ans smiled 

'' Good luck. '' They said 

'' Oh. Thanks. You too. '' Jiyeon said and quickly left. She needed to get out of this hanbok quick since there is no way she'll be traveling dressed in that. 


Meanwhile, Hara was talking to her father. The left prime minister of Justice. 


'' You must win at all cost. Don't you dare fail me. Do whatever it takes. Hurt the other girls if you have to. By all mean necessary. '' The father gave her the scary eye 

'' DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? '' He shouted 

'' Yes Father. '' She bowed 

'' But how do i do that? '' She asked 

'' Eliminate that poor girl first. she'll be a tough on. '' The father said 

'' Deh father. '' She bowed 

'' Hara. '' His father called her back 

'' Yes? '' She asked 

'' Take this dagger with you. Kill her if you have to. '' The father said and her eyes widened for a moment 

'' If you want to succeed, you must not fear of anything. This kingdom shall be ours. '' The father said 

'' Deh. '' She bowed and went on her way 



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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update