I didn't know

My Prince Charming

It was a bright and early morning, and Jiyeon decided to do some spring cleaning. 

It took her around an hour or 2 to finish since her house wasn't that big, so It didn't need much cleaning 

after she was done, she took an ofOffy lond nap that lasted till 7p.m 

" I'm hungry already? " she woke up and said as she went to buy something to eat

L happened to be standing infront of his house, sipping a cup of coffe when they bumped into eachother 

Jiyeon tried hard to his contact with him but

" Jiyeon right? " he asked and she quickly turned around and looked at his neck but not his eyes. Then she slightly nodded 

" so you... Live there? " L pointed at the poor condition little shack and she nodded 

" you're going out right, at this time? " he muttered and she nodded and quickly walked away 

" she's a strange one huh? " Woohyun walked out with his cup of tea

" she doesn't talk much. " L said and Woohyun laughed

" of course she doesn't. She's not aloud to. " Woohyun sighed and L looked confused

" what do you mean? Why isn't she aloud to. " L rushed

" you seriously don't know? She's been bullied and threaten every single day by 98% of the school. She's not aloud to speak to anybody, or Hyuna will hurt the ones that she speaks to. She has to obey orders or else. You seriously haven't notice? " Woohyun asked 

" an-anni. I never really noticed. I didn't know it was that bad. " L said and Woohyun shook his head

" you really are clueless sometimes L. Even when dad remarried. You didn't know a thing. " Woohyun said 

" why are you so interested in that girl all of a sudden? " Woohyun said 

" I'm not. I just- I don't know. " L sighed 

" don't go start bullying the girl. " Woohyun said and walked back inside 

L felt uneasy as it was already 9 and Jiyeon hasn't came home yet. 

What if she ran into those guys again? What if they kidnapped her and abused her? There were so many what ifs running through his head 

" aish! Why do I care!? " L ruffled his head and went forwards the door and tried to turn the knob but he couldn't 

" dammit! " he slammed his hands on the door and began to walk around the neighborhood 

Is she stupid!? It's ready 9:30!? L thought 

" hi. Have you seen a girl with thick glasses and really long messy hair that covers half of her face? " he asked but people shook then heads

they didn't even know such a girl existed in the nieghborhood. 

" where could to have gone? " sighed as he looked everywhere until he stopped and saw her whipping some tables at a noodle shop 

" You missed a spot! Hurry up and clean it! " a customer shouted at her

" mianhe. " she bowed multiple times and hurried and clean it

" The food is cold. " a girl said to her and she went over to the table

the noodles were clearly really hot. 

" lll go change it for you. " she bowed and came back but the customer already left 

" it's coming out of your paycheck. " her boss shouted at her and she nodded

it was as if her job was to be bosses around

L was disgusted at the way people treated her

"  just go clean the dishes! You're scaring away the costumers wih her face!, " her bossed shouted 

Lwalked to the outside kitchen where Jiyeon was cleng dishes and he kept looking at her

why did he felt so bad for her? 

" why do you let people do the to you? " he scared  her and she dropped a dish the shattered on the floor

"aish. You cut yourself. " L ran over and held up hr hand but she yanked it away 

" you can speak right? " He rolled his eyes. L hated people who were shy. 

" can't you see that I'm trying to help? " he asked

"I don't need your help! I told you I'll pay you back. " she shouted and he grabbed hand and washed the blood away but she continued to break off of his grip

" I just wanted to help. " he mumble 

" if you really want to help me. Then you should stay away. " she said and continued washing dishes 

" You're so stupid! Can't you see that I'm worried about you?! " L shouted as she dropped a plate back in the basket and looked at him

" You people are all liars. If you really cared, you would have helped me. " she was on the verge of crying 

" I didn't know that- " 

" didnt know what? That I've been abused since freshmen year?! That all of my friends that I use to have all turn against me?! That I'm not suppose to speak or I'll hurt others?! That I don't have a family and is living in a shack?! That I'm not rich and pampered like you?! " she bursted into tears and I too, wanted to cry. He felt really bad

" It's okay. " L patted her on the shoulders and sat there, listening to her crying for hours

it's been 11 pm already and she finally stopped crying 

" You're fired Jiyeon. " her manager walked out and said 

" I'm sorry. " L said and tried to comfort her but she pushed his hands away 

" just don't. " she said and walked back home





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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update