The Four

My Prince Charming

" remember lady. Once you're out there, be careful. I have a bad feeling about this. " the servant lady said

" adjumma. I'll be fine. " jiyeon smiled at her

" I hope so. " the adjumma sighed and handed jiyeon all the things she needed.

" I know you hate wearing hanboks and couldn't find a suitable outfit at the shop, so I made this for you . " the adjumma handed jiyeon a bandit/ninja outfit and she widened her eyes

" adjumma! " she shouted

" this is amazing!! " jiyeon shouted and quickly put it on  

( She wore Sakura's outfit. ) 

'' Im glad you liked it. '' The lady smiled as she noticed how in love with the outfit Jiyeon was 

'' Adjumma. I'll be back. Don't worry. '' Jiyeon smiled and walked out only to encounter Hara 

Hara eyed her up and down and smirked 

'' Good luck. '' She said 

'' Thanks. You too. '' Jiyeon smiled and took off. 


After getting out of the palace, she headed to the town gate and was escorted by the quards. 

They offered her a horse but she take it. Therefore, she walked on foot 

She has been walking 3 hours now on the path that lead her to some place she didn't even know 

She didn't even know if this was the right path to take. 


'' Where do you think you're going? '' Suzy glared at L as he was about to jump over the palace wall 

'' I- I just wanted to.. '' L mummbled 

'' That ways dangerous. You'll get caught. There's a Lake over by the Garden. '' 

'' there's an underground water passage way down there that could lead you to the pond right outside. '' Suzy said and L looked at her 

'' How do you know about this? '' He asked her 

'' I'm not the only one who wants to get out of this hell of a place. '' She sighed 

'' Aigoo. My sister is so cute. Hurry up and get married. '' He ruffled her hair 

'' Not the hair. '' She glared and he chuckled 

'' Bye. '' L said and quickly walked away 

He finally made his way out of the palace and changed into this since his clothes were all wet

He also put on a cape and bought himself a horse 

He was riding to the town gate when the guards stopped him 

'' Who are you? '' The guards asked and L looked at him 

'' I'm just a traveler. '' L said, avoiding eye contact 

Eventhough he was Joseon's Crown Prince, not many people know what he looks like 

'' You may pass. '' The guard said and he rode off 

He finally reached a resting place on the road and decided to grab something to eat. 

'' Adjusshi. Give me a bowl of noodle. '' L said and the man stared at him and looked at the group of swordmens in black capes and hats that covered their iddentitys 

'' DE-DEH. '' The man said and quickly went to make the food. He was trembling while making it

L looked to his left and saw those swordsmen just sitting there. Still like statues. 

'' Adjusshi! '' A girls voice called out as she set herself on the wooden bench 

'' Give me a bowl of noodle. '' She said and L noticed the swordsmen turned to look at her 

He also looked at her closely and realized she was that one girl that asked him for a coin 

'' Deh Young lady. '' the old man shouted 

L couldn't stop staring at her eat as he felt uncomfortable with the fact that those swordmens kept looking at her direction and she doesn't even have a clue 

He didn't even touch his bowl as he was too focused on her and the Swordmens 

She finally finished the bowl and asked for another one. 

'' Is it really that good? '' L mummbled as he picked up his chopsticks but accidentaly knocked the bowl over to the ground and noticed the soup foaming up 

This is.. Posion He thought and widend his eyes 

'' Anni! '' He ran over to tHE ADJUSSHI that was brining Jiyeon's Second bowl out 

'' Don't eat it! It's posioned! '' L shouted as the swordmen quickly stood up and one quickly flashed right infront of them 

'' Wha-what!? '' L shouted as he was terrified at how that guy appeared right infront of them 

The swordmen quickly grabbed her right wrist 

'' Why are you okay? '' He said in a terrifying tone 

'' Who are you? '' She asked as she gave a serious face. She felt a dark sinister presence. 

'' This energy. '' He mummbled as he gripped onto her wrist tighter 

'' Let her Go! '' L shouted and tried to punch him but another sword man flashed in front of him as his sword automatically flew out right to his hands 

'' Who are you people!? '' L shouted as he couldn't beleive his eyes. How were these people able to do this? He thought 

'' Shutup. Your death is near kid. '' The guy said and L gulped 

'' What-- What are you trying to do!? '' L shouted 

but he ignored him 

'' You posses 2000 years worth of mystical energy. '' The guy that was holding Jiyeon smirked as she saw him through his veil hat

'' I want it. '' He sneered as Jiyeon quickly got out of his grip and used her hand and sent her sword flying over to her. 

L widened his eyes once more as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

How is this all real he thought. Who are these people He kept thinking. What kind of black magic is this he thought. 

Jiyeon slashed the air with her sword as hundreds of swords went flying right towards the swordmens


They easily blocked It and another swordsmen stepped out and pounded his foot to the ground, making to floor rumble the the tables shake

he inhaled and screamed as if a lion was roaring. The roar was strong and super natural as it could be heard from miles away. 

The old man's shack of a restaurant collapsed as it flew from places and places.

the roar was so loud, that the little town next by had already collapsed. 

It made L faint and so did the old man. 

Jiyeon stood there, trying hard to concentrate her power so she could with stain the pain. The roar was like being stabbed in the ear 100 times. 

" impressive. " another swordsmen smirked as the roar stopped and the four of the stood righ in front of her. Looking down at her

" what beauty and power. " the swordsmen that smirked said 

" you must be the Four. " she said to them and one laughed 

" you're young and you already know so much. " he said

" you must be swordsmen of the west. " Jiyeon said and he smiled 

" you must know a lot about us. " the one that grabbed her by the wrist said 

" I know enough to be sure that you four have been buried in a glacier of snow on mount lucid. Who set you free? " she asked and he chuckled 

" a person we will be working for. In order to do so, we need you. " he smirked 

" we are weak and we must feed. " the guy that threatened L spoke 

" how dare you step on foot of this land once again after being casted away by your horrible deeds. " he said

" you're not scared? " one flashed up in front of her and lifted her chin up.

" there's nothing to be afraid of. " she spatted as she glared at him

" cute. " he smirked and grabbed her by the throat and started draining her powers when he felt his body burning up as if he was being set on fire 

" you... " he struggled speak 

he tried to let release his hands from but he couldn't 

" draining my energy isn't that easy. You underestimated me. " she said and kicked him on the stomach and vanished away with L 

" don't. " the guy that was burned by her energy whispered 

" are you okay South. " the west swordsmen asked. Eventhough they were named as the four, they still don't know much about each other. They didn't even know how each otherlooked like or their real names.  

" we are too weak to kill her. " he said 

" what happened? " North swordsmen asked 

" her energy was too strong for me to drain it. The more I drained her energy, the more she absorbed mine. " he said 

" get on the horse. We must reach Phoenix by sundown. " East said 

and they went to their way 


Jiyeon found an abandon house and dragged L inside.

She threw Him to the floor and calapsed. 

She had use too much energy that she had no way of controlling. 

Her body was turning pale as a glowing blue orb appeared righ in front of her. It circled her and flew out of the house and disappeared. 

Hours later, L finally woke up and had a massive headache. He could still hear The ringing sound 


Where am I?

i searched around and noticed that girl on the floor

i wanted to leave, but saved me. 

What is she I thought. 

I touched her body only to burn my hand. 

It was as if her body was caught on flames. 





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Madelynol203 #1
Chapter 21: My girlfriend is a gumiho?
Chapter 26: please update soon... ^.^
YuniOfficial #3
Chapter 26: Hope they get together soon.
cericeria #4
Chapter 26: tht's so scary...hope jiyeon will be able to protect comfort n whtever it is everytime he change to his monster form :'0
kimaray #5
Chapter 26: Why suzy name can make him back to normal ?
What will happen ? Update soon!
kimaray #6
Chapter 25: What will happen to Myungsoo ? Oh god :(
Update soon
Chapter 25: Whats gonna happen to myungsoo nuuu TT^TT
cericeria #8
Chapter 25: jiyeon to the rescue!! uh nooo L's being targeted by those bad guys..jiyeon must be hurry n take him to a safe place. i hope she could change his monster form back to his original body. whaaa cant wait too see wht will happen next. update more^^
Chapter 24: please update