
The heart he sank and launched.

Somehow after lunch, the two ended up in front of Chaima's television laughing at a scene in the drama, where JYJ's Yoochun was singing in a karaoke booth horribly, on the couch the girl had bought quite recently. They were sitting next to each other with a bowl of popcorn in between, while the table in front of them was also occupied with various kinds of junkfood and their wrappings and packages. No one seemed to care about the mess they had made, as they started another episode of the series.

Three hours passed like that and the two never budged to make a move nor suggest to do something else. They exchanged words every now and reacted appropriatly to all the scenes, though none of them actually cried, while they ate the remaining snacks spread across the living room. Every now and then the popcorn bowl would be empty and Chaima would disappear into the kitchen for a moment to stuff a new bag into her microwave. Despite their fresh friendship, things were never awkward between them. The conversations went smoothly, while the exchange and renewal of food and snacks would go as if silently planned.

After those three hours had passed, the clock almost ticked five. Chaima turned off the television and only then both of them noticed the mess they had created. Wide eyed and astonished for a moment, the two glanced around the living room before locking eyes briefly. That brief moment was enough for both of them to burst out in laughter, for no reason. The first to get up from the couch, was the chocolate haired male. He picked up some stray plastic wrappings, while Chaima used the empty popcorn bowl to collect them. When that was done, she took out the vacuum cleaner and within 10 minutes, the room looked like it was never a mess.


"It's late, I should prepare dinner." Chaima muttered as she returned the vacuum cleaner into the closet after stealing a glance at the clock.

"I guess. We could go out for dinner." Onew suggested as he plopped himself on the couch again.

Chaima arched an eyebrow as she side glanced at the male. "Yeah, I really have the money for that."

Onew mirrored the girl's expression and returned the glance. "As if I'd let you pay." He started but didn't give Chaima the time to protest. "You treated me to lunch, I'm taking you out for dinner. Fair trade right?"

It sounded logical to Chaima, though the trade probably wasn't fair at all.

"But that was ramyun." She spoke out her thoughts.

Onew's reaction was a glance at the trash bag in the corner of the room. She had taken it out earlier, to throw it in the larger container outside.

"Yeah. Just ramyun and a whole convenient store of snacks." He retorted.


The two bickered for another half hour, until Onew managed to convince Chaima to eat out. He had assured her that he wouldn't let Chaima cook, nor would Chaima allow him to do all the work or pay for everything. In the end he had won and Chaima didn't even know when that happened. What she did know, was that she had changed into her jeans and a blouse, had her coat on, had locked her house and was now walking down the road with the male, who had a cap and scarf on to hide his face.

They had caught a bus and about half an hour later, they were sitting in a korean barbeque restaurant. Onew had started grilling meat, while Chaima poured in drinks. Despite knowing from the various television programs he had been in, Chaima was quite taken aback by Onew's cooking, or well grilling. She could easily see the similarities with his father and mother's cooking and habits. Not only cooking, Chaima couldn't help but notice other striking resemblances. Obviously though, he was their son after all.


"Is there anything you don't or can't eat?"

The brunette snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the question. For a moment she gazed into the male's dark eyes, causing him to grin sheepishly. 

"Uhh. I don't eat pork. But other than that, I eat pretty much everything." She assured him with a rather awkward smile.


Chaima was rather surprised by the fact that Onew didn't ask any more questions. Ever since she had arrived in South Korea, she had gotten a lot of questions about her ethnicy and religion. On one side she was grateful, because those kind of questions would make the situation weird, on the other side she felt like he wasn't interested enough in her not to question it. Chaima immediately shook off the ridiculous thoughts. Since when had she become like a teenager with boosting hormones again? Well she wasn't, so instead she focused on the beef in front of her.

The brunette suspected Onew of having the ability to read minds, because right at that moment a well cooked piece of juicy beef landed on her plate. She gazed at it for a moment before picking up her chopsticks. She glanced at Onew whom seemed to find the scene amusing, much to her distaste, but she didn't care much about that. The beef was attracting most of her attention. One bite was enough to make her utter a squeel and receive another round of laughter from the male in front of her. A shade of pink was the result of the blood rushing to the girl's face. Luckily, Chaima had a slight tan and it wouldn't be noticed. At least she hoped so.


"That's cute. I like it when girls eat deliciously." Onew suddenly commented.

And that's where the shade of pink, turned into a shade of red. Without words Chaima filled once again and took a sip of her drink after swallowing. The blush seemed to have awakened Onew's interest and amusement. It made him want to more, but he restrained himself. Like that the dinner continued peacefully as the two talked and enjoyed each others company. As friends of course, Chaima reminded herself. Friends.

Author's note.

YAY update~ Thanks for reading everyone ;A: Sorry for the late update... and the slightly shorter update. I promise next one will be longer 8D And will have a surprise.

Stay tuned! Don't forget to comment and upvoting would make me very happy.

Lots of love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD