Weird, pleasantly weird.

The heart he sank and launched.

The sound of a kettle whistling and the rice cooker beeping could be heard loudly through the house. They seemed to be ignored, untill about half a minute later, a brunette with ramyun curls rushed to the kettle, pressing the off button on the rice cooker as she ran past it. Her toothbrush was in and her hair evidently not styled since she woke up. Once she managed to get enough dried tea leaves into the pot, she poured the water in. The damp filled her small kitchen and girl enjoyed the aroma of the green tea, before she put on the lid and returned to the bathroom.

It took her 5 more minutes to reappear, this time with her hair tied into a bun and the toothbrush left behind. She opened the fridge to get some of the side dishes that Jinhee had left her the day before. After warming them up she set the table and finally was able to enjoy her breakfast. In mind she thanked the sweet 'ajhummeoni' and stuffed a whole spoon of rice into . Her phone was beside her on the table and while chewing her rice and trying to fit a piece of kimchi into , she unlocked her smartphone and stared at her notifications for a while. She had gotten a few texts, but it had been a week since she had heard from him. A swallowed her food to be able to sigh and stuffed a spoon of kidney beans into . 

Chaima shrugged it off though. He probably had a reason for not contacting her. Maybe he wasn't even in the country. She couldn't imagine how unpredictable an idol's schedule must be. After pondering about why she shouldn't care much, she shook off the thoughts and trailed off to her schedule for the day. It was Tuesday. Surprisingly she had no classes and she also had a day off from her part-time job. Since it was her first day off in a while, she had wondered for about a week what she could do. Yesterday in the bus home from her classes, she had decided to call her friend in Seoul to meet up. She wanted to shop anyway, since she now could afford it and having someone go with you made it much more fun. 


Once she went through about half of her rice, Chaima heard her phone buzz furiously. She glanced at the square device before picking it up and pressing it to handsfree.

"Hello?" She greeted in English.

"Oh Chaima, morning." She heard the familiar voice greet her.

Her lips curled up at the cheerfulness in the voice. It had lacked it yesterday when she called her. The brunette figured that her friend was probably busy or tired, so she didn't try to be nosy about it.

"Oh Baeri unnie. Where are you at?" Chaima asked.

"Hmm. Let's see. Eating breakfast at a dukbokki stand." The female on the other side of the line laughed. "Bring some gum with you, will ya. My breath will smell."

Chaima laughed as well. "Don't worry, I have some. I'm also eating beans right now."

"Oh. Great." Chaima swore she heard a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "As long as your instines don't become too digestive."

A roaring laugh could be heard as Chaima let out a smirk. "Uhu. I'll be sure to keep them under control."

"Hey what time are you here again? It's almost 11."

Chaima moved her spectacles up her nose as she glanced at the corner of her phone. She almost gasped as she jumped up.

"Crap! Ya Kim Baeri! Couldn't you inform me earlier?!" She shouted as she mentally slapped herself and her friend. The only response was a light laughter. "I'll hang up now. Be there in an hour!"


With that Chaima's hand swiped her phone and cut off the conversation without waiting for Baeri's response. The girl dumped her dishes into the sink and ran water over them, filling the round sink. She left it like that mentally noting to wash them later and half ran, half stumbled into her bedroom. She changed in a record time and grabbed her make-up bag to stuff it into her small backpack. She managed to find her keys, phone and wallet, lock up the house and jumo into the closing automatic doors of the bus. The bus driver stared at her in awe for a moment but let her pass anyway when she showed her student ID. Chaima paid her fare and proceeded to take the back seat and apply the finishing touches in peace. She didn't care about the stares she got, for doing something like this in the buss.

Half an hour passed and now the girl was listening to her music with her earphones in her ears as she played a game of angry birds on her phone. A dissatisfied groan escaped her lips when she didn't hit the last green pig and was met with the smirking pig telling her that she lost. In frustration she redid that level 3 times before she innerly yelled and cursed the pig in triumph. After 4 more levels she got tired of it and realised her battery will die before she'd arrive home, so she quit and turned the brightness of her screen to the lowest. Chaima was left to spend 10 to 20 minutes in silence and boredom, left alone with her music.

When she had listened to four more songs, the bus arrived at the location and she was more than happy to run out and greet the fresh Seoul air. She inhaled deeply and when she was about the exhale, she felt a thud against her head, forcing her to almost spit out the excessive air from her lungs. She coughed twice as she turned around to be met with the goofy grin of the elder female, who wore her trademark navy beanie. Greetings and happy reunions weren't in her mind right then when she realised that she was hit, maybe playfully but she was hit, by the girl's hand. The girl who was usually naturally smiling was close to scowling as she stomped the girl in her stomach, hard enough to make her wince, but not too hard to actually hurt her. 

"Okay, I deserved that." She heard the shorter female groan. "But you're not supposed to hit me that hard!"


Both females laughed as they embraced each other before going to the promised café. Once finding a nice table and ordering a drink each, they started chatting immediately. About half an hour of laughter and chatter had passed when Baeri had noticed something surprising about her friend.

"Ya. Chaima. Your Korean has improved a lot. Surprisingly." The olive skinned noted.

Chaima's mouth curled up into a proud smile as she showed off a peace sign. "I'm awesome, ain't I?" She boasted but only received an amused arched eyebrow from her friend.

"Okay okay. I spend a lot of time with my neighboor." She started. Chaima halted when she realised that she had gotten used to the fact that SHINee's Onew was her neighbour's son, but that Baeri had no idea of this. A grin crept up her expression. "She's really nice. So is her son."

Baeri smirked playfully at the younger female. "You have a crush?" She asked, still amused.

"Yeah... from even before I met him in person." Chaima hinted with a returned playfull smile.

At this Baeri fell silent for a bit. What was she supposed to think of this. "How did you know this person before you moved here...?" She asked, sincerely confused. Chaima just smirked back and Baeri started thinking out loud.

"You lived abroad up untill two months ago ... so... you couldn't have had any contact with him unless you were pen friends... or... this person i-." The dark haired's eyes widened slightly as she stared at Chaima. "... is famous...?" She half asked. 

Chaima's nod confirmed her suspicion and Baeri's eyes rounded even further. "Who is it?" She almost immediately asked.

"Like I said... someone I have a crush on for ages." was Chaima's reply.

"Oh. My. God. You're neighbour's with Lee Jin-" The rest of the sentence ended up in a muffled noise as Chaima stuffed a hand full of tissues in Baeri's mouth. The girl brought her index finger to her lips, motioning for her to be silent with an accompanied scowl.

Baeri just spit the tissues out and fumbled them into a ball as she glared at her friend, but nodded nontheless.

"Fine!" She groaned. "What's his mother like?" She asked as her smile returned almost instantly.

Chaima couldn't help but laugh as she responded. "She's really sweet. But she hurt herself, so he asked me to keep an eye on Ajhummeoni." Chaima rolled her eyes as she heard her friend utter a high note that was only made when she was fangirling. The squeel faded and another question was fired her way.

"What's he like in person?" The short haired asked.

At this question Chaima scratched her cheek to think. After a short silence her hand moved to the back of her neck and she rubbed it, still thinking.


"Weird," was her response. "pleasantly weird."


Author's note:

First of all~ I'm so sorry for the late update ;A: KILL ME. Yes you're allowed Chaima.

I still hope you enjoy the chapter and leave your comments <3 You can also suggest scenes and stuff. I'm more than happy to know what you all want to see in this chapter.

I realise that this chapter is lacking Onew's direct presence, but some fangirling makes up for it xD

For those who don't know, Kim Baeri is the main character of my other fic, Body Language. Please check it out if you're a BEAST fan. : ] 


Lots of Love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD