When her heart sank and launched.

The heart he sank and launched.

Next morning the brunette was up early. She had eaten breakfast and went shopping to buy something wanting to make the house look less empty. After buying a television at the sale and some other small stuff, she had gone back home. Chaima had enjoyed shopping, but she enjoyed recalling the events of yesterday even more. Though she was still wondering whether it was a dream or not, Chaima's mind badly begged god or whoever was up there that it wasn't a dream or her imagination. That she wouldn't be completely disappointed and embarrassed if she went to the hospital but didn't find anyone there. Her heart sank. Right into her shoes.

While lying on the wooden floor with arms and legs stretched out and her cellphone lying lifelessly in her right palm, she let out a deep sigh. She was lying like that for nearly half an hour when she heard her stomach growl. A frown carved into her face as she rubbed her stomach with the hand her phone was also in.

"I just ate for god's sake! Want me to get fat?" She argued with either her stomach or her body for making her hungry.

For a few minutes she stirred restlessly and curled up on the floor trying to ignore the growling. It didn't last long though. After a few minutes she gave up and headed to her fridge. The first thing her eyes landed on was a pear. Without further thinking she grabbed it and walked to her door, grabbing her wallet, keys and coat on her way after tucking the phone into the kangaroo pocket of her shortsleeved hoody which was joined by her wallet later on and slipped both arms into the coat. She sank her teeth into the pear and enjoyed the juices and bits of fruit dancing on her tongue. She kept her pear into for a while to lock up her house and took it from as she bit the piece off after walking away.

"Hmm... Let's see." She muttered to herself. "Which way was it again?"

Chaima looked into the two directions she could go, pondering on which way she had come from yesterday. Not wanting to get lost, she took her smartphone out of her pocket and used the navigation to find the hospital. She scratched her head with the pinky of the hand she was holding the pear with and started walking as she followed the little arrow that moved along with her. The young woman didn't pay much attention to her surroundings, she just stared at the phone and in front of her to the occasional trafic lights.

After about twenty minutes the hospital was in sight. Even better, the entrance was in sight. She smiled in delight as she realised where she was and closed the navigation while still walking. Right when she pushed the screenlock button she felt herself walking into something... or rather someone. She stepped back and apologised immediately to the girl in front of her. When she saw the huge crowd, her jaw dropped and her eyebrow arched.

"What the..." She started in awe. "What is this?"

There was a lot of pushing and yelling. Though they were not angry yells. Rather excited and hyper with a giant spoon of hysterical. Blinking Chaima tried to walk around the crowd. It was larger than she expected, but she managed to get around it. The only problem was... she was further away from the hospital entrance now. She let out a frustrated sigh and pondered on how to get back. It was close to impossible. She leaned against the wall when she saw a suspicious figure walk towards her. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. She recognised the cap and the scarf. But he wasn't wearing the signature coat she had seen the day before.

Chaima's mouth opened in realisation and she slipped around the corner to her right. She waited for the figure to walk past the narrow alley in between the hospital's main building and the storage house beside it. When she saw the cap, Chaima's arm reached out and grabbed him by his shirt. He tumbled backwards towards her and she clasped her hand to his mouth as she twisted their bodies around. The young man ended up in the alley while she was with her back to where she had pulled him from. The girl couldn't help but grin at his bewildered and slightly terrified eyes when he saw her. She pressed her index finger vertically against her lips, motioning for him to keep silent. When he nodded she released her hand and slipped out of the alley again walking slightly away from it. Chaima took a deep breath.

"Oh my god. Is that SHINee's Onew?!" She yelled hysterically. "He crossed the street! Heading west! I have to film this!"

She took a small and slow run into said direction and heard many foots ticking away. Even louder was the hysterical screaming. Soon about 50-60 girls overtook her and she halted. Waiting for all of them to run past her. Making sure that no one was left she walked back to the alley. She looked down at the man who was crouching and smiled as she made a thumbs up. He met her eyes and smiled back at her with a thankful expression. 


"Good afternoon, Dubu-shii." She greeted with a chuckle.

She watched the man stand up and remove his cap to ruffle his hair. He placed it back where it belonged and sighed.

"Thank you. You really saved me. I couldn't have them block the hospital." He uttered with a hint of guilt.

"Quite popular aren't we?" Chaima joked. "What does this hero get for saving you?"


The curled girl was just joking and wouldn't even dare to imagine what happened in the next few seconds. She was pulled in the alley by her wrist and pinned against the wall.  Onew's hands were leaning against the wall, to the right and left of her body. She stopped breathing and watched him invade her comfort zone with an expression she hadn't seen before. His expression was serious and he was piercing her with his gaze. Nothing was adorable about this figure anymore. He was one big mass of iness right in front of her, his face close enough for her to feel his breathing brush against her skin and their noses barely away from touching. It was warm and sent the shivers down her spine. The glasses he was wearing moments ago had fallen and lay lifelessly on the ground. The only sound Chaima could hear was the sound of her heart raging madly as its engine started up. Even her thoughts had stopped. She felt her heart literally launch beyond the skies.

The two remained in this position for little while and unexpectedly, it was ended by Chaima herself. She curled her eyebrows into a frown and grabbed Onew's right arm with hers twisting her own body, making his unvoluntairily twist as well. Soon Chaima held the dark haired in an arm lock gazing down at him with an unamused expression still a little surprised. She heard him wince and twitch in pain, but she made sure to only hurt him a little.


"I might be your fan Lee Jinki, but I have my dignity as a woman." She warned.

"A-a-a-ahh! I'm sorry! I a-ah ..-nderstand." He winced.

With a sigh she released him and crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. "What's next?"

She watched Onew stand up again and getting his glasses while he was at it. He grinned at her with an amused expression.

"It was a joke. I didn't mean to offend you. I won't do it again." He assured her with a grin.

"You're just afraid that I'll break your arm." Chaima laughed.

"I'm sincerely sorry, Ramyun-ah." Onew apologised again with the adorable cuddle-smile. Damn. She had found her weak spot.

"I'm sorry too Dubu-shi. For hurting you." the brunette joined the apologising and flashed him a smile afterwards. "Have you visited ajhummeoni yet?"

Still with his lips curled into the smile he shook his head. "I was just about to visit 'ajhummeoni'." He mimicked her again gaining a frown in respons. "Care to join me?" He asked.

With that she smiled and nodded. She was glad that they somehow turned into friends. Maybe they could become more. Though she wasn't supposed to be expecting it, she could dream about it right?


Author's note:
That was it guys~ ! Last chapter. Thank you for everyone who read this. And Chaima dear, I hope you liked it <3~ Since I'm not as awesome as other writers I'm hoping it was satisfying.


Thank you for sticking with me to the end! I was really happy I could finish this fic.

Lots of love,
Saenan, now wholeheartedly shipping Chainew <3 (Chaima's obviously the seme trolololo)

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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD