Mission accomplished.

The heart he sank and launched.

Her day hanging out in Seoul with Baeri, passed too fast for her taste, so when they arrived at the bus stop waiting for Chaima's bus back home, the two were slightly sad at the departure. They didn't know when they would meet again, but they made sure to stay in contact, like they always did. The bus arrived and the two said their goodbyes. As she entered the bus, Chaima automatically seeked the place in the far back, where she could eat her snacks the whole hour the bus drove.

The sun was already starting to set and the sky coloured bright orange, while the leaves still fell as they were brushed by the wind. A sigh escaped the girl's lips as she stared at her phone for a moment. She had a few notifications, but still no response from Onew. How long had it been again? Oh right, a week. As Chaima took a bite of her melon bread, realisation dropped on her like a bomb.

"Since when do I care?!" She uttered in frustration.

A sigh escaped her lips as she continued to munch down her bread while pushing the thoughts away. \


An hour later she arrived home. The smell of sweet pastries filled the air and she entered the house first. She changed into a more comfortable get up, a warm oversized hoodie and leggings before entering her backyard. She gazed over the fence hip high to see Jinhee in the kitchen.

"Ajhummeonni! Good evening." She greeted the elder lady.

Chaima brightened up as she saw the lady waving at her and motioning for her to come over. With a smile, the girl hopped over the fence to make her way to the kitchen and join Jinhee. She was kneeding dough while the oven was already on. On the stove was a pot that was cooking caramel.

"What are you making?" Chaima asked curiously. "Whatever it is, it smells incredible."

Jinhee let out a light laugh as she patted Chaima's head with her free hand. Since the girl was much taller than her, she had to raise her hand to its limit.

"You can take as much as you want with you." She assured her.

Jinhee let out a surprised yelp when she felt Chaima's arms embrace her. "Ajhummeoni I love you!" She exclaimed. "And the whole world has to know!"


When the next load was in after the first one got taken out, Chaima helped Jinhee by making tea and getting some plates. They sat in the living room as they chatted again like usual. Chaima happily munched the pastries Jinhee made even when she ate moments ago in the bus. For this woman's food she had a different stomach, especially when it came to her pastries.

It was already 9 pm when Chaima made her way home. 9 PM was the time Jinhee usually got ready for bed, whereas Chaima just watched some tv or did homework until she got tired enough for bed. It was 11 when Chaima felt the tiny bit of urge to sleep and actually went to bed. The next day she had classes in the morning till 12 and she would be able to relax.

Just as planned, she was free at 12 and got home half an hour later. Chaima would usually eat lunch with Jinhee and her husband, but she remembered that they were out the whole day. So instead she headed home and prepared tea for the remaining stash of Jinhee's cakes and cookies she gave her the evening before. Since she had overslept, she skipped breakfast and hadn't eaten anything up until now. She would fill her stomach until she couldn't anymore, because the hunger is eating her from the inside. 


"Mission accomplished." She muttered to her self as she smiled in satisfaction.

The box was completely empty, her teapot as well and her stomach filled to the brim. Chaima had left the sliding doors to her garden opened and lay on the floor in her living room right beside them. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the moment she considered to be happiness and started to day dream. Minutes passed while Chaima remained in her bliss. The moment was interupted by a pinch in her nose. In surprise she shot up with a jerk to look around as she rubbed her nose.


"What the...." She muttered to herself.

"Mission accomplished." She heard a familiar voice behind her say.

The sound of a failed supressed laughter came from behind her and the brunette twisted her body around. Her eyes widened momentarily at the figure in her living room, well in the opening of her sliding door actually. The brunette was crouching on his knees with his right hand covering his mouth, as his left hand supported his body. A scowl appeared on Chaima's face as she kicked Onew's left hand away. His weight wasn't supported by his arm anymore and with a loud bang, the singer fell right to the floor, face first. The poor man groaned in pain.

"Good afternoon Dubu-shi. It's nice to see you here." Chaima almost hissed.


As the male pried himself back up to sit, he grinned at the girl. "Yah, that's Dubu-oppa for you. And you're not supposed to hurt your Oppa."

Chaima rolled her eyes as she folded her legs and crossed her arms over her chest. "Does it look like I care Dubu-oppa?"


Author's note:

Short chapter~  But still an update xD

Sorry for the long wait everyone~! Next chapter will have some cute moments. Promise. :3

Please comment <3

Lots of love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD