A new start with a left turn.

The heart he sank and launched.

Dragging along two big suitcases and her handbag conveniently placed around the handle of one, a young woman stepped out of the car with her fingers locked around each of their handles. She dragged them up to the side of the street and waved the driver goodbye. The man returned her greeting with a smile and took off. As she stretched out her arms with a satisfied groan a fresh autumn breeze blew gently rustling the leaves detaching some from the brances they were held by. She turned around again and was standing in front of a house with a smile. Staring at the number plate she saw the numbers 143 gracefully carved. Her smile broadened into a grin as she locked her hands around her suitcases again and wheeled them to the porch.

Her right hand moved to her hip and she shoved her hand into the pocket of her navy jacket. She fished out a silver coloured glistering key attached to a Sky blue rectangular keychain with a soft white cloud print. Her key moved to the lock and with a twisting motion of her hand the door opened. The young woman stepped inside hearing a rustling sound underneath her foot. Curiously she cast her eyes down as she closed the door behind her and noticed a white, now crumbled paper. The girl ducked to pick it up and kicked her shoes off and left her suitcases standing before sitting in the hallway to read the note.

Dear Chaima,

Have you arrived safely? We sent over all the boxes you had packed.
I hope nothing has been forgotten. Don't forget to call us after you have
rested a bit. 


Chaima glanced over her shoulder into the house as she was facing the door the way she sat. Her eyes went over the boxes and she counted them under her breath.

"12... 13...14. Yup that's all." She noted out loud. 

The woman finally got to her feet and dragged her suitcases to her living room. The first thing she did was opening all boxes to find kitchen utilery. Once she finally found some she magically took out a pack of korean ramyun and proceeded to making herself a meal. Once seated on the floor she ate her meal in peace and scrolled through her social media acounts. She had recieved many messages in a short amount of time from friends and family wishing her luck and stuff.

Since the girl had slept the whole time in the airplane and she was boosting with energy after her ramyun she proceeded to unpacking and decorating. It didn't take long for her to stack her clothes and other things as the 3 room small house had built in closets in the bedroom and some shelves in all the rooms. The only thing she lacked was furniture, but that would change soon. Once satisfied with the results she dropped herself onto a little foldable matrass that would suffice as her bed for now. It was already dark outside and after traveling and working the whole day she was tired as expected.


The next morning the brunette woke up to find her brown curls in a chaotic state. She had surprised herself when she stared at her own reflection in the mirror. Being the cheerfull person she was, she could actually laugh about it. Just when she plugged the toothbrush in , the young woman heard the phone ring. She made her way to the living room and stared at the number. As expected first thing in the morning after her arrival. It was her mother.

"Ewwo? Woam?" She muttered with the toothbrush still in , while her left hand was holding it in .

"Chaima? Hi honey. So you woke up early?" She heard her mother saying. In the background she heard her father pestering her mother to let him speak with his daughter.

"Fyeah. I washust..." She started.

"Get that toothbrush out of your mouth young lady and talk to me decently."

What the... how did she? Well as expected of her mother, the girl let out a sigh. She walked back to the bathroom and took the toothbrush out of .

"Better?" She asked her mother. She heard a sound of approval over the phone. "As I was saying... I just woke up and was about to wash up. Then have breakfast or some-... Can you tell dad to stop pestering. I can't think straight."

She heard a chuckle coming from her mother. "I got it. Well your dad is leaving for work so say something to him as well. He just misses you. Don't forget to greet your neighbours today. It's manners and you have to leave a good impression! During this ti-"

"Yeah I know." She quickly interrupted.  'They are the only ones I can depend on.' she finished the thought in mind.

"Chaima? It's daddy. I have to go to work so just blow me a kiss." He pleaded.

"Uhh.. What about an imaginairy one?" She tried to bargain. That would be less embarrassing as she didn't actually have to make the sound over the phone.

"Fine! But next time I will get it."

Chaima smiled to herself and greeted both parents before hanging up. She finished washing up and had a simple cereal milk breakfast. After breakfast she decided to do as her mother said. She'd need lots of help and guidance from her neigbours since she was all by herself in Korea. She gathered the fruit baskets she had bought at the mall the arrival. There were three in total. One for each neighbours to her left, right and in front. She decided to go to the neighbour across the street first. With her accented korean she had politely greeted them and was treated gently in return. The woman was in her mid 40's and a man in his 50's with two grown up children. The eldest being a year younger than her, or so she was told. Next was the neighbour to the right of her house. The same story repeated only this woman was a fairly young business woman.

The young woman re-entered her own house to get the last fruit basket. She stepped to the porch of the house identical to hers and rang the bell. When she didn't hear anything she rang again and knocked.. No response. 

"Hello? Anyone home?" She tried.

When the brunette turned around she walked back to the street turned to the left again, but was stopped by a voice. She heard a shaky squeel behind her and turned her head to look at a lady who dropped her groceries. They were now rolling down the street towards Chaima. The girl placed the fruit basket in front of the house and helped the lady stop her groceries from fleeing. She managed to catch most of the groceries and had them safely in her arms. For the last one, she had to run after it. It was a galia melon that was rolling down the street leisurely. The girl ran after it and saw it knock over a sleeping small cat.

"Thank you." She chuckled as she picked up the now halted melon.

Smiling Chaima returned to the lady who had gathered the rest of her groceries. The lady stared bewildered at the foreigner who had helped her. She was greeted with a cheerful smile and voice as the groceries were returned to her.

"Good morning, ma'am." 
"안녕하세요 아주머니" (annyeonghaseyo ajhumeoni)

"Thank you dear, for helping me. I'm so silly for dropping this." She returned with the cutest smile Chaima had seen in a long time. A strangely familiar one.

Already fond of people, the brunette always managed to take delight in the cuteness of anyone. Especially if it was a child or an elder.

"Oh no. It was no problem. Should I help you with that?" She asked.

They had already arrived at the house where the fruit basket was left and since the bag ripped, the lady wouldn't able to care all the stuff like Chaima had now. Her hands were already occupied.

"Thank you, dear. If you could help me carry them inside that would be wonderfull. I live right here."

Chaima halted for a moment and glanced in between the lady and the house in bewilderment momentarily. She blinked and halted at the lady who had been staring at her the whole time.

"So you live here, ajhummeoni?" She asked with a delighted glee  in her voice.

"That's right."

Chaima helped her inside and quickly grabbed the basket as well wondering how she had managed to hold it with all the stuff in her hands. Well not that she complained. Once lead inside she was asked to come inside, so she did.

"Thank you. You've really saved me." She was thanked again by the lady.

"You've thanked me enough, it's really no problem." The brunette beamed back.

"Ajhummeoni. Before I forget. This is for you. I just moved in next door." She greeted as she did with the other neighbours.

The woman stared at her for a while in surprise and then smiled. She took the basket and complimented her on her politeness. Like this she spent the afternoon drinking tea with the lady. She had introduced herself as Lee Jinhee. Chaima adored her. She reminded her much of a cute grandmother who would adore her grandchildren and liked talking with her. She didn't hear much about her though, as she kept asking the brunette question to which she responded. When the lady heard a whistle, she wanted to get up from her seat. She placed her right hand on the low table and pushed herself up. What happened though, was Chaima seeing the lady flinch and let out a soft painful moan and collapse back were she sat on her knees.

In an alarmed state Chaima moved around the table in front of her.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked with worry written in her expression.

"Oh dear. There isn't much to worry for." She assured and rubbed her upper right arm. "I think I sprained my shoulder earlier."

Chaima frowned as she watched Jinhee. She couldn't just leave her like this.

"We should go to the hospital. It looks really painful." She suggested.

"It is fine. I promise. My son will come later and I will go with him." She heard her say and flashed her a smile. Forced it seemed.

In the end Chaima got up to her feet and called a taxi.

"I won't be able to sleep like this!" Chaima finally decided flailing her arm around.

She could hear a chuckle and gazed at her in confusion. She knew that she gave in and Jinhee was actually very surprised by the girl's straightforwardness. She was a foreigner but was completely being taken into her personality. She couldn't help but admire this side of her. In the end she was brought to the hospital according to Chaima's wishes.


Author's note: Wow. A long chapter. Sorry for that XD
Anyway a few things about the story~  Yay.
First of all a question~ Can anyone tell me what's so awesome about Chaima's house number? ~ The winner will receive something from me. (I don't know what yet, but I'll make it happen xD) Maybe a short written piece or something.

Secondly. Guess who the woman is ~  It's not hard. I promise. :]

Third. Don't forget to comment~  <3

As to my lovely friend. I hope you'll like this~ 8'D I at writing so sorry. OTL ;-: And the chapter was kind of boring. D:

Anyway~  Thanks for reading.

Lots of love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD