Left behind

The heart he sank and launched.

"Good. Now get ready, we're going out."


It took Chaima a while to process what the elder male just had said and upon realisation, she almost choked on the sweets in . After a few violent coughs, she regained her posture and looked up at the brunette who was smirking mischievously at her. Chaima's expression just showed confusion and bewilderment. She wasn't sure what to think of the situation, nor how to get her mind to process the fact that something she had deemed impossible would be happening that day.


"Out?" She repeated as a question. "Where?"

The response she received was a simple smirk. "You'll see."


What Onew meant by 'out' apparently was a trip to the market. He had to hide his face once again, to make himself seem unrecognisable and Chaima did the same, using the weather as an excuse to wrap half her face in her favourite big warm scarf. Thanks to the weather it was easier for Onew to make himself unrecognisable. He had even changed his coat and cap this time. Chaima tucked her hands into her pocket, feeling her fingers numb immensely. Even though it was still autumn, the temperature was dropping at a merciless pace.


With the dropping temperature came the changes in wardrobes. Chaima now only wore her sleeveless shirts underneath her sweaters, to create isolating layers in order to keep herself warm. If there was one thing the brunette liked, it was wrapping herself up in blankets in front of the tv with hot chocolate, marshmallows and some cookies. Chocolate fondue would do too. Actually,.. anything would do as long as it was food and she could eat it without much trouble.


Winter was a lazy season. Although she didn't go on a winter sleep, Chaima found herself stacking a lot of food, mostly junk food and snacks, for the winter months, so that she wouldn't have to run to the convenience store. It didn't matter that she had moved to a different country or that the store was a 5 minute walk from her house. Lazy was lazy and rest was rest. Besides the snow, the woollen warm scarves and the occasional cute beanie's and gloves nothing was fun about being outside during the winter. 


Despite it not being winter yet, the dreadful season was approaching and Chaima had mixed feelings about it. Hot chocolate definitely tasted best in winter, but the cold she had to withstand to enjoy that taste, was quite the dent in the road. Well she didn't really have a say in what Mother Nature was planning, so she couldn't do much about the cold anyway. The only thing left to do for her was to enjoy the days with the only way to comfort herself, food and blankets. 


Even when Chaima didn't like being outside in the cold much, she couldn't refuse Lee Jinki's invitation to go out on her own birthday after he went through the trouble of celebrating it for her. Who was she kidding, she didn't mind the cold at all. She was walking outside on her birthday with someone she had been admiring in front of her screen for years. How couldn't she love this moment? While the girl was in her trance of full bliss, Onew had actually been doing groceries. She only realised it after seeing the three brown bags in his embrace.


"I'm done," he declared with a grin. "Do you need anything?" 


Chaima blinked dumbfounded for a moment, as if to let the scene sink in her mind. When she snapped out of her moment of confusion, Chaima shook her head lightly. Still slightly dazed, she responded "Not really."


"Let's go then," was onew's response.


He passed Chaima and nudged her shoulder lightly, making the girl jerk involuntarily around as well. She didn't miss the snicker and frowned lightly. After realising the distance that was created, Chaima skipped forward to catch up and eventually overtake Onew. But not without jerking her foot in front of his, making the boy stumble. As he fell forward with a surprised yelp, Chaima swiftly caught one of the bags in his hold before the contents spilled over the streets. Onew managed to regain his balance before falling face flat on the floor after a few strange hops with his arms protectively wrapped around the remaining bags, successfully saving them from a disaster.


"Yah!" he cried out.


Chaima's response was a laugh and a poked out tongue. After that little incident, none of the two tried to trip the other but they kept playfully nudging each other and evading the attacks. Before they knew it, the two were in front of Onew's house.


"Wait here, I need to bring this inside." he told her before disappearing through the door.


It was a rather strange and uncomfortable to stand outside the house in the cold, while Onew was away for quite a few minutes. She could hear voices through the open front door, but respecting their privacy didn't listen. Chaima hummed a song to herself, while hopping from one foot onto the other in an attempt to warm up a bit. When a cold wind grazed by, she growled lowly wishing for her blanket to miraculously appear around her accompanied by a cup of warm hot chocolate. Right on time Onew emerged through the door, grinning at her as usual. 


"Let's go." He announced.

Chaima arched an eyebrow at the man as she watched him walk to her. "Again?"

Onew simply nodded without speaking a word.


"Where are we going?" Chaima asked, not sure what to make out of his behaviour.

"Uhh..." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before responding. "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"

The girl shook her head lightly, while rubbing her hands together.


"Well, what are we waiting for? My treat.' he declared before turning the girl around by her shoulders and pushing her forward.

"But." Chaima wanted to protest.

"It's your birthday, at least let me do this." He assured her.

"But." Chaima repeated.

"Who was the one, that said we were friends?" He dared her.


At that moment the girl turned around abruptly giving Onew a flick on the head. Despite being able to break walnuts with his flicks, Onew quivered under her attack. She was strong, no doubt. And it wasn't the first time he experienced that. Maybe she could actually rival his ttakbam. After releasing her shoulders, the man rubbed his forehead while letting out a pained complaining sound. Chaima immediately compared it to a howling puppy in her mind, but didn't speak out her thought.


"Will you listen to me already?" She asked in slight annoyance.

When she received a nod from the man, she let out a sigh. "We go out for breakfast, but you need to stop pushing me. I can walk you know."


And with that mutual agreement breakfast was eaten peacefully, but the two never failed to entertain themselves be it through conversation or joking around. Both Chaima and Jinki learned that they knew each other surprisingly better than they first believed. They used the moment to bond even more and Jinki for once was happy to make a friend who despite being a fan, didn't attack him with questions about his work all the time. Chaima on the other hand enjoyed seeing his off stage personality. He was just the next door goofball, whose company she enjoyed.


They took roughly two hours to eat breakfast and that day it officially became the longest one Chaima had ever had. Even Onew admitted they took longer than he thought they would. Despite spending two hours at the cafe they, hadn't had an awkward moment or uncomfortable silence. The atmosphere was serene and playful just like always, but none of the two could deny the friendship they had built. And Chaima could only be happy with it. Despite being a social person, she hadn't made any close friends yet nor had she taken the time to get to know her classmates. Her life was still hectic and she wasn't completely used to the new environment.


When they arrived at Chaima's house again, Onew didn't allow her to enter it. Instead he took her hand, leading her to his own house. Chaima wanted to protest, but after seeing the slight amused and excited glint in his eyes she swallowed her words. What was going on? She had been suspicious for quite a while now that something was up, but she had passed the thought as her wild running imagination. When Onew seemed not to talk about it, she didn't ask about it either, figuring that she'd find out soon anyway.


Once they entered the house, Chaima lined her shoes neatly beside her neighbour's. She even took Onew's as he left them quite disorganised and slightly frowned at the sight.


"Yah, Dubu-oppa at least leave the hall behind neat..."


Her words died down when she realised that there wasn't anyone in the hallway with her anymore.



Author's note:

There's some fluuuuf~ Some Dubu Ramyun Fluuuuf~ 

Chainew is so cute. OTL

Anyway~ Enjoy the update guys. It's 1 AM and it's my first workday on my new job tomorrow, so I need to sleep wel!

Lots of love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD