Tofu and ramyun

The heart he sank and launched.

Chaima shivered slightly as she watched the man in front of her with that grin plastered on his face. She felt like a puppy he wanted to play with and was horrified and starstruck at the same time. This man, this man was ... weird. Even weirder than he presented himself on tv.

"You just thought I'm weird didn't you?" She heard him say.

Oh my god, can he read minds now?

"No I can't." He responded with a laugh. "It's just written all over your face."

He turned his head to look at his mother gleefully. "Eomma, your friend is funny." 

"Jinki ya, don't ." He heard his mother say. 

Chaima hadn't realised that she had held her breath ever since he said he couldn't read minds. Her face glew red and she gasped for air seconds later. Believing that she was extremely rude, the brunette gathered herself together and bowed politely.

"I'm sorry. I'm Bae Chaima." She introduced herself. "Ajhummeoni, I'll leave so you can catch up with your son. Uhm.. Nice to have met you. I'm a fan."


Crap. That was the most embarrassing she could say in this situation. Chaima could feel her mind collapse into one pile of destruction and mush.

"Why... just stay. You've bought snacks, so you better enjoy them too." He responded causing the young woman to glance up at him blankly and blinking. "If you want that is." He added and smiled sweetly. The adorable smile his mother had shown her as well. The kind of smile that made you want to cuddle him. Onew turned around to his mother while pointing at Chaima. "Even her name is funny. Cute even. You make fun friends." He noted in amusement causing his mother to shake her head at him.

"Stop teasing her." She warned. "Chaima please stay. You have been such a great help today, how can I repay you."

Chaima was moved by Jinhee's kindness but refused politely in the end. Because of that, she ordered Onew to bring her home, knowing that she had just arrived in Seoul and didn't know the way. Onew agreed after pondering for a moment assuring her that he'd be back soon and that his mother should obediently do as the doctors told her. She agreed and after bading her a good night, Chaima left.

"I'll come visit you tomorrow ajhummeoni." She assured her with a grin. The respons she got was the cuddle-smile as she had named it.


A few moments later the two were walking down the streets to Chaima's new home. The sun had already started to set and the weather was getting chilly as it was the start of the autumn season. However the fresh breeze made Chaima excited and relaxed. She loved the scent of grass and the occasional aroma of food coming from the various houses.

"Thank you." She heard.

She blinked as she spun her head to stare at the man beside her, still wondering if she were dreaming. And wondering why she wasn't being hysterically crazy by now. Onew had looked back at her from under the cap he decided to wear again and read her questioning face.

"For taking care of my mother." He added as he scratched his cheek. "She told me what happened with the groceries and how you brought her to the hospital. Since she's not one to go by herself I'm grateful you made her come."

Chaima just grinned back and nodded.

"It's no problem. Actually I should be the one thanking you and ajhummeoni." She said.

This time Onew was the one with the expression she bore a moment ago. Somehow it made her laugh.

"It's my first day in Korea and I was kind of scared at first. But the neighbours and especially ajhummeoni are very kind. After spending the day with her I felt really at ease." She explained.

She suddenly felt a pressure against her back lightly slapping her forward. Not expecting it she almost tumbled forward but thankfully managed to keep her balance. She heard a warm laughter from the young man.

"That's great!" He exclaimed.
'Joha.' (젛아)


Chaima's expression froze as she heard him say that. She knew he didn't mean it that way*, but the word coming from his mouth directed to her made the inner her scream in joy. Inner fangirling commenced. She was completely distracted now as they walked home, but in some weird and mysterious way still managed to have a conversation with Onew and she hadn't realised that her house was in eye distance. Her shoulders drooped in disappointment as she appraoched it and stopped right in front.

"So that's how you became friends with my mother." Onew remarked. "I'm glad to know she found a friend... and I found one as well."

His warm cuddle-smile made her restrain herself not to jump at him and hug him.

"Thank you for walking me ho-...home on-.. dubu-shi." She stuttered because of the shiver sent down her spine by the icy wind and clasped her hands around her. When she realised what she had said her jaw almost dropped and sought his face. It was priceless, he just gazed at her with a rather dumbfounded and almost pouting face. Oh. God. He pouted. It was the most adorable view ever. It reminded her of a hamster.

"If I'm dubu then you're beef-ramyun." He exclaimed.

Now it was Chaima's turn to be dumbfounded. "Why?"

"Your curls look like ramyun curs and your hair has the colour of the brown beef soup." He explained with a playful grin.

The brunette frowned as she heard that but could laugh about it. "It's also my favourite flavour." Onew added.

Du-dump. She felt her heart almost jump out of her chest as he had said that. Still staring at him laughing, Chaima was for the fourth or fifth time speechless. She stared at him in front of her door and blinked several times eventually laughing as well.

"Well go inside, it's getting cold." He finally said. Chaima nodded and opened her door. She turned back before entering.

"Thanks for walking me home." She thanked him sincerely.

"See you tomorrow?" She was asked by Onew. She froze a moment. "You said you'd visit 'ajhummeoni'. He added as he mimicked her foreign accent in her korean whenever she said that word. It made her frown for a moment while he laughed.

"Oh yeah. I'll see you tomorrow then."  She beamed.

With that he walked away, still smiling and she entered the house with butterflies in her stomach. "See you tomorrow." She wispered again



Author's note:

Chapter three~! Yay~!

Okay I'll explain this:  *She knew he didn't mean it that way*
Joha in korean also means "I like you/it." So when Onew said that it could have had a double meaning.~ /wiggles eyebrows. Anyway, I hope that clears it up xD.

Hope you liked it~ <3 Don't forget to comment and look forward to the last chapter!

Lots of love,
Saenan <3

PS: Isn't Chaima adorable?~ <3

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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD