I'll keep an eye

The heart he sank and launched.


"I'm sincerely sorry, Ramyun-ah." Onew apologised again with the adorable cuddle-smile. Damn. She had found her weak spot.

"I'm sorry too Dubu-shi. For hurting you." the brunette joined the apologising and flashed him a smile afterwards. "Have you visited ajhummeoni yet?"

Still with his lips curled into the smile he shook his head. "I was just about to visit 'ajhummeoni'." He mimicked her again gaining a frown in respons. "Care to join me?" He asked.


Walking through the automatic sliding doors, the brunette had watched the taller and elder male beside her not daring to make a voice afraid to be recognized. His tense behaviour kind of made her want to laugh at him, but she held in as she also felt pity for the poor guy. He wasn't even able to visit the hospital without being chased like a deer by its predators. She let out a mental sigh, imagining how tiring it must be for him. What made her snap out of her thoughts was a soft knocking on the door that was right in front of her nose. How did she get here? She had no recollection of arriving at the right floor and walking down the hallway to the room her neighbour was currently occupying. Chaima blinked a few times when she felt Onew's elbow lightly nudging her. She sighed and nodded before she knocked again.

"Yes?" She heard a familiar voice respond to her knocking from the other side of the door. The voice brought a smile to her lips.

The girl rested her hand on the door handle pushing it down to open the door. She opened it far enough for her to be able to see the bed and greet the elder lady with a smile, before completely opening the door and entering. Jinhee smiled brightly upon seeing the young lass walk in and for a split moment blinked in surprise as she saw her son follow her. The expression was soon replaced by her smile again though. The woman watched the brunette approach her cheerfully and as if contageous, her spirits were lifted as well.


"Good afternoon ajhummeoni." She greeted cheerfully.

"How're you feeling?" Chaima heard the male ask after she heard the door close.

The girl took the chair by the bed without hesitating, slightly making Onew ponder on where to go as there was no other chair to sit on. He decided to stand by the window, leaning against the wall as he scanned the room for a few moments.

"I'm fine. I was told that I could go home but to not put pressure on my shoulder." She reasurred the two earning a worried sharp look from her son and a wondering look from Chaima.

"You sure you can do that?" Jinhee heard her son ask. He was met with a smile and nodded.

"I'll keep an eye on ajhummeoni." Chaima suddenly exclaimed without thinking about what she had said beforehand.


Her sudden impulsive behaviour shocked her and she noticed that she was being stared at by both Jinhee and Jinki. The girl cast her eyes down and shifted in her seat slightly regretting disrupting their conversation. What she didn't expect though, was the male's smile and his following words.

"It'd be a great help if you could!"

The younger female was slightly taken aback at his response and kept silent for a while. More surprising was Jinhee's respons. She watched the elder woman pout slightly and shake her head lightly in dismay.

"I can't believe I'm being treated like a helpless child." She mumbled.

Chaima was astonished at how adorable she looked. Suddenly she understood that Onew's charms as an idol were really obtained from his parents. The girl couldn't help but feel arch into a smile surprising herself. Onew knelt beside his mother's bed and poked her right hand that was folded into her left on her lap.

"It's because you're reckless." He informed her. "And you'll have fun with Chaima."


After a discussion Jinhee finally agreed to ask Chaima for help whenever she needed and Chaima promised to check up on her several times a day. Since Onew would be busy with his schedules and probably unable to visit for a long time, he was relieved to hear this news. After the discussion Onew finished the business for his mother's discharge. When he arrived back at the room, he saw someone exiting the room. When the girl turned around she was met with Onew's dark eyes and smile. Chaima who naturally grinned a lot, was naturally smiling then.

"Finished?" She asked him.

"Yeah. What about on your end?"

"We finished packing. Ajhummeoni is currently changing and getting ready to go home."

There it was. The amused smile whenever the male heard her talk. Chaima wondered if he was amused by her accent, or just simply mocking it. Though she wanted to know, it wasn't like her to pry into it. Instead she walked passed the male and nudged him in the side, a little harder then she thought she would. The male's flinch made her smirk in satisfaction before she turned around to see him do the same.

"You know, you're more violent than you appear?" He asked rhetorically.

"You know, you're more rude than you appear?" She countered with an arched eyebrow. Her words earned a chuckle from Onew and as if in reflex, she laughed as well. She stopped however when she saw him held his hand out for her motioning her to give something. With a questioning gaze she looked from his hand to his face and in between them a few times.

"Your phone." He mused and was met with a silence. "I'll give you my number. So give me yours. So I can check up on 'ajhummeoni'."

The way he mimicked her accent was something Chaima couldn't get used to. Be it because she was being mocked, or because she realised how effortlessly he mimicked her, making her realise that she kind of sounded ridiculous. Not really knowing why, she found herself obediently handing over her phone as he added his number to her contacts and texted himself once with her phone to save her number. When he returned the phone, she stared at the text he had sent to himself and arched his eyebrow at him. He just shrugged with a huge grin on his face. He had basically sent a huge text filled with emoticon spam to himself with her phone.

"I just wanted to see how they look like in your phone."  He explained himself.

Chaima stayed silent for a while before nodding in bewilderment. This figure was strange. Pleasantly strange


After Lee Jinhee's discharge, Chaima had to visit the university she'd be attending for an interview. She had been preparing herself for this for a long time, hoping that she was good enough and her language skills would suffice. The girl wasn't someone to get nervous, but this time she felt a strange tintling in her chest that made her restless. Once the interview was over, she went back home feeling as if a heavy burden had been lifted off her. It was over. She couldn't do anything about it anymore and just had to wait for the results. 

Days passed by and Chaima kept her promise of checking up on Jinhee daily. She would have tea with her daily and help her with the chores around the house that she couldn't do due to her injured shoulder. Though her promise to Onew was to take care of his mother, she felt as if she was taken care of instead. Jinhee would cook for her daily and even wake her up in the mornings. Chaima had even met Jinhee's husband and Onew's father. She regularly joined them for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even after finding a part-time job, the brunette was kindly invited to join them. During the times she felt homesick. she would find Jinhee and have tea with her. The lady never rejected her offers and always seemed to know when the girl felt lonely.

After several weeks Chaima and Jinhee had become close enough for Jinhee to scold her regularly. She would learn her about the customs in South Korea and even practice Korean with her. Her Korean had improved a lot, but tiny remains of her accent were still noticable when she spoke. Jinhee had assured her that it was charming and that she shouldn't be ashamed of it, but it was still embarrassing to the girl. She had started taking classes and her accent was very evident and eyecatching to the students around her.

Also keeping her promise with Onew, she regularly texted him to update him on his mother's condition. Despite figuring that he'd be busy, Onew managed to respond to her text. Not always, but often enough for her to remain texting him at least once a week. And like he had said, the idol didn't manage to find the time to visit ever since his mother was discharged 5 weeks ago.


Author's note:

200+ views? And subscribers? Omg. I love you people ;_______; ~  Thanks for all the love and reading this <3. I'm so honoured.

Since this fic gained so much love I decided to continue this and possibly have it interact with my other fanfic *Body Language* which also received a lot of love. <3 ~ 

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment.


Lot's of love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD