
The heart he sank and launched.

As the male pried himself back up to sit, he grinned at the girl. "Yah, that's Dubu-oppa for you. And you're not supposed to hurt your Oppa."

Chaima rolled her eyes as she folded her legs and crossed her arms over her chest. "Does it look like I care Dubu-oppa?"


Onew couldn't help but laugh at Chaima's reaction. He knew he'd piss her off by disturbing her ... whatever she was doing, but still couldn't help it. This girl was different from the others. Maybe because she was a foreigner, or maybe because she was independant. There was something about her that he couldn't help but like. His mother had mentioned being taken into her personality, he somehow understood what she meant.

"Uhm... How long are you going to stare at me and smile like a goof?"

Her voice made him snap out of his trail of thought. Unconsciously he had been staring at her while dozing off in his thoughts. He watched Chaima wait patiently for an answer, while her eyebrow was arched and she tapped her right upper arm with her left index finger. He was still grinning and fully entered her living room. He sat with crossed legs across her and stretched out his arms.


"Well... Sorry about that. I was actually here to ask if you know where my mother is." He responded.

Chaima let out a sigh and dropped her guard. She laid her arms in her lap and leaned back a bit in a more relaxed position.

"She's out with Ajhusshi. I don't think they'll be back till evening." She answered his question.

The reaction from Onew was a frown, expressing distress somehow. He seemed troubled and ran a hair through his deep brown locks.

"I shouldn't have come without notice." He muttered to himself.


Chaima let out a laugh much to her and his surprise. He watched her curiously in slight confusion as she grinned at him. "Had lunch yet?" He heard her ask. For a moment he was completely off guard. This question was the last thing he expected from her, but somehow deep down he wondered if he hoped for it. He hadn't eaten since breakfast, which was before dawn and he had to admit that he was quite starved now. So in response he shook his head.

"What do you want to eat?" Chaima asked him as she got up on her feet.

Onew beamed at her in response but before he had the chance, Chaima answered her own question. "Chicken."


As much as Onew liked to eat that, he shook his head at the girl, confusing her a little. 

"I guess even the chicken maniac likes to eat something else." Chaima laughed. "So what do you want?"

"Do you have any ramyun?" He asked with a grin.

Chaima gazed at him for a moment. "Uhh... Yeah. I think I have some beef ramyun actually." 

"Great! I'll have that."

"Are you sure? I could easily prepare a decent lunch."

Chaima watched Onew get up on his feet, his smile never fading. "Yep."


About ten minutes later, the two were actually standing in the kitchen, making the simple ramyun dish, Onew had asked for. Chaima had tried to talk him out of it. She thought he'd asked for that, since he'd be troubling her otherwise. In the end, he convinced her that he was just craving ramyun because their manager made them eat healthy at the dorm. It sounded believable enough, but she still doubted it. She also doubted that his mother would approve of this meal. Nonetheless she had no choice but to make it. To make sure that there was something healthy about it, Chaima decided to add an egg and some fresh vegetables.

After she cut the last union into half rings and added it into the pan, Chaima walked to the fridge to see what else she could add. Her eyes fell on the box she had stored her soft tofu in. For some reason it made her smile and she took it out of the fridge. On the cutting board, she cut a piece off and returned the rest to the fridge. The tofu on the cutting board was cut into two inch cubes before and she added it into the pan.

Onew was sitting at the kitchen table the whole time, watching her do her work. Something about this scene made him smile. It was probably the first time that he had seen a foreigner cook a typical asian dish and he wondered what it would taste like. Genuinely anticipating the dish, his mouth started to water as Chaima closed the lid of the pan once more. She set a timer and washed her hands before drying them. When she sat across him, Onew saw a few splatters of brown broth staining her blouse. His eyebrow arched.


The two minutes passed quickly and the two sat at the kitchen table, the dish neatly served into two equal bowles. The amount of food however wasn't devided equally. Chaima almost had half the amount Onew had in his bowl. When she noticed the look Onew gave her, his questioning gaze, she just shrugged.

"I already ate, right before you came." She answered the question he never spoke out.

With a nod, Onew glanced at his bowl and raised his chopsticks. The noodles were conveniently twisted around them and he blew to cool it down slightly. For some reason, Chaima found herself staring at this scene. When she noticed though, she quickly grabbed her own chopsticks as well to absentmindedly stir the noodles as she watched him finally take the bite into his mouth. He chewed and took a moment to take in the taste and eventually swallow the contents of his mouth. Chaima swore that he was taking that long on purpose.

"It's good." He complimented at an unexpected moment. The brunette smiled unconsciously as he flashed her his signature cuddle-smile.

"It's ramyun, Dubu-shi. It's quite hard to mess that up." She responded nonchalantly.


Chaima jerked in her seat when she felt a sting of pain on her forehead. She glanced up to see Onew retract his arm and frown at her, in a joking matter of course.

"It's Dubu-oppa, for you." He scolded. "And you could at least thank me for the compliment."

Chaima blinked and was quite dumbfounded for a moment. "Thanks... Dubu-oppa." At her words, the smile returned to his face.

Author's note

THE FLUFF. Omg OTL I think I'm dying.

Yeah, Chaima's adorable <3 ;_; ~ 

I hope you guys like it :3

Please comment and support~  8'D Love you guys.

Lots of Love,




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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD