
The heart he sank and launched.

Collapsed forward with her forehead just two inches from the ground and her hands with entwined fingers on the sore spot on the back of her head, Chaima pressed her lips together, biting back the vulgar words she was about to let out by clenching her jaws tightly. She was engrossed by the stinging pain and the bump that threatened to form on her head, when she felt a hold on both of her shoulders. She was pulled up and a second later forced to meet eyes with the male in front of her, only inches away from her face.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise at the sudden contact and she  forgot about the pain for an instant. That instant lasted a few seconds when another sharp bolt of electricity ran through her system, alerting her of the forgotten sensation, when her hand moved over the swollen area unintentionally. This time a curse did escape her lips, in a loud voice. She quickly removed her hands from her head, dropping them to her sides in defeat. From the corner of  her eye she caught a glimpse of the tamed swing, that was hanging motionlessly back in place and she knew that Onew had caught it.

Said male abruptly stood up from his place in front of her and Chaima was just in time to see the worry and guilt in his expression. She didn't need to look back to know that he was standing right behind her. The movement of her hair also indicated that he was checking her for any weird injuries. When she felt his light touch on her hair though, shivers were sent down the brunette's spine, making her stomach convulse, giving her a positively nauseating feeling spread in her abdomen. The girl turned with a jerk, only to be taken aback by the proximity of his face to hers.

He as well seemed quite surprised, Chaima noted, by the way his lids rapidly blinked twice and his lips rounded. The girl jerked back, once again landing on her elbows, with her legs folded on both sides of her. The girl's eyes narrowed as she noticed the smirk on the boy's face. Even with the scar and cap on, that were supposed to hide his features, the girl was easily able to recognise his expressions. He was totally toying with her and she completely fell for it. She exhaled deeply through her nose when she felt the blood flowing straight to her cheeks, gracing them with a pink colour. At that moment, she blessed her slight tanned skin tone, knowing that it would hide most of the colour.


"Are you okay?" Chaima heard Onew eventually ask.

The girl hummed a response before prodding herself back to her knees. "Yeah. No. I don't know."

Onew laughed at the irritation and frustration in her voice and offered her a hand. "Let me help you."


The laugh however, irritated Chaima even more and even angered her. What's more, the embarrassment wouldn't allow her to give in and being the stubborn person she was, she refused the help. The girl got to her feet by pushing herself up, leaving Onew's hand hovering in mid-air. The refusal and the expression on the girl's face took him quite by surprise, since he didn't know what caused her to be angered. The male awkwardly pulled back his hovering hand and scratched the back of his head with it, with a sheepish grin plastered on his face.


"Are you going to stand there, smiling like a goofball the whole night, or what?"


Chaima's voice threw the idol off guard for a moment. When he turned around to find her, she was already walking back to the street, leading to their homes. Her arched eyebrow still displayed the fret that dwelled, despite not being angry anymore. She just felt awkward and uncomfortable now. What happened moments earlier made her heart skip a beat involuntarily while her forehead and palms produced sweat, without her even doing any kind of physical exercise that moment. Something was wrong. She was not supposed to feel this way.

The evening ended with Onew and Chaima walking side by side back to their respective houses. The walk didn't go smoothly anymore, since without Onew knowing, Chaima felt a strange tension between them and had grown cautious. She had tried to push it back and be the cheerful usual her, but it was hard. Especially with the doubts lingering in her mind. The two parted ways right in between the entrances to their front yards, bidding each other a good night and retreating for the night getting the well deserved rest.


The next morning, Chaima's alarm woke her up drawing a displeased grunt from the brunette. She violently smacked her hand down to the clock and rolled to her other side. The despicable alarm had already interrupted her peaceful slumber and now the girl couldn't find a comfortable position to lie in anymore. She rolled and tossed for minutes until she eventually forced herself up in a sitting position. She wildly ruffled her long curled locks and stepped out of bed, heading sleepily into the bedroom in a sour mood.

Once she finished her morning routine and made her way to the kitchen passing through the living room, she caught a glimpse of a figure leisurely sitting on her couch, watching the news with a cup of coffee in his hands. Still drowsy and in her sour mood, she completely ignored the scene, not even realising that there was someone in her house. She entered the kitchen and made herself some tea, when she realised that there was something wrong. Her eyebrow scrunched in confusion and realisation.

With a loud bang, her palm collided with the counter she was standing at. The brunette completely ignored the pain and walked in hurried steps back to her living room, halting in the doorway of the kitchen as she stared open mounded at the scene. The girl rubbed her eyes, thinking that she was hallucinating. But he was still there. Then she pinched her own hand, thinking she was dreaming. It hurt and he was still there. Eventually she decided to talk to see if he'd react, still doubting his presence.



She jolted in surprise when he turned around, shooting her the smile that made his eyes crinkle into adorable slits.

"Good morning." He greeted her in his most cheerful voice. Chaima watched in astonishment as he got op from the couch to walk to her.

"What... ? Ho-ow....? When...? Why-..."

She was silenced by the hand that suddenly covered . With a scowl and low hiss, she pushed his hand away, causing the male to laugh.

"You were muttering nonsense." He spoke with a grin.

Chaima felt his hand around her right wrist, pulling it up. With his other hand he placed the loop of a soft blue paper bag in her hand and smiled at her. "Surprise!" He announced, confusing her even more.


"Happy birthday, Chaima."


Author's note

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAIMA~ <3 My cute twin's birthday is October 11th. She's growing up ;_; Finally 20 years old. <3 

I hope you like this <3 ~ It wasn't planned, but I squeezed it in just for you honey. :3

Lots of Love,

Your evil twin.

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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD