
The heart he sank and launched.

With full stomachs, satisfied appetites and a boost of energy the two left the restaurant. Chaima still felt bad for making Onew treat her and had protested while paying. Lee Jinki, being the kind person he was, told her that she should consider it as a repayment for taking care of his mother all this time. She couldn't agree to this, because the woman in question had done so much for her in return. Although the girl didn't admit it to her friends nor Lee Jinhee, she missed her family a lot. Especially when she was alone and had time to think about them.

As they walked. the two noticed that the sun was already setting. Winter was coming soon and the shorter days and dropping temperature notified them of that. The fresh scent of a passed rain shower lingered in the air and the brunette inhaled deeply, enjoying the cold air that smelt of grass and trees. The occasional puddle of water on the ground and the dripping leaves were the traces left by mother nature's shower. Chaima didn't bother to avoid them as she stepped directly into a puddle of water with her boots as she walked.

Onew however was careful not to soak his sneakers as they weren't as water repellant as the girl's shoes. He didn't have the time nor patience to deal with soaked shoes, socks and feet for the while they walked. Keeping clean and dry would also save him the trouble later. The brunette had noticed that the male was avoiding the puddles she happily stepped in. Amused by his repulsion in getting dirty, she made sure to hop into the next puddle, splattering the mixture of mud, dirt and water all around and staining her black boots. From the corner of her eye, she watched Onew slightly jump back.

"Yah!" He roared at her.

Chaima looked back at him with a coy smile, only to burst into laughter at his creased eyebrow. Even with the scarf and cap barricading most of his face, she could see the irritation he expressed by the crease his eyebrows created and the look he gave her. Onew clacked his tongue, uttering a 'tch' while burrying his hands in the pockets of his coat as he started walking again. He would get his revenge, soon. Chaima mistook his action as anger and tried to stop her laughter. She followed him still giggling after and made a small run for it to catch up.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, Dubu-sshi." She apologised.

Onew side glanced at the girl and arched an eyebrow at the giggling figure. Though he wasn't mad at her in the first place, a pretense wouldn't hurt as a revenge, right? He nodded mentally as he arched an eyebrow at the girl. He fastened his pace, leaving the girl a few steps behind once again. She overtook him once again and this time, had stopped laughing. She wore an expression showing in slight regret and apology. Her smile had faded as well as she examined the figure that walked beside her. Onew however, only paid attention to the front as he walked.

"Are you mad?" She asked.

When she didn't get any response, Chaima abruptly stopped right in front of him looking straight at him. Onew hadn't predicted a sudden action like this to occur and was quite taken aback when he had to stop in order to prevent a collision with the girl. Slightly surprised he gazed at her, but didn't speak a word. The girl's expression had changed slightly. She seemed to hesitate while still flashing him her apologetic eyes. The idol once again found amusement in her behaviour. She was quite different from the average girl he met which made it all more enjoyable to watch how she reacted to certain situations.

"Oppa, I'm sorry."

The man blinked at the younger woman's apology and stood silently for a moment, taking in the scene he had witnessed. Although she didn't try or mean to be cute at all, the whole scene of her apology seemed so endearing. He did a desperate attempt into keeping himself from smiling at her and knew he succeeded when he saw the girl rub the back of her neck as she let out a sigh. Her next words though, caused the frown to return to his expression.

"Tch. What a temper." 

He saw her frown as well and couldn't help himself at the next action he committed. Onew pulled his hands out of his pockets and with a swift movement, took hold of both sides of her face between his thumb and index finger. The brunettes cheeks were pulled until he heard complaining yelps coming from her. The moment Chaima saw the smirk on the male's face, she pulled back her own hand to land an agonising punch in his abdomen. The groan she received in return and the release of the grip on her face, was the result she took satisfaction in.

"I am never going to apologise again, you acting idiot." She growled.

With a jerk, she her heel walking into the direction they were previously heading in. She could hear a light laughter from behind her, but continued walking even when her lips curled into a small smile. When she felt some weight on her shoulders, wrapping around her neck, Chaima's eyes widened in alarm as she let out a surprised squeal. The weight forced her body to bend forward as the arm wrapped around her neck, holding her head in place. She felt the pressure of a knuckle digging into her skull. 


"What did you say, Ramyun-nim?" Chaima heard the male ask.

The playful voice she heard made her kick at his leg, but to her aggravation he evaded her attempts in time. 

"Let go!" She demanded as she attempted to bury her elbow in his stomach. Her arm was caught in time though.

"Let's not force my dinner out, shall we?" He suggested with a laugh.

Chaima was released and she turned to Onew with a scowl whereas the receiver of her glare just returned the expression with a smile.

"Now we're even."


After the quarrel, the two ended up on a playground where Chaima and Onew agreed to occupy the swings for a while. The 'fight' had taken more of their energy than it was supposed to, so a rest was quite convenient for both. On the swings they ended up talking about each other's lives and Onew's work. He said he rarely talked to anyone about it other than colleagues and the staff at the company. The idol asked Chaima's opinion as a spectator on certain things to which the girl responded sincerely and with utmost honesty. 

After the conversation another round of jokes and laughter was shared eventually leading into a competition on who could swing the highest. They were quite head on head as eventually Chaima was ahead of the elder male. The challenging smirk she sent to him, made his competitive flame burn even bigger. With a jerk he leaned back to thrash the swing forward. The force he put in was too big though, causing him to slide backwards when the swing was back at its lowest point. With a pain filled groan he collided into the ground.

Chaima who witnessed the scene came into a halt immediately and jumped off the swing to make her way to the male. He was about to get up while his swing was still swaying around violently. Chaima pushed him back to the floor by the shoulders while she ducked as well to avoid the seating that was close to hitting her head. She felt it graze by her head, pushing her curled hair lightly. Her eyes were pinched afraid that it would really connect and she hadn't ducked low enough. When she had felt it pass her, she opened her eyes as she exhaled in relief only to be surprised by the situation she was in.

Noticing the closeness between her and Onew's faces, her eyes widened immensely. Their faces were in opposite directions, but their eyes were at the same level. Her nose almost touched his forehead as his was that close as well. She could hear Onew's breathing clearly as silence had fallen. His eyes were widened about the same amount as hers. Seconds after opening her eyes and realising the situation, she jerked backwards to create a safe distance. He as well got up, but turned around as a pained growl was heard from the girl.

The swing had returned to swing forward again and came to a stop when it collided with quite an impact into the girls head. Chaima who was on her knees then doubled over holding her head as curses escaped her lips. 

Author's note

Let's end it here for today 8'D~ I'll have you guys being tortured with a slight cliffhanger. Bwahahaha. I'm evil I know. And a little action scene on Chaima bullying our Tofu leader again. Yeah!

Anyhows~ 350 views~ I love you guys. Thank you so much<3 

Please please please comment! I love hearing your opinions.

Lots of love,


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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD