You can't, because I can't.

The heart he sank and launched.

The night was cold, with a breeze seeming so gentle blowing through the leaves. The truth however was that the gentle breeze was eerily cold, enough to make one shiver from the bone. And the brunette did. Her suppressed shiver went unnoticed by the singer, she was walking side by side with, so they walked on step by step into the silent night. Only the whistles of the wind and the rusting of their steps disturbed the silent of the night. None spoke a word for the first few minutes, expecting the other to speak up. In uncomfortable yet harmonious silence, they kept stepping. They walked through two streets before Onew uttered a sound. It were not words that left his lips though, but a familiar gentle humming of a song that soothed her ears.


The brunette walked silently, enjoying the melody until it dawned on her what song she was listening to. Unconsciously she sang the lyrics to the song in whisper under her breath and by the sound of it, Onew realised she knew them by heart. His whistling came to a halt, leaving Chaima's low murmured singing hung in the air. As soon as the girl realised it, which was two lines after, she swallowed the rest of the lyrics and glanced at the man beside her in embarrassment. Her eyes took note of the smile gracing the idol's features and that smile carried pride and amusement that was directed to her. 


"Why did you stop?" He asked, almost in a childish whine. "I wanted to hear more."

"You can't." Was her quick response as she turned her head away from his gaze.

"Why?" He asked the expected question as she trailed the lines of the tiles with her eyes.

"Because." she murmured.


"Because." She repeated, this time a little firmer.

"Because what?" he inquired. 

"Because I can't."

"I can't, because you can't?"  He wondered out loud.

She nodded her head in response. "You can't, because I can't."


As if reading her mind, Onew realised what she was trying to say. Taking her hand without hesitation, he took the lead to her towards the place in his mind. Chaima had no idea what went through the young man's mind, as he didn't speak a word. Even when she objected by words, but not in body language. For once, she let the man push her around, unlike the times it would backfire at him as she wasn't quite the type to let that happen to her. She might be a girl, but she was never, ever fragile or easily to push around. This one time though, she allowed her barriers to drop with the curiosity taking over her conscious and responsible mind. Her mother would have scolded her badly if they knew, she noted in mind and suppressed a giggle. 


After a while of walking, Onew ordered her to close her eyes and she complied after a few questioning gazes and no responses in return. He had just spoken two words. "Trust me." And she did. After closing her eyes, the girl felt two hands landing on her shoulders, leading her uphill on what she guessed to be a sand path. She lost count of how much time had passed and nervously and curiously wondered in mind what this guy wanted her to see. He seemed eager. And although she hadn't been able to see the expression on his face clearly, Chaima could read from his mood and gestures that he was excited and anxious. Whatever he was planning, her curiosity was already in his grasp. 


"Open your eyes."

The dreaded words came before they even stopped walking, thus Chaima hadn't expected them. It took her a few seconds to process the order, 4 to be exact, and once she did she blinked and curiously looked around. What she saw, though, was an ordinary hill with trees and bushes in front of her. Although she had no idea what she expected, she knew that this was definitely not it. She walked a few more steps, cautiously now wondering if this was some kind of joke or prank. A glance behind her confirmed that it was Lee Jinki, the son of the lady next door, that brought her here, not some suspicious person or weird junky. 


The figure standing closely behind her however, was illuminated strangely, but breathtakingly. His eyes twinkled even more and the handsome features on his face, were graced with a yellow and blue light, that also rayed sweetly through his hair. Chaima had to blink several times, in order to make sure she wasn't dreaming. He looked like a figure from a fairytale or movie. The man in question took a step to the side, allowing the girl to see the source of the illumination. Her eyes widened in awe and her breathing hitched, coming to a stop at the magnificent sight in front of her.


She saw the hill they walked up and wondered how her feet didn't give up on her, noting how far they actually had walked. The fields were filled with blue orchids, with the sand path running through it, until it reached the two of them. Behind the flower field was the city she had moved to not long ago, with twinkling lights giving the scene a gorgeous glow. The light reflected on the petals of the flowers, making it seem like magic was cast on them. Chaima squinted her eyes, blinking often as if to convince herself she wasn't dreaming.


"And? What do you think?" She heard an excited voice ask her from over her shoulder.

Without turning her gaze away from the scene, she started her response with an embarrassing stutter. "W-well I... th-think..."

"You think?" the singer teased.

Hearing the provoking edge in the man's voice, Chaima turned her head, only to be met by Jinki's illuminated face, that one again awed her. She was silent for a moment, to build up her mental barriers again, before constructing a snarky remark.

"I think you're a goof and hopeless romantic idiot, for bringing me here." She came back. "What were we doing here again?" 


Onew seemed quite taken aback by her comeback, but grinned contently keeping in mind that this girl was quite unpredictable. His eyes fell on the seen as hers never left his complexion. She watched his expression change into a thoughtful one, deeply mesmerised by either the sight in front of him or whatever was in his mind. A few moments passed again in silence and he started to hum for a few minutes. It was the same melody and at this point, Chaima was quite lost on what to do or what to expect, so she waited patiently.


The gentle sound of his voice came to a halt again and was replaced by words.

"You know. I think your voice, whether you tease, lecture, mock, shout..."

"Your point?" Chaima asked after hearing the mockery towards her.

"... talk, whisper or sing Colorful, is adorable." Jinki continued as if he was never disturbed.

The words made Chaima's mouth fall open and her eyebrows arch in a way they never had,

"... Come again?" 

"I like your voice Bae Chaima. So be proud of it."


Lost. Strayed. Frozen. Numbed. Paralyzed. Shocked. Were there more words to describe the state of chaotic panic in her mind? Probably too many. Without even waiting for a response, the man's eyes squinted to crescents and a smile donned his expression. He faced her before turning back to the scene.


"You know what I feel like when I stand here?" He asked. "As if I am on stage. With every Orchid representing a fan and every light the petals reflect representing the fanlights. The illuminated audience is one of the most breathtaking scenes in the world, but it is also the scariest."

"You had stage fright?" Chaima asked curiously, wondering whether she had grasped the meaning of his words.

"Have." he corrected. "I learned how to take pride in my voice, despite hating it at first and who I am, by standing here, singing to the world, without their knowledge. Only these flowers were my witnesses. Although they withered every year, they kept returning, gifting me with the confidence. They bloomed and were always there for me to sing to them. To perform for them."

The silence that followed gave the brunette the chance to talk. "Why?... I mean why did you...ha- dislike your voice."


"I hated it. Because it was weird. Strange. Different. But now it's become my charm." The cheesy smile that followed earned Onew a slap to the shoulder and a giggle followed. Soon after however, he turned to Chaima, taking a step closer to her. The girl, despite feeling uncomfortable, stood her ground and didn't back away.


"Just like how your curly hair, your soft and squishy cheeks and your straightforward personality are yours. And of course the voice that lets itself free into the world. Whether it teases, lectures, mocks, shouts..."


"... talks, whispers or sings Colorful." Another smile followed at the end of the sentence, with a hidden hint of mischief underneath. 

Being an expert in the field of mischief, mockery and teasing, Chaima immediately noticed it and shot the man a warning glare. "In the end, you're just making fun of me aren't you?"


The shake of his head seemed very untruthful, until the man spoke out the mind, Chaima would probably never understand.


"No Ramyeon-ah. This is me telling you, that well... I'm captivated."

"By?" The girl asked impatiently, with a raised eyebrow.

"Your voice that teases, lectures, ...."


"... mocks, shouts, talks​..."


"....whispers or sings Colorful."


"Lee Jinki, stop talking in riddles and tell me what the hell you're- ..."


The words were interrupted by a weight pressing onto her lips and breathing, not being her own, caressing the skin of her face. Wide eyed, she stared as the man pulled back, but was forced forward once again as the brute girl pulled him back by the collar of his shirt, to continue what he started, on the hill where he once again sank her heart to her shoes and launched beyond the skies moments after.

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majin88 #1
Chapter 6: so much fun while reading this chapter... Haha, update soon ><
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. xD
hoidere #3
Love this!!!!
Saenan #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the comments everyone <3
Chapter 5: It was really cute~ i hope you'll be able to update soon and thank you, author-nim~ ♡
Chapter 1: 143... I love you?? ^^

Woah your story is really well-written~ thank you~ ♡
Okay i'll continue reading now~
majin88 #7
Chapter 4: I do jealous with Chaima XD (????) hauaahaha.. And it's okay author-nim your story was good. Update soon okay ;D ?!
Chapter 4: Your story was really good. :D
I love Onew with a passion, so just a story about him reminds me why I love him. :D
majin88 #9
Chapter 3: Is Bae Chaima korean ? Because her name sounds like one, haha just curious :p Onew.. Onew.. I miss him out of blue /slapXD/ update soon please !! xD